Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2000, Publicación: 89ª reunión CIT (2001)

Convenio sobre las relaciones de trabajo en la administración pública, 1978 (núm. 151) - Isla de Man

Otros comentarios sobre C151

  1. 2009
Solicitud directa
  1. 2014
  2. 2004
  3. 2001
  4. 2000
  5. 1999

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The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its first report.

Article 4 of the Convention. The Committee refers the Government to the previous direct request sent on the application of Convention No. 98 concerning the following issues: (a) the extension of the legal protection against anti-union discrimination in the course of employment, to dismissal and other prejudicial acts, in particular the need to provide sufficiently effective and dissuasive sanctions for such discrimination; and (b) the request by the Committee to be kept informed of any progress regarding the review of the industrial relations legislation.

Article 5. The Committee notes the Government’s comment regarding the ability of any union alleging an act of interference by a public authority to seek redress in the High Court. The Committee requests more information on the legal provisions for seeking such redress and on the sanctions available.

Article 7. The Committee requests more information concerning the collective agreements concluded in the public service.

Article 9. The Committee takes note of the Government’s statement that public employees have the same civil and political rights as other workers in respect of the normal exercise of freedom of association. The Committee also notes that the Government refers in its report to the Isle of Man Civil Service Regulations and to the civil servants’ Code of Conduct. The Committee asks the Government to forward a copy of these regulations as well as a copy of the Code of Conduct.

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