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Individual Case (CAS) - Discussion: 2024, Publication: 112nd ILC session (2024)

Discussion by the Committee

Chairperson – I invite the Government representative of El Salvador, the Ministerial Office adviser, to take the floor.
Government representative – Chair, members of the Committee and other tripartite representatives present in the room, I convey a fraternal greeting from El Salvador. I also convey warm greetings on behalf of President Nayib Bukele and the Minister of Labour, Rolando Castro.
As a founding Member, we respect the international Conventions of the ILO, its Constitution and its supervisory bodies, which include this Committee. Accordingly, in view of the importance of this Committee, we have come to present our report on the effect given to the Convention.
In the first place, we wish to recall that El Salvador is undergoing a process of deep-rooted transformation. For decades, the country was buried under the scourge of crime and gangs. And whole generations suffered from the strife and violations caused by these groups.
By way of illustration, according to official figures, in 2015, the murder rate was as high as 106 murders for every 100,000 inhabitants, and for much of that time we were the most violent country in the world. This had a far-reaching effect on our social fabric, giving rise to family break-ups, irregular migration, worsening poverty, unemployment and informality. It also had an important impact on culture, leisure and education. Generations of young persons were not able to continue their studies for security reasons and because they were recruited by these groups.
What I want to say is that in El Salvador, there were generations of children and young persons who did not know what it was to play freely in parks or to meet up with their friends in the street in front of their houses. Who did not know what it meant to visit their aunts and uncles or their grandparents, for fear of losing their lives.
Our society was so shaken by this problem that violence came to seem normal and we learned to survive with the permanent fear of being killed, suffering the death of a family member, a father, mother, child or brother or sister. The question always existed in the collective conscience of how many more generations we had to lose before El Salvador could overcome this problem. And let me tell you that the answer was never encouraging.
In El Salvador, we have grieved for the deaths of thousands of loved ones, young persons who were denied their future, girls who were humiliated with an overbearing barbarity that it would be difficult to describe in this forum. And we grieved for the deaths of trade unionists, workers and employers who were murdered by the gangs.
The Government of President Nayib Bukele has carried out a successful security plan, which has resulted in a dramatic reduction in delinquency and has reduced the murder rate to a minimum which places us as one of the safest countries in the hemisphere, which has allowed our population to breathe and to dream of being a free and prosperous country, with more and better jobs, and the full exercise of freedom of association and the right to organize.
In this context, it is very important for us to explain the situation in relation to the murders of Weder Arturo Meléndez Ramírez, who was employed by the municipality of San Salvador, and of Victoriano Abel Vega, who when alive was employed by the municipality of Santa Ana. As a State, we greatly regret both cases. Indeed, in the case of Mr Meléndez, it was the Government of El Salvador that lodged the complaint with the ILO, in our firm conviction that no murder of a trade unionist should go unpunished, for which reason we need international scrutiny to clarify the motives of the murder.
As we have indicated in our reports, there have already been results in the case. The investigations have found that the murder was carried out by members of gangs for reasons not related to his union activities. Based on the information gathered by the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Republic and the National Civil Police, we can inform you that exhaustive investigations have been carried out in both cases and we are now at the stage of being able to identify those responsible.
In the specific case of Mr Weder Meléndez, those involved were members of the revolutionary 18 gang. In the early morning of 20 October 2023, in a joint operation with the responsible authorities, 15 gang members were apprehended for the crime of aggravated homicide and unlawful association, including three persons accused of crimes committed in 2020 and 2021, with one of the cases being the murder of Mr Weder Meléndez. We will be providing the corresponding information to the Committee on Freedom of Association.
Every public policy has its pros and cons. The objective sought is the maximum social benefit. This commitment to security in the country has been carried out with the lowest number of civil and military victims possible, which has even given rise to surprise at the international level, but in particular has the support of the immense majority of citizens, who now see a safe environment. It is not us who are saying this, it is being said in the independent survey carried out by think tanks with various ideological leanings, universities and other observers of public opinion.
Now concerns are focusing on the economy and the cost of living, which is entirely normal. Before, the principal concern was to guarantee the fundamental right to life. Now we are in a second phase of ensuring decent employment opportunities. In that regard, based on a renewed agreement with the people of El Salvador, the Government is embarking on economic measures.
The fact of having a safe country is making it possible to promote internal and external tourism, attract investment, reduce the security costs of enterprises and offer conditions of legal security for employers and workers.
This economic and social challenge requires the collaboration of all actors and sectors. It requires the active participation of employers, workers, civil society organizations and all the citizens of El Salvador. It also requires the support and assistance of international organizations, such as the ILO.
Fortunately, this Governmental call for unity has been heard and heeded by all sectors. The people as a whole, unions and employers’ organizations have publicly expressed their support for the Government and the agreement to build a better El Salvador together.
We have accordingly promoted programmes to connect people who are seeking employment and persons who are in need of human talent, modernizing our public employment service and succeeding in placing thousands of workers every year.
Programmes have also been developed to support categories which face the greatest barriers to labour market access, such as single mothers, persons with disabilities, young persons in their first job and unemployed persons over 40 years of age.
We are implementing programmes of subsidies to finance the learning curve of these groups, such as an incentive for enterprises to recruit human talent from these groups. We have thousands of success stories from these programmes.
The national decent work prize has also been promoted and institutionalized to recognize good practices in giving effect to national and international labour standards. The philosophy of the prize is to establish it as a symbol of distinction for all enterprises, so that they all seek to achieve this standard, thereby promoting a culture of compliance with the law.
A national collective bargaining prize has also been introduced, which recognizes the capacity for dialogue between employers and workers for the establishment of better conditions of work, as collective bargaining is one of the primary expressions of freedom of association.
A process of institutional modernization has been promoted which has made it possible to standardize processes and bring services closer to their users through digital platforms, such as the opportunities platform, which is an important tool for the digitalization of services, such as employment placement, the registration of enterprises, the conclusion of individual employment contracts and internal work rules. Any person or enterprise can have access to our platform from anywhere in the country.
With a view to the protection of workers’ rights, we have launched special inspection programmes for the verification of occupational safety conditions in the construction sector, where there has been a high compliance rate with the reports issued, and inspection in the delivery platform sector, thereby achieving social guarantees for the occupational safety of workers. We have guaranteed the conditions of work of professional footballers and municipal employees, and we have ensured year after year the payment of the Christmas bonus.
Similarly, we have created the SOS Workers platform to receive complaints of harassment at work and ensure a response by a specialized team of trained inspectors, as well as from the general inspection service, which responds to all complaints through the various means available for this purpose.
We are about to launch a modern system of inspection with a view to ensuring, not only better conditions for inspectors, but also better facilities for employers and workers to manage their registers, comments and decisions.
We have taken action to combat irregular migration, knocking on doors and launching cooperative action with other countries, with recognition from various organizations.
At the national level, the El Salvador Pensions Institute has been created as a new institutionalized tripartite body that promotes compliance with international social welfare standards.
The Ministry of Labour has launched the design of the Labour Market Information System (SIMEL) as an important tool to give greater transparency to and democratize labour market data and to provide an evidence base for public policy measures. The SIMEL is a useful tool for employers, workers, universities, thinktanks and civil society in general.
We are grateful for ILO technical cooperation in the implementation of the SIMEL. This has made El Salvador into a regional reference point, as the first Central American country, and the second in Latin America, to have a labour information system which meets the standards of developed countries, as confirmed by the ILO.
This is only a sample of the progress achieved over the past five years in the field of labour. El Salvador is very committed to the ILO, as demonstrated by the recent ratification of five international labour Conventions. This had been a historical commitment to the working class and their ratification reflects the political commitment of our Government to international labour standards, which become a source of law to promote the development of better labour policies in the fields of social security, collective bargaining, maternity protection, occupational safety and health and the prevention of harassment and violence in the world of work. We have requested ILO technical cooperation for their application.
Freedom of association is respected in our country, as demonstrated by the existence of various mass manifestations or demonstrations of freedom of expression, in which the working class marched alongside other social movements without importance being given to the degree of affinity of the objectives pursued. These were not repressed or threatened in any way. Indeed, in its respect for freedom of association, the Government has provided a police presence to protect the safety of the participants, open their way along roads and enjoy the use of public spaces without any restrictions.
Moreover, taking into account the comments made concerning the period of validity of the credentials of trade unions, we have already indicated our intention to undertake a comprehensive reform of the Labour Code to extend its scope, and to review other trade union freedoms and rights which have been the subject of comments by the Committee of Experts. However, as it is not a rapid process, the Trade Union Office has been established. The Office has provided advice to unions on 12 278 occasions over the past year. In addition, 526 executive bodies of trade union confederations, federations and branches have been registered, of which 15 are for new trade union organizations, composed of six new federations, two new confederations, six new unions and one new branch union, which demonstrates the growth in the trade union movement in the country. The credentials were issued in an average of five working days, which is a reduction from the ten or 15 days reported previously.
As a country, we express our openness to dialogue and cooperation with the ILO. We are aware of the challenges that are present. We therefore undertake to continue working to overcome these challenges, and we will make efforts to comply with the constitutional requirements of the ILO, ratified Conventions, and of course we undertake to continue reporting the progress made.
We are convinced that we now have a conducive environment to promote the generation of opportunities for and the welfare of our population, and we accordingly invite all the social partners to unite for this purpose.
Employer members – First, we would like to give thanks for the report provided by the Government to the Committee. Congratulations on the many changes. However, unfortunately, we note that none of the changes reported are related to the comments made by the Committee of Experts or the Conference Committee.
Nevertheless, and over and above the explanations provided, we are bound to express deep concern at the situation that is prevailing in the country, a situation that is reflected in a certain way in the report of the Committee of Experts, which continues to emphasize serious failures of compliance by the Government, now with regard to the application of this Convention.
El Salvador ratified the Convention in 2006, and although it is the first time that a case concerning compliance with this Convention has been discussed by the Conference Committee, the Committee of Experts has made observations on six occasions since 2009, and only in 2023 we were discussing in this room the various violations identified in the report of the Committee of Experts concerning the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144), when reference was made to facts, omissions and circumstances that are clearly closely related to this case, that is with Convention No. 87, as recognized by the Committee of Experts, and which reveal an attitude of repeated incompliance by the Government, despite the intentions that it has expressed to comply fully and formally with the commitments taken on.
It is not out of place to emphasize that several of the facts related to this case were discussed in the context of the reports of the Committee of Experts on the failure to give effect to Convention No. 144, which have been discussed by this Committee on six occasions in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023, in which the issues were regrettably recurrent.
It is therefore relevant to recall some of the most pertinent conclusions formulated by this Committee at the Conference in 2023 in relation to issues related to freedom of association and action which amounts to acts preventing the lawful exercise of this right and interference that restricts or undermines it.
More precisely, at the beginning of those conclusions, as a first point, it urged the Government to immediately cease all acts of violence, threats, persecution, stigmatization, intimidation or any other form of aggression against individuals or organizations in connection with both the exercise of legitimate trade union activities and the activities of employers’ organizations, and adopt measures to ensure that such acts are not repeated, in particular for the National Business Association (ANEP) and its members. We have not heard any explanations from the Government on these issues, which we truly regret.
In this regard, the Conference Committee has maintained that full “respect for civil liberties is an essential prerequisite for freedom of association” and that the rights conferred upon workers’ and employers’ organizations can only be exercised in a context of respect and the guarantee of civil and political rights, such as freedom of expression, the safety of persons and the rights of defence and due process, as guaranteed by the prohibition of arbitrary detention. We regret that up to now the Government, to the prejudice of these liberties, has not taken the action required by this Committee and has not, in consultation with the social partners, taken each and every measure that it was urged to adopt by this Committee in 2023. We therefore call for this request to be repeated with a view to their urgent and immediate implementation. We need to take advantage of the good will expressed by the Government to ensure that they are given effect.
In addition, we have to request the Government to provide detailed information indicating the measures adopted to ensure that other acts of hostility and interference are not repeated against workers’ and employers’ organizations, and very particularly against the ANEP and its member organizations and leaders, and that the freedom of employers is fully respected to establish organizations of their own choosing, organize their administration and activities and formulate the programmes without hindrance and without interference by the public authorities.
The Employers also place great emphasis on our concern that, after so much time, we are continuing to see an absence of progress in the investigation of murders of trade union leaders, the proposed reform of the Penal Code and, in general, the lack of compliance with the commitments entered into freely with this Organization. For this reason, it is necessary to send a direct contacts mission to ensure full compliance with the Conventions that have up to now been unjustifiably pending.
The Government has indicated that it is always ready to receive the support of organizations such as the ILO and this proposal goes along with the interest in compliance indicated by the Government, even though there has not been any progress in the measures adopted.
Merely to emphasize the relevance of this request, we wish to recall that the Government, in its statement last year, reaffirmed that it would be “unshakeable in [its] support for the principles of ILO standards”, so that the support of the Organization and its specialists will be key.
With regard to Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention, we echo the request made by the Committee of Experts and we urge the Government to adopt the necessary measures.
With reference to the comments of the Committee of Experts in relation to the right to strike, we make no comment. We recall our position on this subject and we ask for it not to be referred to in the Committee’s conclusions.
We note a series of violations that require urgent action. In particular, we call on the Government to make greater efforts and to make progress with the proposed legislative reform.
The Employers note the references made by the Government to a series of constitutional and legislative reforms, including a reform of the Labour Code which, according to what we are told, is under examination by the Legislative Assembly. In this regard, we request the Government to provide detailed information on the content and stage of the parliamentary examination of these reforms, as well as on the processes of consultation undertaken with the representative organizations of employers and workers.
We also take note of the references made by the Government to credentials and registers, but we nevertheless urge it, in consultation with the organizations, to take the necessary measures to revise the rules applicable to registration of the executive bodies in order to guarantee the right of organizations to be established freely.
We once again give thanks to the Government of El Salvador for the information provided and we emphasize our enormous concern at this case, in which the situations discussed on the basis of the report of the Committee of Experts have been continuing for a long time and require the Government’s urgent attention, and follow up by this Committee and the other ILO supervisory mechanisms. Of greater importance, and indeed urgency, is for the Government to receive ILO technical assistance to strengthen its capacities and hold effective consultations with the most representative and independent employers’ and workers’ organizations.
Before ending, we would like to inform the Committee that we have noted other issues that reveal an attitude that is the contrary of the one indicated by the Government to us, of the unshakeable commitment to the values and principles of the ILO that it vaunts, a turn of phrase which makes us very calm. But there is no coherence between what the Government says and what is happening.
Thirty years ago, the El Salvador Institute for Vocational Training (INSAFORP) was created, which is tripartite in composition and financed through employers’ contributions of 1 per cent of the payroll in the formal sector. This institution has recently been abolished by the Government, in December last year, and replaced by a new one, currently only under the management of the Government, without the involvement of the social partners. Even though employers’ contributions are maintained, only 20 per cent of those resources will be used for training. This reveals a series of problems in itself, as the participation has been ended of workers and employers, and the proportion of funding assigned to aspects relating to training has been reduced.
I reserve the right to make certain additional comments in my second intervention.
Worker members – This is the ninth consecutive time that our Committee has examined a case from El Salvador. In the past nine years, we have analysed compliance with Convention No. 87 on two occasions, in 2015 and 2016, although with another Government.
In our last analysis of El Salvador, regarding issues related to Convention No. 144, the Workers’ group noted some progress made by the Government. In particular, we welcomed the ratification of several ILO Conventions in response to demands from Salvadoran trade union organizations. Many of these positive steps were a consequence of the High-Level Tripartite Mission of the ILO that took place in May 2022. However, since then, we regret that several commitments made by the Government have not been fulfilled.
The Committee of Experts once again mentions the lack of concrete progress regarding the murder of union leader Victoriano Abel Vega in 2010. The Committee on Freedom of Association has also urged the Government and the competent authorities to make every effort to identify and punish those materially and intellectually responsible for this crime.
For several years, the Committee of Experts has requested the Government to take the necessary measures to review various constitutional and legislative provisions that do not comply with the Convention. Among the legislative changes recommended by the Committee of Experts are Articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution and section 73 of the Civil Service Law, which exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to unionize. Also, section 211 of the Labour Code establishes the need for a minimum of 35 members to form a workers’ union.
Additionally, the requirement to be Salvadoran by birth to be a member of a union’s board of directors hinders the organization of migrant workers, particularly in sectors where they are more present, such as the construction industry and agricultural work.
One of the greatest obstacles to the exercise of trade union freedom, and which has been the subject of conclusions by our Commission for several years, is the requirement established in the Labour Code that obliges workers’ organizations to renew the composition of their boards of directors every 12 months. For many workers’ organizations, the credential extension process lasts up to nine months, causing various hardships, including the inability to request labour inspections, not being authorized to collect union dues, the immobilization of their bank accounts, and even the inability to negotiate collectively.
The Committee on Freedom of Association has made specific recommendations regarding the excessive requirements for the registration and delivery of credentials to union executive councils, such as the submission of copies of unique identity documents and pay stubs to verify that board members are Salvadoran by birth or to verify the type of contract with the worker. But to date, none of these recommendations have been implemented.
The Government indicates that the aforementioned constitutional and legislative reforms, including a reform of the Labour Code, are under study in the Legislative Assembly. However, it is very concerning that the Labour Committee of the Legislative Assembly was dissolved on 1 June 2024, ten days ago. To date, it is not known which of the new committees will handle the issues that were previously under the jurisdiction of that committee. Therefore, any reform of the legislation or the Constitution that was with the dissolved committee could be shelved, as often happens in such cases.
At the June 2023 meeting, our Committee urged the Government to reactivate the full functioning of the Higher Labour Council and other tripartite bodies. In particular, it requested the Government to ensure the development and adoption of clear, objective, predictable, and legally binding standards to guarantee their effective and independent functioning, without any external interference.
However, according to information we have received from the country’s social partners, the Higher Labour Council has not met since its session on 5 May 2022, when it was attended by the High-Level Tripartite Mission of the ILO.
Moreover, in other tripartite instances, such as the Salvadoran Social Security Institute, there has been no union representation since June 2023. The INSAFORP has been completely dissolved, and in its place, a new organization has been created with only Government representation.
The effective application of the Convention by El Salvador remains deficient. Serious legislative restrictions and practices continue to limit trade union freedom and the right of workers to organize. Excessive bureaucratic requirements and the lack of genuine social dialogue have hindered the development of a truly free and autonomous trade union environment.
