Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 1991, Publicación: 78ª reunión CIT (1991)

Convenio sobre la inspección del trabajo (agricultura), 1969 (núm. 129) - Marruecos (Ratificación : 1979)

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The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in response to its previous direct request concerning Article 6(1)(c) and Article 19(2) of the Convention, as well as information concerning collaboration between the inspectors and the employers' and workers' organisations (Article 13). The Committee once more asks that the Government provide the following information:

Article 16(3). Please indicate by what measures inspectors have to notify employers and workers of their presence for an inspection visit, unless they consider such notification would be prejudicial.

Article 17. Please state in what cases and under what provisions labour inspection services in agriculture are associated in measures of preventive control.

Article 18. Please indicate the provisions conferring upon labour inspectors the powers to make orders provided for in paragraph 2(a) and (b) of this Article and the procedures for exercising such powers. Please indicate, alternatively, the authority recognised as competent to make orders under paragraph 3 of this Article and the procedure followed. Please also state how employers and workers' representatives are made aware of steps taken under this Article in order to give effect to paragraph 4.

Articles 26 and 27. The Committee notes that the reports on the activities of the inspection service in agriculture during 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990 have not been received by the ILO. The Committee hopes that reports will be communicated in the time-limits laid down by the Convention and that they will contain information on all the subjects listed under Article 27.

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