Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 1992, Publicación: 79ª reunión CIT (1992)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo, 1947 (núm. 81) - Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) (Ratificación : 1973)

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Further to its previous comments, the Committee notes the report transmitted by the Government and the information supplied to the Conference Committee in 1990.

Article 5 of the Convention. The Committee has taken note of the indications as to coordination between the labour inspection services and other services such as medical, social security and police services and the existing communication between employers' and workers' organisations. The Committee would emphasise the importance of collaboration between officials of the labour inspectorate and employers and workers or their organisations and it would be grateful if the Government would inform it of the forms and mechanisms through which cooperation with those services and organisations is maintained in practice.

Article 6. The Committee has taken note of the Labour Inspectorate Regulations (Ministerial Resolution No. 346/87 of 1987), a copy of which has been sent to the ILO and which provides inter alia for the guarantee to inspectors of the stability of employment and independence required by the Convention. In that connection, whereas in the information supplied at the 1990 Conference it was reported that the Regulations had come into force in February 1990, the Government states in its report that the Regulations have not yet come into force for administrative reasons. The Committee asks the Government to clarify this question and to supply detailed information on the difficulties encountered in applying this Article of the Convention.

Articles 10, 11, 16, 20 and 21. The Committee takes note of the very brief information given in the report, which refers to a small wage increase granted to the inspectors and certain new inspectorate premises in the city of La Paz. The Government also states that the annual inspection reports will shortly be published and distributed in keeping with the resources of the sectoral budget.

The Committee understands the problems mentioned by the Government in connection with the disastrous situation of the economy and the consequences of a severe programme of structural adjustment adopted in 1985. On the other hand, it points out once more that the annual reports are essential in order to evaluate the practical results of the inspectorate's activities: this is the only way to decide on the right measures to take in order to ensure that inspection visits are carried out, in accordance with the Convention, as often and as thoroughly as is necessary to ensure the effective application of the relevant legal provisions; and that the number of inspectors and the resources supplied to them are sufficient. The Committee expresses the hope that the Government will supply information about any development in the application of this aspect of the Convention.

[The Government is asked to supply full information to the Conference at its 79th Session.

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