Therefore, it is urgent for the Government to take concrete measures to eliminate these barriers and to ensure that all workers, without discrimination, can fully exercise their freedom of association rights.
Worker member, El Salvador – We thank the Government, workers and employers and the spokespersons of the respective groups for their reports and the positions that they have shared.
I am speaking today on behalf of the Trade Union Unity Confederation of El Salvador, the organization that brings together the vast majority of legally accredited trade union organizations, federations and confederations in El Salvador, which represent the authentic trade union movement and the comprehensive principles of trade unionism in El Salvador.
Firstly, the labour movement deplores the murder in 2020 of our colleague and trade union leader Weder Arturo Meléndez Ramírez, and we have asked the Government to clarify the circumstances of his death and ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice. We would like to acknowledge the exhaustive investigations undertaken by the competent authorities which have resulted in the murderers being identified and subsequently detained. We hope that their roles in his murder will be determined in accordance with the law and sentences handed down in line with their crimes, and that the Government will monitor the case and ensure that it reaches a conclusion. We have the same hopes for the case of Victoriano Abel Vega.
In our view, this is representative of freedom of association in El Salvador. While we regret the historic level of endemic evil of the gangs in our country that claimed so many victims, including colleagues in the trade union movement, the security measures implemented in response are also strengthening the full exercise of freedom of association.
As the authentic trade union movement, we would like to recognize the manner in which the Government of El Salvador has confronted crime head-on, how it is liberating our country from the cancer of the gangs that for so many years brought pain and grief to the families of El Salvador. We are the ones who witnessed many of our work colleagues and family members die at the hands of the gangs, it was our worker colleagues who risked their lives day after day to go to work or to carry out their daily activities. The increase in security therefore principally benefits workers and their families, as well as society as a whole. It also provides a secure environment for trade union activity.
Proof of this is that on 1 May 2024, for the second consecutive year following the COVID19 pandemic, we organized a mass march in memory of the martyrs who, throughout history, have given their lives to improve working conditions.
I wish to remind you, particularly the trade union representatives who have been here for many years, that this was not possible five or ten years ago due to the repression of the trade union movement. Back then, however, those persons who now claim that the situation is serious did not raise their voices to denounce what was happening. We would like to think that this was because they felt the same fear as us, and not because they sought to benefit personally.
We can confirm that currently in El Salvador there is respect for trade union activity, free from repression, allowing the trade union movement to participate in dialogue bodies to contribute to the country’s economic and social development. It is therefore deeply regrettable that there are movements that promote hate speech both nationally and in the international community under the banner of trade unionism.
We wish to emphasize that, as the authentic trade union movement, we do not support the actions of a small group of trade unionists who have made death threats against public officials or those who have used intimidation for political and private purposes, which does not reflect trade union values. We believe that it is important to promote dialogue and partnership, and we therefore urge the Government to continue with the measures implemented in that regard.
Last year, in this very place, the representative of the Trade Union Unity Confederation of El Salvador highlighted the hypocrisy of the employer representatives, who were using and politicizing this forum. In our view, this has evolved from an inconvenience into a source of frustration, as private newspapers in El Salvador have published large numbers of reports of accusations apparently made by the trade union movement, but that are in fact voiced by a minority sponsored by the ANEP. The articles even report that there have been meetings with ILO bodies, but the authentic trade union movement has not been included in those forums. I therefore repeat our call from a year ago for the authentic trade union movement to be included in international discussion forums and those relating to El Salvador.
We welcome the acknowledgement of trade union work at the national level through the recognition of measures to promote decent work and collective bargaining.
We urge the Government to continue its strategy to secure economic growth focusing on employment generation. As the authentic working class, we will always focus on the progress of the most disadvantaged groups, and we are confident that an environment of security is a determining factor in promoting economic growth. We therefore encourage the representatives of employers who have yet to join those national efforts to leave party political interests to one side and give greater support for development.
We also ask the Government to ratify the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), as we are committed to fighting for continuous improvements in the safety and health of our worker colleagues. At the same time, we appreciate the progress made in this area by employers in the construction sector who have taken heed of the workers’ recommendations and requests, with a reduction in the number of accidents in this sector over the past year, thereby illustrating the will to respect workers’ fundamental rights and regulate labour relations to bring about and maintain industrial peace.
We acknowledge the creation of the SIMEL, the first such system in Central America and the second in Latin America, which serves to democratize information and render it transparent, thereby contributing to decision-making.
We call on employers, workers and the Government to engage in ongoing dialogue in accordance with the principles of transparency, respect and mutual recognition in order to achieve the shared vision of improving working conditions for the workers of El Salvador, guaranteeing labour stability and freedom of association.
We call for the reforms of the current Labour Code to be promoted to ensure that the legal status of trade unions is recognized in a timely manner. We welcome the efficient delivery of credentials by the National Department of Social Organizations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare as a result of the establishment of the Trade Union Office, the advice and guidance of which has assisted our trade union colleagues in receiving their credentials within five to ten days.
Honourable members of the Committee, on behalf of the Trade Union Unity Confederation of El Salvador I can say with certainty that, although there remain challenges in our legal framework, trade unionism in El Salvador is growing, with increasing numbers of trade unions, branches and federations joining us, which fills us with hope.
As worker representatives, we reaffirm our commitment to working together to create decent working conditions, thereby bringing about a better El Salvador, and we reiterate our urgent call on other trade unions, employers’ organizations and the Government to refrain from political discourse that serves only to hinder concerted national action.
We also reiterate our fraternal request to international workers’ organizations and ILO bodies to listen to the united trade union movement as a whole, rather than smaller representative bodies. Finally, we invite the Government and the ILO to agree on the technical assistance measures needed to address our requests and strengthen the positive progress that we have recognized.
Government member, Belgium – I have the honour to speak on behalf of the European Union (EU) and its Member States. The candidate countries, Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, and the European Free Trade Association country, Norway, member of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this statement.
The EU and its Member States are committed to the respect, protection, and fulfilment of human rights, including labour rights. We promote universal ratification and effective implementation of fundamental ILO Conventions and support the ILO in developing and promoting international labour standards and supervising their application.
The EU and its Member States stand with the people of El Salvador and are committed to strengthening our political and trade ties, as well as our important cooperation portfolio. The EU-Central America Association Agreement provides a framework for further developing our partnership, including through cooperation on trade, sustainable development and the effective implementation, in law and practice, of the fundamental ILO Conventions. Furthermore, we have established a Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Consultations, which will allow for intensified bilateral engagement and dialogue with El Salvador.
We note with concern the allegations brought forward by the ANEP concerning the defamation and intimidation of the organization and of its President. Despite the requests of the Committee on Freedom of Association and this Committee, which have already examined this issue in 2022 and 2023, continued interference by the Government with the organization is reported by the International Organisation of Employers in its submission of November 2022. We understand that open public hostilities against ANEP have ceased over the last year, nevertheless interference in the autonomy of the organisation continues. The previous acts of intimidation seem to have effectively diminished the role of the ANEP. We also note that no employers’ representative has been accredited as part of the delegation of El Salvador. We request the Government to indicate which measures it has taken to reestablish an open dialogue with the ANEP and to stop interfering in its activities.
Regrettably, we note the lack of tangible progress in the investigation of the murder of trade union leader Victoriano Abel Vega, and the lack of information on progress in the investigation into the murder of Weder Arturo Meléndez Ramírez, despite the continued requests of the Committee on Freedom of Association. We call on the Government to deploy all necessary efforts to identify the instigators and the perpetrators and conclude the investigation. In this regard, we note the Government’s proposal to reform the Criminal Code, with a view to improving the protection of freedom of association for trade union leaders and members. We echo the call of the Committee of Experts to provide information on the progress achieved on this matter.
We call on the Government to make meaningful progress on long-pending legislative reforms in order to amend several legislative and constitutional provisions, in consultation with the social partners, on all matters referred to by the Committee of Experts to abolish restrictions on freedom of association and the right to organize.
The Government indicates that several of the proposed constitutional and legislative reforms are under examination by the Legislative Assembly. The Government mentions the establishment of a Trade Union Office, which has facilitated the issuing of trade union credentials and registrations. We however echo the Committee’s call to stop the delayed issuing of credentials for workers’ and employers’ organizations, including the ANEP. We furthermore encourage the Government to simplify the requirements for the registration of unions and as regards the prison sector to ensure the full recognition of the right to organize of workers. We note and welcome the commitment of the Government to undertake these reforms and its intention to continue engaging in dialogue with the social partners.
The EU and its Member States remain committed to a joint constructive engagement with El Salvador, with the aim of strengthening the Government’s capacity to address the issues raised in the Committee of Experts’ report.
Government member, Mexico – I am making this intervention on behalf of a large majority of countries of the group of Latin American and Caribbean countries (GRULAC). We thank the Government of the Republic of El Salvador for the feedback provided in relation to compliance with the Convention. We appreciate the information provided on the investigation of the murder of trade unionist Mr Weder Arturo Meléndez and we encourage the Government of El Salvador to continue reinforcing measures for the legal protection of trade unionists in El Salvador.
We note the progress reported by the Government of El Salvador and we invite it to continue ensuring the legal security of workers and employers, and to bear in mind the provisions of the ILO Constitution and of its ratified Conventions in all the measures adopted at the national level.
We also give thanks for the information provided on the efforts made by the Government to make employment opportunities available to vulnerable groups and its commitment to give effect to the Conventions ratified in June 2022.
In light of the above, we welcome the commitment of the Government of El Salvador to the application of the Convention, and we encourage the ILO to continue providing technical cooperation to the Government of El Salvador.
Employer member, Colombia – First, it is important to take into consideration the fact that this is the seventh time that compliance by El Salvador with ILO Conventions has been examined by this Committee. Now it is Convention No. 87. Last year the Committee adopted a series of conclusions, but regrettably the most serious issues raised by the Employers have persisted.
In this regard, I would like to refer to two aspects of the case.
In its report on compliance with Convention No. 87, the Committee of Experts refers to Convention No. 144, and particularly Article 2, which sets out the commitment to hold effective tripartite consultations and is fundamentally based on social dialogue, which is an essential means of developing joint proposals by workers, employers and the Government.
We reiterate that it is of the greatest importance for consultations to be held in a context of good faith and trust, in which employers and workers are able to express their views, analysis and proposals to achieve true agreements and move forward in the quest to improve industrial relations through social dialogue. These consultations can only be carried out in respect of the freedom of employers’ organizations, which requires the Government to recognize the ANEP as the most representative organization of employers in El Salvador.
Second, in relation to the representatives of workers and employers, it is important to emphasize that they have to be freely elected and be represented on an equal footing, as set out in Convention No. 87 and Convention No. 144 in Article 3.
The Committee of Experts has indicated repeatedly that it is for workers’ and employers’ organizations to determine the conditions for the election of their leaders, and that the authorities should refrain from any undue interference in the exercise of this right.
In view of the above, we note with concern that the Government, on the one hand, is continuing to disregard the ANEP as the most representative organization of employers in El Salvador and, on the other, has not accredited employers to participate in this conference, in disregard for the spirit of the ILO Constitution and thereby denying the right of the most representative organization of employers to nominate its delegates.
This violation forms part of an environment in El Salvador in which freedoms are denied, and particularly freedom of association.
In conclusion, we request the Government, in respect for and compliance with Convention No. 87, and with ILO technical assistance, to respect freedom of association and to recognize the ANEP as the most representative employers’ organization.
Government member, Paraguay – In the first place, Paraguay recognizes the work carried out by the Government of the Republic of El Salvador in providing information on compliance with the Convention.
Paraguay also appreciates the efforts made and all the measures adopted to investigate the murder of the trade unionist Mr Weder Meléndez and urges the Government of El Salvador to continue guaranteeing the lawful protection of trade unionists.
We also welcome the progress described by the Government of El Salvador in aligning its action with the provisions of the ILO Constitution and ratified Conventions.
We further emphasize the information provided on the initiatives adopted for the provision of employment opportunities for vulnerable groups and the commitment to give effect to the Conventions ratified in June 2022.
Finally, we appreciate the commitment of El Salvador to give effect to the Convention and we encourage the ILO to continue providing technical cooperation to all Members to make progress in the application of the various Conventions.
Employer member, Honduras – As employer representatives, we are concerned at the direction in which social dialogue in El Salvador is heading, away from respect for the most representative employers’ and workers’ organizations, and the failure to acknowledge that social dialogue is the only mechanism that can contribute to legitimizing and strengthening democracy.
The ILO must promote institutionalized dialogue and social partnership to build consensus that facilitates a process of development with inclusion and social justice, based on the promotion of decent work for all. We therefore request respect for the right to social dialogue of the most representative organizations in El Salvador, and in this case the ANEP, an organization that has been excluded from the various tripartite consultation forums, such as in the recent case of the closure of INSAFORP by decree and the creation of a new vocational training institution without the involvement of employers’ or workers’ representatives.
In recent years, the Committee has been examining the case of El Salvador, without being able to note any progress in the functioning of social dialogue, where we continue to see the same violations of Convention No. 144, which I will list:
  • (1) structures and processes for effective tripartite consultation have not been established, with the Government of El Salvador adopting an intentionally passive role, creating an uncertain political climate in terms of development and social progress policies;
  • (2) a policy to discredit the ANEP has been implemented with the aim of weakening it as an organization;
  • (3) the Government of El Salvador has failed to fulfil its obligation to consult the ANEP as the most representative organization of employers, thereby violating Article 5 of Convention No. 144.
For these reasons, we request the Committee to adopt effective measures to ensure respect for the independence of ANEP as the most representative organization of employers in El Salvador, thereby allowing it to participate fully in the various tripartite dialogue and consultation forums.
Worker member, Uruguay The Committee of Experts has no option than to repeat in its report the same facts and failures to comply with international standards on freedom of association caused by the failings of the successive governments of El Salvador.
This long and repeated series of obstacles to the full exercise of freedom of association includes serious violations of the right to life and security, as well as legislative reforms that are announced but never implemented, resulting in a legal regime that significantly limits trade union activity.
There are provisions across the length and breadth of legislation, and in some cases in the Constitution itself, that raise unsurmountable obstacles to the development of trade union organizations.
We refer, for example, to the exclusion of some categories of public officials from the right to organize, the ban on workers joining more than one trade union, the need for at least 35 members to form a trade union, employers’ certification of the employment status of the founding members of a union during the process of registration and the various ways in which the right to strike is limited.
We are also extremely aware of the arguments and promises surrounding the existence of a process of legislative reform that is never completed, and we know that the holding of tripartite meetings, such as at the Higher Labour Council and the National Minimum Wage Council, is always around the corner, but also always delayed.
This includes the observations of the Committee of Experts which take up the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association on the excessive requirements for the registration of and issuing of credentials for union executive boards, such as the submission of copies of identity documents and payslips to verify whether executive board members are Salvadoran by birth or to verify their type of employment contract.
We note with concern the scant replies of the Government of El Salvador here, to this Committee, with regard to the subject under examination and the observations of the Committee of Experts in relation to the implementation of the Convention.
Freedom of association in El Salvador requires definitive affirmation giving effect to the commitments that the Government has set out in its reports and to the Conference Committee. The trade unions will repay this recognition with democratic participation for the benefit of the country as a whole.
Employer member, Costa Rica – Costa Rican employers note with grave concern the case of the repeated violations of the Convention by the State of El Salvador.
This is a fundamental Convention, and, as indicated by the ILO itself, such Conventions are fundamental to the rights of human beings at work, irrespective of the level of development of individual Member States. These rights are a precondition for all the others in that they provide a necessary framework from which to strive freely for the improvement of individual and collective conditions of work.
These Conventions provide the foundations for the functioning of the international labour standards system. A society that does not promote social dialogue and does not ensure, at the domestic level in each country, the participation of employers and workers is not a full democracy and will not achieve equitable terms and conditions of employment or decent working conditions for the benefit of all.
Disregarding the role of the most representative organizations, whether of employers or workers, and forcing their members to give up their membership through the refusal of routine and special authorizations which are administered by public offices, and which are required by enterprises to function, such as construction, export, import, health and environmental permits, are coercive and abusive practices that are in violation of freedom of association as set out in the Convention.
Like the Committee of Experts, Costa Rican employers urge the Government of the Republic of El Salvador to refrain from its ongoing acts of hostility, intimidation and aggression and from interfering in the establishment and activities of employers’ and workers’ organizations, and particularly the ANEP.
Social dialogue and tripartism require the existence of solid and independent employers’ and workers’ organizations with technical capacity and access to the necessary information, political will, respect for the parties involved and the commitment of all to respect fundamental rights, including freedom of association. It is therefore important for the ANEP to be allowed to participate in the appropriate social dialogue forums so as to strengthen democracy, which will inevitably benefit the country’s development.
Finally, we request the Government to reinstate the ANEP in tripartite dialogue forums as the most representative employers’ organization in El Salvador.
Worker member, Mexico – I am speaking on behalf of the National Union of Workers of Mexico to comment on the persistent situation of the systematic violation of the Convention. One illustration is the requirement of 35 members to establish a union of workers in the public sector. The Committee on Freedom of Association has considered that a minimum of 20 members to establish a union does not appear to be too high, but that the requirement of a minimum of 35 is an obstacle to the establishment of unions and is not in accordance with the Convention, as it is in violation of the right to establish unions through the imposition of conditions that are difficult to meet.
It is absolutely unacceptable for the Government of El Salvador to continue delaying the delivery of credentials for workers’ organizations, which is a practice that is in clear violation of the right to organize. This administrative obstacle not only prevents the effective operation of organizations in El Salvador, but also undermines their capacity to adequately represent and defend the interests of their members. By raising obstacles to the process of accreditation, it is denying workers the fundamental right to associate and to organize freely, which is an essential pillar of any democratic and just society.
The Committee on Freedom of Association has repeatedly indicated that delays in the registration of organizations and excessive discretion by the competent authorities are serious impediments to the establishment of unions. These practices are a flagrant violation of the Convention, which guarantees the right to establish organizations without previous authorization. By persisting with these measures, the Government is not only disregarding international standards, but is also eroding confidence in institutions and violating the rights of workers by undermining the very basis of freedom of association.
And the requirement to be a national of El Salvador by birth to be a member of the executive board of a union constitutes discrimination on grounds of nationality against foreign nationals in relation to holding trade union office, which is contrary to the provisions of the Convention and is a situation that must not continue.
It is imperative for the Government to accept technical assistance to bring the domestic legislation into compliance with the principles of freedom of association and the right to organize. The harmonization of national laws with these principles is fundamental for the promotion of social dialogue. We therefore call on the Committee to urge the Government of El Salvador to take specific and proactive measures to take advantage of the technical assistance that is provided and ensure full respect for the principles of freedom of association and the right to organize.
Employer member, Mexico – The Employers’ delegation of Mexico expresses deep concern at the action and behaviour of the Government of this country. It should be emphasized that El Salvador has been brought before the Committee on more than six occasions for various violations of Conventions, most recently in 2023 for Convention No. 144. It should also be emphasized that the Committee of Experts has made over nine observations since 2013, the most recent of which was in 2023.
It is important to note that in 2023 the Conference Committee urged the Government to immediately cease all acts of violence, threats, persecution, stigmatization, intimidation or any other form of aggression against individuals or organizations in connection with both the exercise of legitimate trade union activities and the activities of employers’ organizations, and adopt measures to ensure that such acts are not repeated, in particular for the ANEP and its members.
It should be recalled that the 2024 World Report on human rights indicates that, in El Salvador, in relation to freedom of association and assembly, the Government was undermining the independence and effectiveness of trade unions. The Government has also imposed unjustified restrictions on the processes of the registration of unions and the accreditation of their officers, while the Government and its allies in the Legislative Assembly have systematically dismantled the system of democratic checks and balances.
It is clear that the Government took note of the High-level Tripartite Mission, which was accepted by the Government in May 2022. However, unfortunately, five ILO Conventions were ratified by El Salvador without consulting the most representative employers’ organizations.
That is why we are calling for the inclusion in the Committee’s conclusions of a repeat of the call for the Government to refrain from any aggression or interference in the establishment and activities of employers’ organizations, and particularly the ANEP, to respect the full independence of the most representative employers’ organizations and to ensure their full operation through social dialogue without any interference.
Employer member, Argentina – The employers from Argentina are grateful for the information provided to this Committee by the authorities of El Salvador. However, in view of the elements in this case, we are bound to express deep concern at the situation of serious breaches of compliance with the principles of freedom of association.
Despite the fact that it is the first year that the application of this Convention has been discussed by the Committee, we note with concern that measures have not been taken to give effect in the country to the recommendations made by the Committee in 2023 which, even though they related to Convention No. 144, are fully relevant to this case.
In its 2023 conclusions, the Committee noted with deep concern the multiple allegations of interference by the authorities in the appointment of employers’ and workers’ representatives in public tripartite and joint bodies, and urged the Government to immediately cease all acts of violence and intimidation and to refrain from any undue interference in the internal affairs of employers’ and workers’ organizations. These requests continue to be topical.
In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize that in the Conference Committee the position has been maintained that: full respect for civil liberties is an essential requirement for the exercise of freedom of association and that the rights conferred on workers’ and employers’ organizations can only be achieved in a context of respect and guarantees for civil and political rights, including freedom of expression, the security of the person and the rights to legal defence and due process, as a guarantee of the prohibition of arbitrary detentions.
We hope that the commitment expressed by the Government will be translated into the early implementation of the necessary measures to guarantee the cessation of all acts of violence, intimidation or any other form of aggression against persons or workers’ and employers’ organizations, and that measures will be taken to ensure that such acts do not reoccur, particularly in relation to the most representative employers’ organization in the country, the ANEP, and its members.
We note the request made by the Government for technical assistance and we encourage it to work with the Office to follow up the recommendations made by this Committee to ensure the conformity of national law and practice with the Convention.
Employer member, Brazil – As you know, this is not the first time that this case has come before this Committee, or the Committee on Freedom of Association. The ILO has been examining the continuing contempt by El Salvador for the principle and fundamental right of freedom of association and the right to organize, particularly as it pertains to employers, for almost a decade.
Over the past 12 months, as part of its comments on Convention No. 144, the Committee of Experts and the Conference Committee have recognized that ANEP’s rights as a representative of employers have not been respected in recent years. It has been highlighted that the situation remains broadly the same and has worsened in some respects.
It should therefore be emphasized that the 2024 report of the Committee of Experts, after summarizing the observations of the International Organisation of Employers that the ANEP continues to suffer from aggression and interference, contains an explicit request for an end to all acts of violence, threats and stigmatization against individuals or organizations to with a view to guaranteeing, in law and practice, freedom of association and the right to organize, which protects both employers and workers.
I reiterate: disregard for freedom of association and the right to organize is a matter of the utmost seriousness in the employers’ view. Not for nothing are they fundamental labour principles and rights, meaning that there is an increasingly urgent need to resolve this persistent case of El Salvador.
There is therefore no doubt of the need for this Committee to adopt the necessary measures to restore and guarantee the independence of employers’ representation in El Salvador. It is also necessary to restore the right of enterprises to exercise freely their right to association. We therefore understand that the ILO will continue to take action, while affording the case the necessary urgency, to restore respect and independence to the representatives of employers in El Salvador, and particularly the ANEP.
Employer member, Chile – Freedom of association, as envisaged in the Convention, is derived from the right to organize, and the related Conventions recognize and protect the rights of workers and employers. The Convention is clear in recognizing that States have to guarantee the exercise of freedom of association, without imposing arbitrary conditions or requirements for the establishment and functioning of workers’ and employers’ organizations.
The Committee concluded last year that in El Salvador there are multiple forms of interference by the authorities in the nomination of employer and worker representatives on tripartite and joint dialogue bodies. Regrettably, we have to say that this situation has not changed, and is prejudicial to the activities of the ANEP in its capacity as the most representative organization of employers in El Salvador.
There is also a point that should be emphasized, as it is not always heard: the work of employers’ organizations is to promote free private initiative and the best possible conditions for the creation of more and better sustainable enterprises. In this regard, it is their duty to put forward proposals to the authorities that are in office to facilitate entrepreneurial activity and the generation of formal employment.
This is worth emphasizing as Governments sometimes think that employers’ organizations engage in and promote political activities. In this regard, it should be specified that everyone has the individual right to hold political views, but that employers’ organizations work on behalf of the general interests of their member enterprises, irrespective of whether the Government that is in office is on the left, the centre or the right.
Finally, it should be recalled that freedom of association is both positive and negative, because no person or enterprise can be denied the right to join a union or an employers’ organization, but no one can be required to do so in order to be able to work or engage successfully in entrepreneurship. This is very important, because there can always be the temptation to create unions or employers’ organizations that are close to the Government that is in office, which is in violation of freedom of association.
Finally, we call on the Government of El Salvador to take up once again as soon as possible dialogue with the most representative employers’ and workers’ organizations in the country, and to cultivate a genuine and sincere reunion between the various social partners with a view to rekindling the social dialogue that is required in El Salvador for the joint pursuit of the common good.
Observer, International Organisation of Employers (IOE) – I am speaking on behalf of the International Organisation of Employers, an organization that brings together independent employers’ organizations from over 145 countries. As indicated in previous interventions, the case of El Salvador in relation to the violations of various Conventions has been examined by the Conference Committee and the Committee of Experts for over eight years.
It is clear that the Government of El Salvador has committed and is continuing to commit acts of interference, threats and intimidation against the most representative employers’ organization, the ANEP.
Ultimately, these acts have been channelled through direct threats to enterprises or the presidents of the member associations of the ANEP. They are required to withdraw their membership of the ANEP and they are even issued with threats against their assets.
The Committee of Experts continues to urge the Government, in consultation with the social partners, to take as soon as possible each and every measure that it has been requested to adopt by the present Committee with a view to ceasing hostilities.
This year, the ANEP has not been accredited to participate in this Conference. If the Government excludes the ANEP from tripartite representation in international meetings, what can happen on a daily basis at the national level is clear. However much the Government representative fills this Committee with words, the facts show that the ANEP continues to be excluded.
The Government of El Salvador claims improvements in individual security and political stability. We are convinced that there can be no sustainability without the rule of law and freedom of association, which is what we are examining in relation to this Convention.
Respect for freedom of association has to be ascertained irrespective of the colour or ideology of the Government, including in the case of Governments which are presumed to favour enterprise development. This is what makes us credible. Action that is so flagrantly and obscenely detrimental to the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and freedom of association is not sustainable or compatible with the ILO’s fundamental principles and rights. Anyone who wishes to examine in greater depth the situation in El Salvador barely needs to refer to all the various media reporting violations of freedom of expression.
Once again we consider this to be a case of concern and we urge the Government to adopt measures that respect the representativeness of the ANEP. Any measure adopted in this respect, I would like to emphasize, will have our constructive support.
Chairperson – There are no more requests for the floor. So, now I invite the Government representative to take the floor for his final remarks.
Government representative We have taken note of the comments made by workers’ and employers’ representatives and Governments. Despite our knowledge of this Committee, we are surprised by the language used in their statements. In our case, we have come to provide our report with the best will to address and clarify the comments of the Committee of Experts. Nevertheless, despite noting that this openness is not shared by all parties, we will respond to the comments made here.
With reference to the progress made in the cases of the trade unionists, namely Victoriano Abel Vega and Weder Arturo Meléndez, I reiterate the information provided in my initial intervention.
With regard to Mr Meléndez, I have indicated that the Office of the Prosecutor-General of the Republic identified and captured those responsible, who were three members of the 18 revolutionaries gang, who are awaiting trial and, once the final judgement has been handed down, we will provide the relevant report to the Committee on Freedom of Association. We consider that, in the context of the criminality experienced by the country, the current outcome is very significant.
On the other hand, in the same way as in the case of Mr Meléndez, exhaustive investigations have been carried out in the case of Mr Vega which, as I said early, are at the stage of the identification of those responsible with a view to bringing them to trial. It should be recalled that this case had been shelved by the judicial authorities and that it was precisely the present Government which requested its re-opening with a view to a prompt and final conclusion. In our respect for the separation of powers, and in our awareness of our duties, we will follow up the progress made.
With reference to the comments on the ANEP, we wish to emphasize that the action of the various employers’ organizations is fully respected in the country, including that of the ANEP. This includes the free and independent election of its representatives. All of its leaders, in the same way as all citizens, are assured of the right to freedom of expression and association. This does not preclude the possibility of informing you of the real situation concerning the ANEP.
We are surprised by its proclamations and its allegations would appear to be eminently political, which is in the nature of the ANEP. I have here copies of the publications issued by the member organizations of the ANEP: the American Chamber of Commerce of El Salvador, the Chamber of the Textile Industry, the Chamber of the Construction Industry, the Corporation of El Salvador Exporters, the Pharmaceutical Industry, the El Salvador Association of Cattle and Dairy Industries, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador, the El Salvador Industrial Association, the El Salvador Coffee Association and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. All of these are affiliates of the ANEP and they all show support for the Government, and they have all shown their commitment to building a better country together.
The position of the ANEP is contrary to the sectors that it claims to represent, which therefore raises a reasonable doubt about its representativeness, and moreover, there are thousands of employers of all sizes and sectors who indicate that they feel safe. They previously suffered the death of their employees and enormous extortion. They express their support and commitment to benefiting from this forum for the generation of opportunities and entrepreneurship in the country.
It should be known in this Committee that the ANEP never denounced the situation at the international level during the 20 years of the ARENA Government, as they were the ones who took over the State.
During the ANEP governments, bipartite bodies were created and they never worried about including workers in those bodies. The considerations put forward by the ANEP correspond to its partial ideology which prevailed in the country at that time. It was its leaders who took the decisions within the Government, who placed in power and ejected presidents and ministers, and who decided which laws to approve and which would not be. It is simply the memory they have of other times that makes them wish to stay in the bodies under discussion, but for political, not entrepreneurial reasons.
Nevertheless, in awareness of its political nature, the ANEP can be active in our country and is fully respected and can do so in a climate of total security.
With regard to the need for labour reforms, this is a subject that is well known and we agree that the requirements for the establishment of unions need to be reduced, while extending the validity of credentials and reducing the procedures for their delivery, reducing the number of workers required to establish a union and the possibility to belong to more than one union, among the other matters commented by the Committee of Experts.
We are aware that we have a Labour Code that dates from 1972 and no longer corresponds to the real situation in the world of work now. Moreover, it contains many heavy restrictions on the defence of workers’ rights and prerogatives that were established by the groups holding power at the time. This is a challenge that requires broad discussion and consensus from all sides. We therefore invite them to contribute to this process of discussing the reform of the Labour Code, and we request ILO technical assistance for that purpose.
With reference to the dissolution of bodies and the creation of new bodies, this is in line with a process of the modernization of the State, which has all been undertaken following the procedures and bodies set out by law.
In relation to the accreditation of employers, it should be noted that the report has already been submitted to the Credentials Committee.
We note the broad interest displayed by Employers in this case. We therefore take advantage of the occasion to extend an invitation to our country to see the conditions through their own eyes. We also invite them to promote conditions for the generation of decent jobs, which is one of the main objectives that we have to pursue.
As time does not allow us to address individually all the comments made, we have taken note of them and we will prepare the corresponding reports to the ILO supervisory bodies, but not without first reiterating our request for ILO support and technical cooperation with a view to making progress in giving full effect to freedom of association in El Salvador.
Worker members – During previous sessions of our Committee, the Worker members acknowledged some progress by the Government, such as the ratification of several ILO Conventions in response to demands by trade union organizations. However, it is evident that these advances have been minimal and mostly symbolic, as many of the commitments made have not been fulfilled since the High-Level Tripartite Mission of the ILO in May 2022.
The Committee of Experts has repeatedly highlighted the lack of concrete action regarding the murder of union leader Victoriano Abel Vega in 2010. Despite repeated requests from the Committee on Freedom of Association for the Government to identify and sanction those responsible, no real progress has been made. I welcome the statement by the Government that this will be done in the short term. But let us hope.
Additionally, the Government continues to ignore recommendations to review constitutional and legislative provisions that exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to organize and hinder the formation of unions.
The requirement to renew union executive boards annually, established in the Labour Code, is a clear obstacle to trade union freedom. This is a very bureaucratic process, it can take up to nine months, sometimes five days, but also nine months, and this paralyzes union activity, it prevents requests for labour inspection, it blocks collective bargaining and the Government has ignored recommendations to eliminate these excessive requirements, demonstrating a lack of real commitment to freedom of association.
In June 2023, the Government was urged to reactivate the Higher Labour Council and other tripartite bodies with clear and objective standards. However, the Higher Labour Council has not met since May 2022, and other tripartite instances lack union representation. The recent dissolution of the Labour Committee of the Legislative Assembly in June of this year has only aggravated the situation, leaving any pending legislative reform in limbo. What will happen to it?
So the lack of effective action and continuous legislative and practical restrictions demonstrate a worrying negligence by the Government in guaranteeing the trade union rights of Salvadoran workers.
And for this reason, we are compelled to reiterate some of the conclusions of previous sessions of our Committee.
We urge the Government to:
  • (1) urgently and as a priority, dedicate all necessary efforts to expedite and conclude all investigations related to the murders of union leaders, so that those responsible, both material and intellectual, are identified but also sanctioned as soon as possible;
  • (2) end delays in the issuance of credentials to workers’ organizations;
  • (3) ensure that all workers’ organizations enjoy the rights and freedoms established in the Convention and that they are fully included in tripartite consultation and social dialogue;
  • (4) reactivate, without delay, the full functioning of the Higher Labour Council and other tripartite bodies;
  • (5) adopt without delay all necessary measures to repeal the legal obligation for unions to request the renewal of their legal status every 12 months;
  • (6) develop a road map with determined deadlines to promptly implement all the recommendations made by the 2022 High-Level Tripartite Mission of the ILO and the Committee’s recommendations related to the Convention.
Employer members – In our final considerations, we would first like to reiterate once again our thanks to the Government of El Salvador for the information provided to the Committee, and we say openly and sincerely that we hope that its commitment to the ILO will take the form of specific action and full compliance with the recommendations and requirements outlined.
I wish to refer to an example of the discrepancies that we observe between what the Government says and what it does. A simple example. The Government did not consult the ANEP on the nomination of the delegates to this Conference. What more can I say? Let us go on.
The Employers also wish to thank those delegates that have participated in this meeting and the contributions that they have made to the case. We echo the words of the Worker spokesperson, which clearly reflects the Government’s failure to comply, which it has been demonstrating up to now, and we share the concerns expressed. The recommendations outlined by the representative of the Workers’ Group are totally acceptable to us, and we therefore reproduce them.
We wish to add that the conclusions must refer to and replicate the conclusions adopted during the discussion in 2023 on Convention No. 144. In view of the links between the two cases, as outlined not only by myself, but as also specifically recognized by the Committee of Experts in its report.
It also appears to us to be necessary to lay down the following:
  • (1) that following prior consultation between independent and representative organizations of employers and workers, it takes measures to ensure the definitive ending of any form of aggression against persons or organizations in relation to the exercise of both lawful trade union activities and the activities of employers’ organizations, their leaders and members, and to prevent this reoccurring in future. It must be guaranteed that there is no repetition of these and other acts of hostility and interference against the ANEP and its members and that the freedom of employers in relation to their organizations is respected. The political role that the Government representative attributes to the ANEP is outside this discussion. If, in the past, there were bodies that were only bipartite, it is a responsibility of the Government and cannot be attributed to trade unions or employers’ organizations. The corresponding claims were undoubtedly put forward at the time. This absolutely does not justify at the present time a representative organization such as the ANEP from being sidelined and ignored.
  • (2) immediately provides detailed information indicating the measures adopted to ensure that there is no repetition of these or other acts of hostility and interference and to guarantee respect for the freedom of workers and employers to establish the organizations of their choosing, organize their administration and activities and formulate their programmes without interference by the public authorities and free from the acts of aggression described above;
  • (3) directs all its efforts as a priority at facilitating and concluding the investigations into the murders referred to above;
  • (4) provides detailed information on the content and progress of the parliamentary examination of the reforms intended to ensure the harmonization of the national legislation with the Convention, including the proposed reform of the Penal Code and the consultation procedures with the social partners in relation to these initiatives and the results achieved; and
  • (5) takes the necessary measures to revise the rules applicable to the registration of executive boards to guarantee in the right of organizations to be established and to elect their representatives in full freedom.
It is clear, as indicated by the Committee of Experts in its report, that the situation and corresponding violations of the Convention are intimately related to the discussion held in 2023 on Convention No. 144, as I have already noted. For this reason, we reiterate the demands set out by this Committee in its conclusions on that case. In this regard, it is necessary to establish a direct contacts mission.
We wish to make the explicit request to establish this direct contacts mission. It appears to us to be totally coherent with all of our concerns, with the interest expressed by the Government in complying with all of the commitments that have been taken on through the ratification of Conventions and the road map that must be developed for compliance with the commitments already assumed.

Committee’s conclusions

The Committee took note of the oral information provided by the Government and the discussion that followed.
The Committee noted with concern the allegations of ongoing violations of the Convention by the Government, including the absence of tangible progress in the investigations into the murders of trade unionists and reported acts of harassment against an employers’ organization (ANEP).
The Committee also expressed concern regarding the allegations of interference by the authorities in the appointment of employers’ and workers’ representatives in public tripartite and joint bodies.
Taking the discussion into account, the Committee urged the Government, in consultation with independent and representative employers’ and workers’ organizations, to:
  • immediately cease all acts of violence, threats, persecution, stigmatization, intimidation or any other form of aggression against individuals or organizations in connection with both the exercise of legitimate trade union activities and the activities of employers’ organizations, and adopt measures to ensure that such acts are not repeated;
  • re-ensure respect for the freedom of workers and employers to constitute the organizations of their choosing, organize their administration and activities and formulate their programme of action without interference from the public authorities;
  • expedite and conclude the ongoing investigations into the murders of trade union leaders with a view to establishing the facts, determining culpability and punishing the perpetrators;
  • provide detailed information on the content and status of the parliamentary process of the proposed reform to the Penal Code, the consultation processes with social actors that exist in relation to this initiative and the results obtained;
  • expedite the processes of registration and issuing credentials to boards of directors to ensure the right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to form and freely elect their representatives;
  • repeal the legal obligation for trade unions to request the renewal of their legal status every 12 months;
  • reactivate, without delay, the Higher Labour Council (CST) to ensure the full participation of workers’ and employers’ organizations in social dialogue and tripartite consultation;
  • develop a time-bound road map to implement without delay all recommendations made by the ILO high-level tripartite mission of 2022 and the Committee’s previous recommendations relating to the Convention; and
  • send information on the institutional change from INSAFORP to INCAF and ensure that it has a tripartite structure.
The Committee requested the Government to submit a detailed report on the implementation of the Convention in law and practice, with regard to all of the above matters, including information on the content and outcome of tripartite consultations, to the Committee of Experts before its next meeting.
Government representative On behalf of the delegation of El Salvador, I note the conclusions adopted by the Committee.
I take this opportunity to indicate that El Salvador respects the ILO supervisory bodies. We are therefore grateful for this opportunity to provide information on the progress achieved in the implementation of the Convention. We also note the comments made by the social partners.
With reference to the progress made in the cases of the trade unionists, I wish to reiterate the significant progress achieved. I will do so slowly to facilitate interpretation.
We have repeatedly indicated that, with regard to Mr Weder Meléndez, the Office of the Prosecutor-General of the Republic, together with the National Civil Police, following exhaustive investigations, identified and captured those responsible, who were three members of the “18 revolutionary” gang, who are awaiting trial and that, when the final verdict has been issued, we will send the corresponding report to the Committee on Freedom of Association. Nevertheless, we consider that in the context of the criminality experienced by the country, the outcome achieved constitutes very significant progress.
Moreover, as in the case of Mr Meléndez, exhaustive investigations have been carried out in the case of Mr Abel Vega and, as I indicated, they are at the stage of the identification of those responsible with a view to their prosecution. It should be recalled that this case had been shelved by the judicial authorities and it was precisely the State of El Salvador which called for the case to be reopened. The objective is to ensure prompt and full justice.
In our respect for the separation of powers, and in our awareness of our duties, we will follow up the progress made. We are fully determined, as a State, that no death of a trade unionist will go unpunished.
With reference to the comments on employers’ organizations, we wish to emphasize that there is full respect in the country for the activities of the various employers’ organizations, including the free and independent election of their representatives. All their leaders, in the same way as all citizens, are assured of the right to freedom of expression and association.
For the rest, we accept the declaration and we undertake to give it due effect, taking into account our commitment to continue providing information on the progress achieved.
We reaffirm our unshakeable commitment to the principles and values of the ILO, for which reason we will continue to make progress in the achievement of decent work, placing emphasis on social dialogue with all partners and sectors. We are grateful in this process for the valuable cooperation and technical assistance of the ILO.

Individual Case (CAS) - Discussion: 2016, Publication: 105th ILC session (2016)


A Government representative said that her participation in the Conference as Minister of Labour and Social Welfare demonstrated the importance her country attached to the Organization’s activities, especially progress on trade union rights, the promotion of decent work, dialogue and tripartite consensus, which were the cornerstones of its activities and constituted a guarantee of labour rights. With reference to the application of the Convention and the questions raised by the Committee of Experts in its observation, it was regrettable that so far even the Office of the Attorney General had not been able to identify the causes and perpetrators of the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega. Meetings had been held with both the previous and current Attorneys General, and both had agreed that the case needed to be solved and the investigation closed. However, it was well known that the Government of El Salvador was taking steps to combat crime and to prosecute offences with the aim of giving the Salvadorean people better and broader public safety. Every effort would continue to be made to ensure that Mr Vega’s death did not go unpunished. In relation to the 19 decrees adopted to expand and democratize the representation of employers’ and workers’ organizations in joint and tripartite bodies, an analysis had been undertaken revealing that at no time had those measures, by making slight changes to election processes, restricted the independence of employers’ or workers’ organizations. On the contrary, they were fully functional, with the participation of various employers’ and workers’ organizations. In the case of the tripartite bodies, it was regrettable that the National Business Association (ANEP) continued to express its disagreement, given that it currently enjoyed active representation in the country’s tripartite bodies. In order to guarantee such participation, the Government set aside a significant amount each year to cover the expenses of both worker and employer representatives. However, in reply to the observation of the Committee of Experts, the request to hold consultations on these reforms would be taken into account.

In relation to the activation of the Higher Labour Council (CST), resolving the dispute that prevented the CST from becoming active because of the persistent disagreement between the country’s most representative trade union organizations on their representation was one of the priorities of the Ministry of Labour. In that respect, various steps had been taken, including requesting mediation, for which the Office had provided technical cooperation, so as to have an external party who was completely neutral and could contribute to identifying a consensus solution to the dispute. Mediation had taken place in February 2016, with the participation of the ILO and a consultant who had held meetings with the various groups of the federations and confederations which had submitted their respective representation lists to the CST. The consultant, in his report, had noted, at the request of the trade union organizations, the complexity of the problem and the difficulty of reaching an agreement, which was one of his main findings. He had also said that, in view of its independent nature, the dispute was one that should be resolved directly with the Ministry of Labour and that mediation was not necessary. Acting on the findings of a consultant, in the first week of April 2016, with the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman as mediator and the ILO, bilateral meetings had been held with each of the trade union groups. A joint meeting had also been held, facilitated by the Ombudsman and attended by the ILO, to seek an understanding and an agreement, but a solution had yet to be reached. In the absence of a mechanism for electing labour representatives, participating organizations had been asked to form an interim committee to revise and formulate a proposal for new regulations, specifically concerning trade union election procedures, which had been rejected by the complainant trade unions in this case, which considered that the regulations in question could only be revised by the CST. Although the Committee had emphasized that a single list should not be required, it was important to take into account the fact that, in view of the right to autonomy of trade union organizations, ignoring the representativity of organizations that were at dispute and convening the Council without the agreement of all parties would run totally counter to the practices and rules that determined trade union autonomy. At no time had the Government impeded the activation of the CST. On the contrary, it had sought viable democratic options that were in line with Conventions and legislation in force so that a solution could be found. Efforts would continue to be made to find a solution.

In a recent ruling, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice had produced a detailed analysis of a request for constitutional protection (amparo) submitted by the complainant organizations, seeking to be named as the only trade union representatives on the CST and asking that the request of other nationally representative trade union organizations should not be taken into account. The Chamber, in amparo ruling No. 951-2013, had ruled that “the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare does not have the power to appoint the members of the Higher Labour Council, to change the list of the workers’ organizations in question or to remove them if they are already members of the Council”. It had also considered that “… the submission of a single list of appointees to the Council is the expected result of a democratic and representative election process carried out by trade union federations and confederations in order to guarantee the participation of workers in the national body …” and insisted “… that the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, by requiring agreement to be reached in election procedures and favouring a definitive list of appointees was not imposing a restriction or arbitrary condition that prejudiced the organizations in question or those persons proposed independently or by any organization in exercise of their right to freedom of association on the terms set out above, for which reason it must be found that there are no grounds for the amparo petition.” At the same time, the Government would continue to take action and to request support and cooperation from the ILO in identifying solutions, both to the issue of the CST, and other requests made by the Conference Committee. In relation to the requests to reform various provisions of the Constitution, the Labour Code and the Civil Service Act, inter alia, reforms to a range of legislative acts were being examined. Recently, at the initiative of the Parliamentary Group of the Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation (FMLN), in the Legislative Assembly, a request had been made in November 2015 for sections 204, 211, 212, 219, 529 and 553 of the Labour Code to be reformed to expand trade union rights. Those and other initiatives that were being examined by the Legislative Assembly would be facilitated by the support provided by the technical cooperation requested from the ILO and the inter-institutional teams created to examine the initiatives. With regard to refusals of registration received by trade unions, from June 2015 to the present, legal personality had been granted to 45 trade union organizations, of which only five had been refused for failure to meet legal requirements, which did not mean that they could not resubmit their documents and request registration, for which reason, even though the law allowed six months for them to amend their request, the 45 submitting organizations had been dealt with in 20–25 working days on average. The Government of El Salvador was committed to complying with ILO Conventions, not only Convention No. 87 but also others that contributed to moving forward on labour rights in the country and promoting social dialogue, which were consistent with Government policy, as well as with other forums for discussing matters of national interest, for example, the National Council for Citizens Security and Coexistence, in which various national actors were participating, including ANEP, and others relating to the promotion of investment and the inclusive economic development of the country. Significant measures had been taken to ensure access to dignified and decent work, and 35,248 jobs had been created by 3,000 private enterprises through the National Employment System, 75 per cent of which were for young people, of whom 49 per cent were women. Employability training had been provided for 223 people and 27,241 inspections had been carried out, covering over 500,000 workers. The aim was to build a productive, educated and safe country for the Salvadorean people, for which purpose integrated public policies were being promoted and established, focusing on ensuring the well-being and improving the living conditions of the Salvadorean population. The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare was committed to making every effort necessary to comply with the observations and recommendations made by the Committee of Experts in line with current legislation, consistent with the ILO’s vision of dignifying the rights of workers and creating decent work and productive jobs and the firm commitment to join forces with workers and employers to ensure effective protection for labour rights in the country.

The Worker members once again expressed their deep concern regarding the political situation and the murders committed, and the issues relating to Convention No. 87 in El Salvador. Recalling that the situation had not improved since 2015, they indicated that the country remained a hotbed of intense violence and urged the Government to continue its efforts to reduce violence. This situation needed to be seen in relation to freedom of association. Violence against workers’ representatives was common and instigated by gangs, particularly in export processing zones. In January 2010, Victoriano Abel Vega, Secretary-General of the Union of Municipal Workers of Santa Ana, had been murdered. The Committee of Experts had condemned this act, the Committee on Freedom of Association had taken up the case and the Conference Committee in 2015 had requested the Government to take all measures without delay to identify those responsible. Despite the acceleration in the action taken, the authorities had still not identified those responsible and the accomplices of this abject act. Case No. 2957, as well as eight other cases, were also being examined by the Committee on Freedom of Association. They concerned the detention of a trade union representative and anti-trade union action. The Worker members considered that national regulations were not in line with Article 2 of Convention No. 87, in particular the limit required before a new request could be submitted where registration had been rejected, the possibility for a worker to join several organizations, the registration procedure, and the need for a trade union to certify the status of its members. With regard to the time before a new request for registration could be made, section 248 of the Labour Code provided that a new request to establish a trade union had been made at least six months after the previous one. In 2008, the Committee of Experts had noted that the Ministry was in the process of establishing a special commission entrusted with formulating a proposed amendment in that regard. In 2009, the Government had indicated that it had made the commitment, as reflected in the report known as the White Paper, to modify the labour legislation and amend section 248 of the Labour Code. A draft decree to that effect had been submitted to the CST for consultation. Following the 2015 Conference Committee, the Government had proposed an amendment but, in 2016, section 248 of the Labour Code remained unchanged. In view of the Government’s repeated promises and the failure to amend section 248 of the Labour Code, the Worker members expressed concern and hoped the problem would be solved as soon as possible. With regard to the possibility of joining several trade unions, they recalled the need to amend section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibited membership of more than one trade union and ran counter to Convention No. 87. Further to the examination by the Conference Committee in 2015, even though the Government had reported on a draft text to reform section 204 of the Labour Code, no information on a legislative amendment had been provided. With regard to the registration procedure, section 219 of the Labour Code provided that, within the context of this procedure, the employer must certify the status of the founding members as employees. As in 2015, the Worker members called on the Government to take measures to amend this provision, for example by enabling the Ministry of Labour to draw up the certificate. In conclusion, they drew the attention of the Committee to the non-conformity of article 47 of the Constitution, and sections 225 of the Labour Code and 90 of the Public Service Act with Article 3(1) of Convention No. 87. These provisions made it necessary to be Salvadorean by birth to be a member of the executive board of a trade union. Recalling that national legislation should permit foreign workers to have access to trade union office, at least after a reasonable period of residence in the host country, they noted that the Government had not yet amended these provisions. While expressing their profound concern about this issue, they emphasized that a swift legislative amendment was more than necessary and hoped that the technical assistance requested by the Government would contribute to that.

The Employer members welcomed the information provided by the Government and noted that this was an important case for the Employers’ group. Convention No. 87 had been ratified in 2006. The Conference Committee had examined the case in 2015, and the Committee on Freedom of Association had examined the application of the Convention on various occasions. In 2015, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the ANEP had communicated their observations on the application of the Convention. The Committee of Experts, in its latest observation, referred to various issues and followed up on the conclusions of the examination of the case by the Conference Committee in 2015. With regard to the murder of the trade union leader Victoriano Abel Vega in 2010, which was the subject of Case No. 2923 before the Committee on Freedom of Association, five years had elapsed and the perpetrators of the crime had still not been found. The Government should be urged to take all necessary measures to determine criminal liability and to punish the perpetrators of this crime in the near future.

With regard to the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to appoint their representatives in joint and tripartite decision-making bodies, the President continued to appoint at his discretion the private sector representatives to those bodies. Since this matter had been discussed in the Conference Committee in 2015, the situation had worsened and a person who was not representative of the private sector had been appointed to the governing board of the Development Bank of El Salvador. With reference to the 19 decrees adopted on 22 August 2012 (Decrees Nos 81–99), which provided that the employer representatives who were to sit on the executive councils should be chosen and appointed by the President of the Republic from an open list of candidates from employers’ organizations which had duly approved legal personality, and which should select their candidates in accordance with their internal regulations, it was regrettable that no progress had been made to overcome the situation. This was a very serious case of interference which affected the autonomy of the private sector and violated Article 3 of Convention No. 87. Furthermore, they rejected the Government’s statement that ANEP was not representative of small and medium-sized businesses in the country. The criteria of the most representative organization to be followed was that of the ILO. As indicated by the Committee of Experts, progress needed to be made in law and practice, in consultation with the workers’ and employers’ organizations, to amend the 19 decrees adopted on 22 August 2012.

With regard to the failure to appoint the worker representatives to the CST, the Council’s regulations provided that trade union federations and confederations appointed their representatives. In 2013, two federations submitted a list of representatives, but the Government had since then been trying to reach a consensus. In November 2015, the Government had requested ILO mediation, which had not borne fruit. This situation also violated the autonomy of the workers’ organizations and Article 3 of Convention No. 87. The criteria of the most representative should be applied, based on specific, predictable and objective criteria. There were other concerns, such as difficulties in determining the national minimum salary. The issue had been politicized and acts of violence occurred on the wage council and in the actual ANEP headquarters. Therefore, in addition to the violation of Convention No. 87, the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144) had been affected due to the misrepresentation and the failure to implement and promote social dialogue within the framework of the country’s labour relations system, which undermined the legitimacy of the country’s labour standards and practices. In its direct request, the Committee of Experts referred to the issue of the right to strike. The position of the Employers’ group on this subject was known and reference had been made to it. Notwithstanding, it was a matter of concern that not only was information requested from the Government, but also that action had been suggested relating to the amendment of several legislative aspects.

The Worker member of El Salvador voiced her indignation at the delay by the State in investigating the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega, which had occurred six years earlier, and that the perpetrators had still not been brought to justice. She added that Mr Vega had received death threats from mayors in the west of the country because of his trade union activities in the municipalities. Attempts were being made to divert attention away from this line of investigation by suggesting that the murder could have been the result of common crime or committed by gangs. She also referred to another example of the anti-trade union culture that prevailed in the country: the case of Juan Antonio Hernández, Secretary-General of the General Union Federation of Salvadorian Workers (FUGTS) who, on 21 December 2015, had been attacked in a union office by heavily armed men, beaten and driven to an area controlled by gangs. His vehicle had appeared on National Civil Police premises where seized objects were kept. The Government was still interfering in the election of worker representatives to tripartite dialogue bodies, which had prevented the Higher Labour Council from meeting. In a blatant violation of trade union autonomy, the Government had refused to accept the membership of representatives of federations and confederations which had obtained the highest number of votes in legal elections and had demanded a single list. Following the mediation of the ILO, as requested by the Ministry of Labour, a series of very positive recommendations had been adopted, which could only be implemented once the Higher Labour Council was operational. Furthermore, the ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice on this matter could not take effect until the Council met and, as it implied that consensus would need to be sought in future elections, could be a violation of the Convention. The fact that the Council had not been convened made it impossible for it to issue opinions on the draft reform of the labour and social welfare legislation and to recommend that the Government ratify the ILO Conventions that it considered appropriate. The Government had recently presented a proposal to the Legislative Assembly for the reform of the pension system, which had not been subject to consultation with the social partners. In addition, the Government had refused to set up a tripartite forum on the establishment of a new pension system based on the ratification of the Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102), with ILO technical assistance. One of the obstacles to the exercise of freedom of association was the inclusion in the Labour Code of a requirement for the members of all trade union executive bodies to be elected every year, as well as the ridiculous requirements that the Ministry of Labour imposed on a daily basis through the National Department of Labour Organizations. Furthermore, as from 1 June 2016, it was necessary to submit an attendance list duly signed by members present at general, sectoral, federal or confederal assemblies, organizations failing to comply with the new rule were refused certification, and remained leaderless. Many unions were currently leaderless because they had refused to comply with any requirements that were not specifically set out in the Labour Code. The Ministry of Labour was according itself the right to interpret several rulings handed down by the Supreme Court of Justice as it saw fit, and also to adopt laws, by establishing new requirements without first amending the existing labour laws. The Government needed to amend the legislation in order remove the obstacles to freedom of association, including those referred previously, and to reduce the number of members required to establish a trade union, in order that employees in municipalities with more than 35 workers could exercise their right to organize. Moreover, the requirement that, to be a member of a union executive board, a worker had to be a citizen of El Salvador by birth prevented Honduran and Nicaraguan immigrants employed in the construction industry and in the agricultural sector from holding union office. In addition, they were only permitted to join one trade union. That was the type of generalized violation of freedom of association by public and private institutions that Salvadoreans were constantly confronted with.

At the request of the Trade Union of Employees of the Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights of El Salvador (SEPROHEDES), a complaint had been lodged with the ILO on 30 May 2016, by employees of the Office of the Ombudsman regarding the violation of Convention No. 87, the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), the Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978 (No. 151), and the Workers’ Representatives Convention, 1971 (No. 135). That was unprecedented, as the Office of the Ombudsman had been established specifically by the peace agreements to protect human rights. The Government was reducing membership of trade unions to favour other organizations, which was undermining the autonomy and freedom of trade unions. These cases highlighted the Government’s lack of will to engage in social dialogue and the absence of any democratic labour policy. For the workers, the priority was the struggle to find decent jobs and working conditions that could lift them out of precarious employment. In conclusion, she emphasized that it was essential to develop industrial relations and respect for the legal framework to guarantee: the promotion of freedom of association, collective bargaining and the strengthening of industrial relations; the conclusion of collective agreements between employers and workers at the industrial branch level under the auspices of the Government, as part of a national employment policy; and the operation and reinforcement of the CST as the tripartite instance of the country for discussions on labour policy and all issues relating to the labour market.

The Employer member of El Salvador summarized the complaints submitted against the Government by the Salvadorean employers concerning violation of freedom of association (Cases Nos 2930 and 2980) and the recommendations that the Committee on Freedom of Association had adopted on the subject in 2015. The violations had referred to the Committee of Experts and formed the basis of its observations on the Convention. In a clear violation of the Convention, the Government had submitted draft legislation to the Legislative Assembly that had resulted in 19 decrees reforming the country’s autonomous institutions, so that private sector representatives on their executive bodies who were in the minority were appointed directly by the President of the Republic at his discretion. Although there had been a change of Government, the new Minister of Labour had regrettably maintained the practice of the previous Government of ignoring the regulations of the Higher Council of Labour. She continued to require all the trade unions to reach an agreement among themselves, despite the fact that in the conclusions it adopted in 2015 the Conference Committee had clearly called on the Government not to demand a consensus in the election of representatives of the social partners. The employers of El Salvador were drawing attention to the illegality of those elections because they concerned private organizations, with the result that the National Council of Labour had not been able to convene since 2013. No solution had therefore been found to the question of autonomous institutions, in which private representatives continued to be appointed by the President of the Republic. For the employers, the fact that the Government had not convened meetings of the Council was a ploy to prevent it from concluding agreements, notably those concerning means to end the violation of employers’ freedom of association and to ensure that the employers’ representatives on the 19 autonomous organizations could be freely appointed. In June 2015, the employers had asked the Conference Committee for ILO technical assistance in finding a mediator who could help the Minister of Labour to reactivate the Higher Council of Labour, an institution that had originated in the peace agreement as a means of promoting dialogue on labour issues between the Government and the employers’ and workers’ organizations. In February 2016, an ILO consultant had visited El Salvador to provide international mediation concerning these issues. However, in spite of the outcome of that mediation and of the conclusions of the Conference Committee in 2015, the Minister of Labour had persisted in her strategy of paralyzing the Council on the grounds that, notwithstanding her best efforts, not all the trade union organizations had been able to agree.

He also denounced other acts of interference by the Government in the activities of labour organizations which made it difficult for tripartite bodies to operate. According to the media, the Ministry of Labour had been manipulating the registration of union members according to whether they were supporters of the Government or not. In recent months, the Government had delayed the adoption of agreements to increase the minimum wage by refusing to attend meetings of the Higher Council on the minimum wage so that there would not be a quorum. It had also launched a political campaign and encouraged demonstrations by activists linked to the FMLN party. A month earlier, the Minister of Labour had allowed a group of demonstrators to enter the Council’s premises, where they had threatened employers’ members, telling them that they knew where they lived. That was nothing short of class hatred. Finally, the employers and workers had recently reached an agreement on the minimum wage, and it was hoped that the President’s approval would not be blocked by the Minister of Labour. In conclusion, he requested a direct contacts mission to assess the many violations of the Convention by the Government.

The Government member of the Netherlands, speaking on behalf of the European Union (EU) and its Member States, as well as Norway, wished to recall the commitment undertaken by El Salvador under the trade pillar of the EU–Central America Association Agreement to effectively implement the fundamental Conventions of the ILO, including Convention No. 87. He acknowledged the progress made by El Salvador in recent years, but also called on the Government to rapidly bring to justice those responsible for the murder of the trade union leader Abel Vega, a case which had remained unresolved for five years. Delays in the investigation and punishment of those responsible created a climate of impunity. The Government should be encouraged to respect the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to appoint their representatives to joint and tripartite decision-making bodies and, more specifically, to accelerate the mediation process so as to ensure the appointment of workers’ representatives to the Higher Labour Council. The amendment of the legislation on the right to freely establish and join organizations was key to achieving compliance with the Convention. He welcomed the request by the Government for ILO technical assistance and hoped that work in this regard would be initiated shortly. In conclusion, he said that the EU and its Member States remained committed to cooperation with the country to enable it to address the issues raised by the Committee of Experts.

The Government member of Mexico, speaking on behalf of the group of Latin American and Caribbean (GRULAC) countries, thanked the Government for the information that it had provided on the exercise of freedom of association and the protection of the right to organize embodied in the Constitution, in national legislation and in Convention No. 87. Regarding the observation by the Committee of Experts, attention should be drawn to the investigations conducted by the police, the steps taken by the Prosecutor General of the Republic, and the role of facilitator assumed by the Government, with ILO assistance, to find a solution to the dispute that had arisen in the National Council of Labour by holding statutory meetings and advocating mediation. The Government had demonstrated its openness and willingness to engage in dialogue with all social and economic sectors. GRULAC reiterated its commitment to freedom of association and trusted that the Government would continue its efforts to comply with the terms of the Convention.

The Government member of Panama supported the statement of GRULAC, and emphasized that the Government of El Salvador had expressed a genuine willingness to follow through with its commitments and to comply with the recommendations of the Committee of Experts. As pro tempore President of the Council of Ministers of Central America and the Dominican Republic, the Government of Panama expressed its concern at the inclusion of El Salvador in the list of individual cases, along with Guatemala and Honduras. There was still a lack of objective criteria and transparency in the choice of such cases, which was evident from the regional imbalance. The technical assistance provided by the ILO to the countries of the Central American region had not been valued, since three of the seven countries concerned were in the list of individual cases. The countries of the region recognized the positive results derived from the ILO support and the useful exchange of experience that took place with a view to the effective application of international labour Conventions. A cross-cutting regional plan of action had been approved by the Council of Ministers of Labour of Central America and the Dominican Republic. He welcomed the additional efforts that had been made in this context with respect to labour legislation, the elimination of child labour, social dialogue, employment policy and labour mobility.

An observer representing the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) voiced great concern at the violations of the Convention by the Government of El Salvador, and in particular its continued and serious interference in the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations and the arbitrary appointment of employer members to tripartite institutions by the President of the Republic. Nineteen decrees had been adopted unilaterally and without consultation in 2012 to bolster these arbitrary prerogatives to interfere in the autonomy of the social partners, in violation of the Convention, and in disregard of the real institution for social dialogue, the Higher Council of Labour, the activities of which had been suspended since 2013 on purely procedural grounds and on the pretext that the criteria of representativity had not been respected. He also referred, as examples of an attitude that should not be overlooked, to: the lack of appropriate protection for the premises of ANEP, which was the most representative employers’ organization; the failure to follow up the recommendations of the Committee of Freedom of Association; and the Government’s lack of consideration of the conclusions of the Conference Committee. The Government needed to take immediate steps to remedy the situation and submit a detailed report to the Committee of Experts for examination at its next session. Regrettably, in view of the repeated violations of the Convention and the increasing lack of respect for freedom of association, it was also important for a direct contacts mission to be sent to El Salvador. The case should be included in a special paragraph of the Committee’s report.

The Worker member of Guatemala said that the situation regarding the violation of the freedom of association in El Salvador was similar to that of Guatemala. Violations of the Convention included the dismissal of an elected worker, the Secretary-General of the Trade Union of the Municipality of San Martin, and the dismissal by the security company C.V. COSASE of officials of the Union of Workers’ of Private Security Companies (SITESPRI). The establishment of a trade union in the catering, public transport and private security sectors was now almost a crime. Shifts of more than 12 hours were worked for the minimum wage without overtime pay. Many workers had no social security and very few were able to contribute to a pension scheme. The contractual labour situation in the public sector was the result of the absence of social dialogue and of a policy for the democratic management of industrial relations. Union leaders in the public sector were subject to arbitrary reductions from their wages and sanction procedures as a result of being denied union leave. Some union officials of the Union of the Workers of the Bloom Hospital (SITHBLOOM), for example, had not received their wages for six months. The Ministry of Labour refused to register the collective agreement that had been negotiated by the Union of the National Commission of Micro and Small Enterprises, even though it met all the legal requirements. Finally, the Workers’ Union of the Secretariat for Social Inclusion had lodged a complaint that the workers had been treated with verbal disrespect and arrogance by the management, were isolated, regularly reassigned, and were victims of physical aggression and wage inequality.

The Government member of Cuba endorsed to the statement by GRULAC and welcomed the information provided by the Government of El Salvador and its willingness to comply with its commitments in relation to the ILO. She emphasized the measures that were currently being adopted, including the process of mediation to reactivate the National Council of Labour, legislative measures and the Government’s request for ILO assistance. She called on the Government to continue its efforts and the ILO to continue providing technical assistance and cooperation.

The Employer member of Belgium recalled that freedom of association was a fundamental principle of the ILO and suggested that the same term be used in French and Spanish as in English (“freedom of association”). Workers’ and employers’ organizations were entitled to autonomy in their organization, management and functioning, and she condemned State practices that curbed the autonomy of employers’ organizations, as was the case in El Salvador, where the Government appointed in an authoritative manner employers’ representatives or tripartite bodies. The executive had no right to act in place of the social partners, and the public authorities must refrain from any impediment to the legal exercise of the right of employers’ and workers’ organizations to elect their representatives freely. The suspension of the National Council of Labour by the Government was a violation of Article 3 of the Convention; she called for the independence of employers’ and workers’ representatives to be guaranteed as an essential prerequisite for effective social dialogue at all levels.

The Government member of Honduras emphasized that the Government had shown its full willingness to honour its commitments and to continue complying with the recommendations of the Committee of Experts. He therefore endorsed the statement of GRULAC.

The Worker member of Uruguay recalled that the case was being examined for the second consecutive year by the Committee and deplored the fact that mediation had failed to yield any results. He expressed solidarity with the workers of El Salvador with regard to the complaints made concerning situations of violence against trade union leaders, the threats that hampered the development of trade union organizations and the anti-union dismissals. Requirements for trade union registration were excessive and constituted a form of undue interference by the Government. Even though mechanisms and bodies existed which would be suitable for conducting good social dialogue, problems persisted in relation to the definition of the forms of representation in these bodies. As it had not been convened, the Higher Labour Council could not give its views on the labour issues on the agenda. He reiterated the need for technical collaboration with the ILO to enable amendments to the regulations that could be agreed with the social partners with a view to establishing transparent methods for determining representativeness that enshrined the principle of independence from the Government.

The Employer member of Guatemala noted with deep concern the statement by the Minister of Labour, as she had reiterated the arguments put forward when the case had been examined by the Committee the previous year. He recalled that the case was being discussed by the Committee for the second consecutive year, and that the situation under discussion had been going on for four years. Despite the comments of the ILO supervisory bodies, the Government was not showing the will to resolve the situation, and the conclusions and recommendations of the supervisory bodies were being ignored by the national authorities. The crisis appeared to have taken a serious turn for the worse and posed a threat to the integrity of employers’ organizations in El Salvador. He referred in particular to the powers of the President of the Republic to appoint the representatives of employers’ organizations to bipartite and tripartite bodies, which amounted to a clear violation of the Convention and placed these bodies under the control of the Government, thus constituting an extremely serious act of interference. Lastly, he called for a direct contacts mission to be sent to the country and for the conclusions on this case to be placed in a special paragraph of the Committee’s report.

The Government member of the Dominican Republic endorsed the statement of GRULAC and welcomed the information supplied to the Committee by the Minister of Labour. The Government of El Salvador was showing goodwill and was making efforts to honour its commitments taken on in the context of the ILO through action for the observance of standards, the promotion of fundamental rights and the strengthening of social dialogue and negotiation. The ILO should continue to support the Government and give it technical assistance.

The Government representative said that she had listened attentively to all the statements, which were consistent with the interests represented. With regard to the murder of Abel Vega, the Government, having asked the Office of the Public Prosecutor to investigate, was calling for a pooling of efforts with the social partners to resolve the case. The Government had identified social dialogue as a pillar of the drive for consensual policies, as shown by the dialogue round table which had been set up recently to establish a joint agenda with the ANEP, an organization that participated in all tripartite forums in the country. Efforts were being made to identify short- and medium-term solutions regarding trade union representation on the Higher Labour Council, for which the will of the organizations concerned was required to ensure representation on an equal footing. The Government was open to overcoming any limitations in the exercise of trade union rights, within the requirements and procedures necessary to safeguard legal security. Moreover, the appointment procedures to joint bodies were not in contradiction with the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations, and tripartite bodies were governed by regulations that had been adopted by previous administrations with the agreement of the social partners. Efforts had been made over the previous five years to give full access to the right to organize, as shown by the existence of over 200,000 trade union members and more than 450 active trade union organizations. The Government trusted that the actions in the context of the project supported by the ILO and the Generalized System of Preferences of the EU would contribute to improving in compliance with the Convention, as the current cooperation with the ILO was doing.

The Employer members expressed deep concern at the fact that, despite the time that had elapsed, there was no sign of real progress towards resolving the instances of non-observance of the Convention. So the time had come to face facts, and the Committee, in its conclusions, should: (1) note with extreme concern the lack of progress with regard to the issue of the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to appoint their representatives to joint and tripartite decision-making bodies, and urge the Government, in consultation with the social partners, to take the necessary steps without delay to amend the 19 decrees adopted in August 2012; (2) urge the Government to reactivate without delay the Higher Labour Council, which constituted the principal forum for social dialogue and tripartite consultation in the country; (3) urge the Government to ensure adequate protection for the premises of ANEP, which was the most representative employers’ organization; (4) request the Government to provide information on all progress made in that regard in a report to be examined at the next meeting of the Committee of Experts; and (5) in view of the seriousness of the violations and the lack of firm action by the Government to ensure observance of the Convention, request the establishment of a direct contacts mission and include the case in a special paragraph of the Committee’s report.

The Worker members expressed agreement with the Employer members regarding the major importance of the case. The Government had requested assistance from the ILO to rectify the legislative problems. Such cooperation was necessary with regard to the procedure for the registration of trade unions and the obligation to certify the status of trade union members, two points on which the Government had shown a positive attitude. The Government also needed to take action quickly concerning the access of foreign workers to trade union office and the membership of more than one trade union. The Government should also report on the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega, as the de facto impunity enjoyed by those committing crimes against trade union leaders was aggravating the climate of violence and insecurity, which was extremely prejudicial to trade union activities. The Worker members expressed their disagreement with the Employer members regarding the direct request addressed to the Government. The Workers’ group was of the view that the right to strike was protected by the Convention. The Employers’ and Workers’ groups had recognized in the joint statement of 23 February 2015 that “[t]he right to take industrial action by workers and employers in support of their legitimate industrial interests is recognised by the constituents of the International Labour Organisation. This international recognition by the International Labour Organisation requires the workers and employers groups to address the mandate of the CEACR as defined in their 2015 report”. The Committee of Experts had defined its own mandate as having to “determine the legal scope, content and meaning of the provisions of the Conventions”, which had been approved by the Governing Body. It was therefore part of the mandate of the Committee of Experts to request all information that it considered useful regarding the fulfilment by the State of its obligations arising from a ratified Convention.


The Committee took note of the information provided by the Government representative and the discussion that followed on issues raised by the Committee of Experts.

The Committee noted with concern the lack of progress both in law and in practice with respect to the issue of the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to nominate their representatives to joint or tripartite decision-making bodies and again urged the Government, in consultation with the social partners, to take all measures necessary, without delay, to amend the 19 Decrees adopted on 22 August 2012, so as to bring them into line with the guarantees set out in the Convention.

Taking into account the discussion of the case, the Committee urged the Government to:

  • - take all measures necessary, without delay, to identify those responsible for the murder of Mr Victoriano Abel Vega and punish the perpetrators of the crime;
  • - reactivate, without delay, the Higher Labour Council (CST), the work of which had been suspended since 2013 and which was the main forum for social dialogue in the country and for tripartite consultation. The Government must abstain from requiring consensus among trade union federations and confederations in designating their representatives to the CST;
  • - ensure full autonomy for employers’ and workers’ organizations;

  • - ensure adequate protection for the premises of the National Business Association (ANEP), the country’s most representative organization of employers;
  • - report on all progress with regard to the issues discussed in a detailed report to the Committee of Experts, to be considered at its next meeting.

In the face of the Government’s failure to take action to apply the provisions of the Convention effectively in law and in practice, the Committee requested that a direct contacts mission be sent to El Salvador.

The Committee decided to include its conclusions in a special paragraph of the report.

The Government representative regretted that, despite all the Government’s efforts to guarantee and extend trade union rights, there was no mention of that fact in the conclusions. Her Government nevertheless took note of those conclusions and would examine them closely. Regarding the request of the ANEP that a direct contacts mission be sent to El Salvador, it would seem that the Association was being seriously challenged by the workers and social organizations over the agreement it reached with trade union represented on the National Minimum Wage Council, when it offered them a miserable increase of just 20 cents a day for agricultural workers, 33 cents for workers in maquilas, 37 cents for workers in trade and services and 41 cents for industrial workers over three years. That was nothing short of insulting for people who contributed to the country’s economic development by the sweat of their brow, and it did not comply with the provisions of article 38 of the Constitution or sections 145 and 146 of the Labour Code. The Government confirmed it willingness to continue receiving the technical assistance that was being provided by the mediator in the dispute between the trade unions that were seeking membership of the CST, as well as other support that it was being given to improve the labour rights of Salvadorean workers. In the short and medium term, the Government would certainly be providing additional information which would show clearly the progress that had been made. As a progressive Government it was committed to ensure that the workers were able to exercise their rights fully. There had been no breakdown in social dialogue in the country, and it was part of the President’s policy and the Government’s plan that there should be a constant dialogue between all the social partners and labour, political and economic sectors, in which the trade unions and ANEP both had an active role to play.

Individual Case (CAS) - Discussion: 2015, Publication: 104th ILC session (2015)

 2015-El Salvador-C87-En

A Government representative emphasized the importance accorded by her Government to the work of the ILO, especially its promotion of freedom of association and tripartite dialogue. Regarding the regrettable events resulting in the death of a representative of the trade union movement, the Government had strongly condemned the incident and had ordered an investigation to be launched in order to identify the perpetrators. She emphasized that it had been an isolated incident. The investigation was in the hands of the Attorney-General of the Republic who, in order to expedite matters, had transferred the case from the city of Santa Ana to San Salvador. According to the latest information, the Office of the Attorney-General had requested the national civil police to provide further evidence and information. Unfortunately, the high crime rate and level of violence in the country were keeping the Office of the Public Prosecutor extremely busy, which was resulting in delays in investigations. She reiterated the Government’s commitment to strengthen the justice system, combat impunity and to step up its efforts to ensure respect for the life and integrity of the Salvadorian people. Regarding the participation of workers’ and employers’ representatives in bipartite and tripartite decision-making bodies, she confirmed that a significant reform was being undertaken of 19 public and autonomous institutions which would allow broader participation by small, medium and large enterprises, and by trade unions, federations and confederations, which had previously been excluded. The reform was particularly important for bodies that played a decisive role in promoting the rights of workers, including the Salvadorian Social Security Institute (ISSS), the Social Housing Fund (FSV) and the Salvadorian Vocational Training Institute (ISAFORP). No change had been made in the bipartite and tripartite structure envisaged in the Legislative Decree of 2 July 1993, nor in the tripartite forums in which employers’ organizations, such as the National Business Association (ANEP), participated. They also continued to participate effectively in, for example, the National Minimum Wage Board and other tripartite bodies. The Higher Labour Council (CST) was currently not functioning because of a disagreement among the trade union representatives. The Ministry of Labour had made every effort to resolve the issue, as could be seen from the numerous meetings that had been convened between May and October 2013 to determine the CST’s composition, and the three meetings that had been held to elect the trade union representatives. At the first meeting the representatives formed two blocks, each supporting its own list of candidates, and it had proved impossible to settle on a single list. In view of the disagreement, a second meeting of trade union representatives had been convened, which had been attended by representatives of 37 federations and eight confederations. Once again no agreement had been forthcoming. In July 2013, a meeting had been organized of the executive board of the CST. As there were no elected workers’ representatives, and in order find a solution to the situation, the meeting had convened members whose mandate had ended. The representatives of workers whose mandate had ended urged the Ministry of Labour to swear in the candidates on one of the lists on the grounds that they were the most representative. Although the employers’ adviser to the CST had agreed to the procedure, it had been deemed impossible because it did not comply with the electoral procedure laid down in the regulations. Since the reactivation of the CST had continued to be a matter of high priority from June 2014 to June 2015, a total of 16 bilateral and joint meetings had been held with the various trade union representatives to continue to seek a solution, but no satisfactory outcome had been forthcoming. However, this all showed the clear determination of the Government to ensure the operation of the CST.

Regarding the right to organize of public employees, she observed that the number of legally established and registered unions in the country had increased over the previous five years. Of 464 active trade unions, 99 represented the public sector and 35 were in autonomous institutions. She added that the first Union of Paid Women Domestic Workers had now been registered. The objective was that the process for the establishment of unions should be rapid and efficient, in compliance with the national legislation and the Convention. The national legislation nevertheless needed to be reviewed as it still imposed certain limitations on the effective exercise of freedom of association. Regarding the legislation setting a maximum of six months for a trade union to obtain legal personality, she said that the problem had been resolved in practice as trade unions generally completed all the necessary formalities in a much shorter time. She referred to the recent establishment, at the initiative of the President, of the Presidential Committee on Labour Affairs by Executive Decree No. 86, in response to the request by workers’ representatives for direct access to the Office of the President of the Republic. The Presidential Committee, which was mainly focussed on the public sector, was a forum for dialogue that did not in any way seek to replace the tripartite machinery that already existed, and the issues that it discussed would be referred to the appropriate bodies. She regretted that the employers’ representatives were discrediting the initiative and were interfering in matters and forums that were legitimately intended for workers. She also regretted that ANEP had taken the step of expressing opinions on issues that were not on the table, such as the minimum wage. She emphasized that the Government had created social dialogue platforms with all sectors of society, including private enterprise, which was one of the cornerstones of economic growth and employment generation in the country, as indicated in the five-year development plan 2014–19. She expressed her appreciation of the valuable offers of support from the ILO and reiterated the commitment of the Ministry of Labour to make every effort to ensure compliance with the observations and recommendations of the Conference Committee.

The Worker members voiced great concern at the prevailing climate of violence in El Salvador. In May 2015, some 20 workers had been murdered, the highest level of violence since the end of the civil war in 1992. The situation was extremely worrying, especially as the violence was directed against representatives of trade unions. In January 2010, the Secretary-General of the Union of Workers and Employees of the Municipality of Santa Ana, Victoriano Abel Vega, had been murdered. The Committee of Experts had condemned the murder and the Committee on Freedom of Association had taken up the case. The Committee on Freedom of Association was also examining Cases Nos 2957 and 2896 concerning the detention of a trade union representative, the dissolution of a branch union and the creation of an enterprise union controlled by the employer. The national legislation was not in compliance with Article 2 of Convention No. 87, specifically in relation to the time required between a refusal to register a trade union and the submission of a new request, the possibility for a worker to join more than one organization, the registration procedure and the requirement that trade unions certify the status of their members. On the first point, section 248 of the Labour Code provided that no new request for registration of a trade union could be submitted for at least six months following a previous request. In 2009, as set out in the White Paper, the Government had undertaken to reform the national labour legislation and to amend section 248 of the Labour Code. Despite the Government’s repeated promises and the failure to amend section 248, the Worker members expressed concern and trusted that the issue would be resolved very soon. Regarding the possibility of joining more than one trade union, section 204 of the Labour Code prohibiting workers from doing so would need to be amended. As to the registration procedure, section 219 of the Labour Code provided that employers must certify that founding members of a trade union were employees. The Government would therefore have to take steps to amend the provision, for example by empowering the Ministry of Labour to provide such certification. In conclusion, the Worker members drew the Committee’s attention to the non-compliance of article 47 of the Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Public Service Act with Article 3(1) of the Convention. All of those provisions required that, to be members of a union executive committee, workers had to be Salvadorian by birth. So far the Government had still not amended those provisions. Under those conditions, it was important for the Government to take steps at the earliest opportunity to make the necessary amendments so as to guarantee respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining.

The Employer members indicated that this case was considered to be very serious, owing to the nature of the actions taken by the Government and the fact that they had continued for three years. Despite the comments of the ILO supervisory bodies, far from being resolved, the situation had deteriorated. In 2012, the President had submitted a bill to Congress to amend 19 basic laws on official autonomous institutions and to modify participation by employers’ representatives in the various executive boards by empowering the President to nominate and appoint the respective employer representatives. They explained that it was the granting of that power, and not the changes in the structure of those bodies, as claimed by the Government representative, that was the focus of criticism. The bodies in question included the ISSS, the ISAFORP and the FSV. Such action constituted a clear violation of the Convention, as it prevented employers’ organizations from exercising their right to elect their representatives in full freedom. They noted that the reforms in question were also in violation of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), and emphasized that measures that placed organizations under the Government’s control constituted acts of interference. Such would be the case if the President designated employer representatives to these bodies. They recalled that, in the context of Case No. 2980, the Committee on Freedom of Association had drawn the Government’s attention to the principles relating to the freedom to appoint employers’ representatives and to tripartite consultation, requesting it to respect those principles fully in the future. On the same occasion, the Committee on Freedom of Association had also requested the Government to conduct urgently in-depth consultations with workers’ and employers’ organizations within the CST. They noted that the Government’s response could not have been more disappointing. The Government had aggravated the situation by ceasing to convene the CST on the pretext that one of the social partners had not been able to reach agreement on the nomination of its representatives, which was not a requirement under the Council’s rules. They considered that the Government had used that excuse to avoid convening the CST and complying with the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association. Moreover, the Government had established a new bipartite body, under Presidential Decree No. 86, which excluded the employers. They also regretted having to disagree with the Government representative, as their reading of the Decree suggested a different interpretation. In practice, the Presidential Committee on Labour Issues was assuming the functions of the CST and the Wages Commission and of other tripartite bodies and higher‑level legal bodies. They expressed the view that it seemed to be the intention to prevent employer representatives from participating in decision making. Needless to say, the abovementioned bodies had been established without consultation, in clear breach of the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144).

In the light of the above, a request for urgent intervention had recently been presented to the ILO Director-General by ANEP and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE). However, there had been no sign of positive changes from the Government to date. They said that it was not the first time that the Committee had discussed the case of a government that guided consultations with social partners to reflect its interests by handpicking those who attended tripartite meetings. They considered that such behaviour should not become a trend and should be immediately brought to an end, otherwise it would inevitably lead to authoritarianism and destroy the cornerstone of the ILO. The Government seemed to be showing total indifference to the recommendations of the ILO supervisory bodies, even though those recommendations were intended to enable the social partners to nominate their representatives to the country’s various tripartite forums. That power was now vested by law in the President, in clear violation of the Convention and to the detriment of social dialogue in El Salvador. In conclusion, they were of the view that the Committee should call for a series of urgent measures, without ruling out a direct contacts mission.

The Worker member of El Salvador said that trade unions had been drawing up proposals and contributing to public debate on establishing and strengthening democratic institutions in the country, despite the slowness of the procedures intended to ensure profound structural change. There were various factors explaining the fact that the CST was not yet functioning properly. The CST’s regulations did not define clearly, or even tacitly, the procedure for elections for workers’ representatives. Moreover, there was no consensus among the country’s trade unions on the composition of the CST, as those who had traditionally been appointed were not prepared to allow election procedures to be made more transparent and democratic to guarantee the participation of other organizations that had emerged recently. She condemned the interference of ANEP, which had publicly requested the former Minister of Labour to recognize the list put forward by a group of workers who were linked or close to employers, in a bid to undermine other legally constituted and representative organizations. The matter had at the time been brought to the attention of the Director-General of the ILO. She urged ANEP to respect the autonomy and independence of trade unions to elect their representatives and requested the Government to take steps to set the CST in motion as soon as possible and to ensure the membership of more trade union representatives. Referring to the complaint presented to the Committee on Freedom of Association by ANEP (Case No. 2980), she said that the decree that had given rise to the complaint was designed to establish a procedure that would guarantee the participation of other employers’ organizations, including those representing micro- and small enterprises. She believed that one of ANEP’s main concerns was that it might lose the control that it had enjoyed up to now over tripartite institutions.

She welcomed the Government’s initiative in creating a bipartite forum through the creation of a roundtable on industrial relations in order to move towards genuine social dialogue and citizens’ participation. The objective of the forum was to formulate and propose public policies and legislative reforms, such as the improvement of industrial relations in the public sector. The participants included the various movements within the trade union sector. She regretted the position adopted by ANEP which, because it did not agree with that type of forum, had announced that it would present a complaint to the ILO alleging that such matters should be discussed in a tripartite context. She explained that so far the forum had not discussed any issue that came within the purview of tripartite bodies. Although a number of new trade unions had emerged, they were for the most part in the public and informal sectors, while in the private sector unions were tending to disappear. She called on private sector enterprises to respect the provisions of the Convention and allow the establishment of trade unions without let or hindrance. She urged the State to respect the exercise of freedom of association, especially the right to strike. Historically, only two strikes had ever been declared legal in El Salvador, which was clear evidence of the impunity that prevailed and of a flawed judicial system. The workers she represented hoped that the current Government would ensure a labour administration that was fair and just and which applied labour law effectively. In conclusion, she urged the State to speed up the judicial inquiry into the murder of trade unionist Victoriano Abel Vega, clarify the motives behind the crime and punish those responsible.

The Employer member of El Salvador indicated that on 12 August 2012 the Government had introduced 19 legislative reforms that had subsequently been approved by Congress without consultation. Their effect was to expel private sector representatives from 19 autonomous institutions, some of which were tripartite bodies. Among these were the ISSS, to which the private sector was the main contributor, and the ISAFORP, where employers were the only contributors. He added that there were also institutions that were not tripartite in composition, but which received private sector contributions. He observed that, at present, these funds were managed by the Government and used for internal campaigns and to pay off gangs. Moreover, the 19 institutional reforms had changed the method of nominating private sector representatives. Since August 2012, representatives had been nominated by the President of the Republic, rather than on the basis of a shortlist submitted by organizations within the sector or a simple majority of an assembly convened for the purpose. He recalled that the situation had prompted ANEP to present a complaint to the Committee on Freedom of Association alleging the violation of Conventions Nos 87 and 144 (Case No. 2980). In its recommendations, the Committee on Freedom of Association had drawn the Government’s attention to the principles of the freedom to nominate employers’ representatives and of tripartite consultation, and had requested the Government to respect those principles fully in future. The Committee had also requested that the Government conduct in-depth consultations with workers’ and employers’ organizations within the CST so that agreement could be reached on ensuring the balanced tripartite composition of the executive boards of the autonomous institutions referred to in the complaint. He observed that, when the Committee on Freedom of Association had made its recommendations, the Ministry of Labour had stopped convening the CST on the pretext of the lack of consensus among workers, with the result that no agreement had been reached. The requirement for consensus, rather than an election by simple majority as provided for in the CST rules, meant that any federation close to the governing party could veto a majority agreement. He expressed regret that the new Minister of Labour had maintained the same position on consensus, which was a ruse to ensure that tripartite dialogue within the CST remained paralysed. When the time had come to nominate candidates to the board of the ISSS, organizations affiliated to ANEP had proposed certain names, but the President had decided to choose another person who had been rejected by ANEP because of links to the pharmaceutical sector and the existence of conflicts of interest. As the person in question now sat as the representative of the private sector on the ISSS committee for the purchase of medicines, which had authorized direct purchases (with no bidding process) amounting to over US$50 million, there were grounds for wondering where the responsibility lay if any acts of corruption came to light. He added that, in January 2015, the Presidential Committee on Labour Issues had been established, through which the Government had begun bipartite dialogue with workers’ unions from both the public and private sectors. He explained that private sector unions had also been invited, but had later been told that the decree establishing the Committee only applied to public employees. That assertion was at odds with the text of the decree in question and with the words of the President, who had stated that the Committee would pursue a strategy to adjust the minimum wage gradually and to strengthen workers’ organizations. This had various implications, including the existence of a new means of interfering in workers’ organizations and the demise of tripartite dialogue in the National Minimum Wage Board. He expressed support for the call made by the Employer members for the Conference Committee to approve a direct contacts mission to determine whether the conclusions of the Committee on Freedom of Association were being applied. He hoped that such a mission could be undertaken before the meeting of the Committee of Experts so that its conclusions could be reported to the next session of the Conference.

The Government member of Mexico, speaking on behalf of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC), said that he had listened with interest to the statement made by the Government representative regarding respect for freedom of association and protection of the right to organize in law and practice. He also referred to the arguments put forward by the Government concerning police action and investigations carried out and the current situation in the CST. Those arguments had been covered by the report of the Committee of Experts. He took note of the Government’s openness and willingness to engage in dialogue with all the economic and social sectors. In light of Article 8(1) of the Convention, he reiterated GRULAC’s commitment to applying the Convention and to respecting freedom of association. He was confident that the Government would continue to comply with the Convention.

An observer representing the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) said that the absence of convictions of those guilty of crimes against trade union leaders and members had created a situation of impunity which was extremely damaging to trade union activities, such as in the case of the tragic murder of Victoriano Abel Vega. He also referred to Gilberto Soto, a leader of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, who had been murdered in 2004 and whose death still remained unsolved. According to the investigations by El Salvador’s Human Rights Ombudsman and the Human Rights Institute at the Central American University: (1) three men had shot Gilberto Soto in the back without taking his belongings; (2) the police had neglected to secure the crime scene or evidence; (3) the Interior Minister had declared that Gilberto Soto had not been killed by a death squad; (4) a Salvadorian ambassador had told American union officials that the police had refused to send him a copy of their report; (5) the national civil police had denied the constitutionally guaranteed right of the Human Rights Ombudsman to inspect its files and observe the progress of the investigation; and (6) the police had allegedly extracted confessions from three gang members by torturing them, and they had later recanted their statements. He emphasized that the Government should reopen this case to identify those who had ordered the crimes and who had covered them up. Furthermore, he emphasized that 159 members of the cargo and security departments of the international airport had been dismissed in 2001 in violation of their collective agreement. Management had also proceeded with an intimidation campaign to force the workers to withdraw from the El Salvador International Airport Workers’ Union, affiliated to the ITF. Referring to Case No. 2165 of the Committee on Freedom of Association, which had been closed more than ten years ago, unionized airport workers who organized had continued to face dismissals and the union had ended up ceasing all organizing activity as of 2013 due to constant anti-union discrimination. In conclusion, he urged the Government to heed the call of the airport workers’ union and to ensure compliance with the principles of freedom of association.

The Employer member of Uruguay supported the allegations made by ANEP. He expressed concern about the situations described on repeated occasions in the Committee, such as the trend for certain governments to choose their partners to engage in social dialogue. He called for respect for traditional tripartism, which had been the lifeblood of the Organization, or in other words, effective and constructive dialogue between the Government and the most representative workers’ and employers’ organizations. He emphasized that it was not for the Government to appoint like-minded social partners to implement its political agenda. On the contrary, it should take into account how representative the organizations actually were, as this had a direct impact on levels of representation and the legitimacy of any dialogue established. He expressed concern that certain types of dialogue served no other purpose than to bypass legitimate and representative organizations, both of workers and employers. He urged the Committee to consider these matters and to call for tripartite dialogue in the form established by the ILO. Existing safeguards on the representativeness of constituents attending the Conference and participating in discussions and in the adoption of international labour standards would be meaningless if false dialogue was promoted at the national level which allowed certain governments to impose their own solutions unilaterally.

The Government member of Honduras emphasized the Government’s openness and willingness to engage in dialogue with all social and economic sectors in his country which, according to what the Government had said, did not replace tripartite social dialogue. He also emphasized the Government’s will to continue working with workers and employers, with assistance from the ILO, and to take the necessary measures to give effect to the Convention.

The Employer member of Belgium said that the Federation of Belgian Enterprises supported the position of employers in El Salvador concerning the freedom to establish organizations and to nominate their representatives. It was important to note in that regard that the term liberté d’association in French, and its equivalent in Spanish, was the expression that best corresponded to the term “freedom of association” used in English. The term “trade union freedom” (liberté syndicale in French) could in fact imply that only the workers’ right of association was protected, while the Convention enshrined equality of treatment between workers’ and employers’ organizations. However, in El Salvador the rights of employers’ organizations were not guaranteed, which was to be deplored. There should be reflection on this linguistic distinction, which could lead to misunderstanding and provoke deliberate or unintentional errors of assessment.

The Worker member of Argentina referred to a series of provisions in the national legislation that were contrary to the Convention. Article 221 of the Constitution expressly prohibited strikes by public and municipal workers, and the collective stoppage of work, and authorized the militarization of civil public services in the event of a national emergency. However, a general prohibition of the right to strike by public sector workers was incompatible with the provisions of the Convention. Moreover, articles 529 and 553 established a cumbersome procedure for declaring strikes legal and required very strict majorities for calling strikes, which made it easier for them to be found illegal. The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights had expressed concern at the restrictions imposed on the exercise of the right to strike and the significant number of strikes declared illegal. It had also regretted that it had not received precise and up-to-date information on the number of strikes declared illegal and the grounds on which these decisions had been made. Restrictions on the right to strike were not limited to these two provisions. Other restrictions existed. It should be noted that the Labour Code also provided for compulsory arbitration in the case of essential services, namely in any situation that could be considered as endangering or threatening the normal living conditions of the whole or part of the population. The right to freedom of association was not being fully observed if strikes were declared illegal every time that workers called them. Collective bargaining could not exist if workers did not have the right to call a strike as their main means of collective action. The very existence of social dialogue presupposed that workers could exercise the right to strike with all legal and institutional guarantees. Those restrictions only benefited employers. The removal of such limitations would be a major sign of progress.

The Worker member of South Africa emphasized the need for legitimacy and autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations when taking action in matters related to work and the labour market. Turning to the cases of homicide of trade union leaders, he said that the number of unsolved cases was a matter of great concern. It was also distressing that the perpetrators of these crimes had not been detained and hence could enjoy the fruits of their sordid work. This situation needed to be condemned in the strongest terms possible. The Committee of Expert’s primary role was not to investigate said matters, but to remind the Government of its obligations arising out of the ratification of a Convention. The Government should therefore be urged to comply with the Convention it had ratified.

The Worker member of Uruguay said that the discussion had drawn attention to inconsistencies. ANEP had complained of interference in its activities in violation of the Convention, yet once attention focussed on the national level it was forgotten that the same Convention provided for the right to strike. The right to strike was applied in a very restrictive manner in the country. Furthermore, the rate of unionization was very low. He expressed indignation at the working conditions in maquilas (export processing zones) and emphasized that the type of dialogue advocated by the Government was not equivalent to tripartite dialogue. Dialogue should be effective and address all issues. Finally, he expressed the hope that investigations into the murders of trade union leaders would be completed without delay.

The Employer member of Honduras said that the Government was trying to eliminate tripartism by selecting the delegates from employers’ organizations. The objective of the Convention was to protect the right of organization of workers and employers, which included establishing organizations, drawing up their constitutions and rules, the internal procedures for electing their representatives and organizing their activities in accordance with national law. The Committee on Freedom of Association had recommended that the Government refrain from interfering in the selection of employer and worker delegates. The fact that the workers within the CST were not in agreement did not justify the Government failing to recognize employer delegates or holding tripartite meetings. The Government was trying to replace legitimate employer representatives with pro-government representatives and to prevent them from participating in tripartite bodies so it could avoid their surveillance and engage in the improper use of funds. Legitimate employer representation had thus been eliminated from 19 autonomous institutions. ANEP represented over 90 per cent of private enterprises and included members from small informal enterprises. ANEP therefore had the moral authority to demand that the Government repeal legislation that was not in conformity with Conventions Nos 87 and 144. The Committee should request the Government to repeal provisions that allow it to select employer representatives immediately.

The Employer member of Turkey indicated that the intervention of the President of El Salvador in the appointment of members of joint and tripartite executive boards constituted a clear violation of Article 3 of the Convention. This act by the President had hampered the autonomy of the employers’ organization namely ANEP. The rights of employers’ organizations to elect their representatives needed to be respected and the related provisions of the legislation therefore needed to be amended. As a representative of the employers’ organization of Turkey, he supported ANEP and urged the Government to respect the autonomy of this association.

The Government representative reiterated her Government’s willingness to work with all those who wanted a prosperous country that generated decent work, were committed to the health, education and welfare of families in El Salvador and fostered the development of micro-, small, medium and large enterprises. The Government’s commitment to dialogue had been shown, for example, by the recent withdrawal of the complaint made by the Sugar Cane Workers’ Union (SITRACAÑA) to the Committee on Freedom of Association. The establishment, through the reforms of joint and tripartite forums did not mean regression in the exercise of freedom of association. On the contrary, the Government was making the participation of employers and workers stronger and more democratic, in accordance with the Constitution. Changes in the legislation had been initiated to extend and comply with trade union rights, eliminating the limitations imposed by previous governments on public employees, which had impeded their right to organize. As a result, the number of trade unions, federations and confederations had increased in the public sector. Workers were key to achieving social, economic and political change. Steps were therefore being taken to ensure that all tripartite and joint forums functioned with the balanced participation and representation of all workers’ and employers’ organizations representing small, medium and large enterprises. There was not only one employers’ organization in the country, but several. Many had found it impossible to participate in tripartite or joint forums because of the hegemony exercised by certain employers’ organizations. Public sector unions had been similarly disadvantaged because, as they were not legally recognized, their participation in such bodies had been limited. Under the previous and current governments, trade union freedoms had been expanded and the number of legal and active unions had increased, as had the number of unionized workers. It was the Government’s wish that working women and men should have decent living conditions and that their fundamental rights should prevail over essentially economic interests so that the country could be an example of democratic practices where trade union rights were exercised in an autonomous manner in coherence with the historic struggles of the working class. The workforce needed to be the driving force behind economic and productive development, and not a commodity dominated by individual interests. In recognition of all the social and labour struggles throughout the country’s history, the Government would continue working to ensure that all organized workers could freely engage in trade union activities and achieve, in both the public and private sectors, decent living and working conditions, with decent wages and social benefits, without any kind of discrimination. With regard to the situation of insecurity in the country, the Government shared the workers’ concern and was undertaking comprehensive action in the context of the Plan for a Safe El Salvador, which had been formulated with broad social and sectoral participation. The same applied to the Council for Public Safety, composed of representatives of the Government, private enterprise, including ANEP, organized workers, churches, the media and social organizations, with the assistance of the United Nations.

The Employer members considered that the information provided by the Government confirmed its deliberate intention to sideline the most representative employers’ organization. This was a legal debate to determine whether law and practice in El Salvador were in compliance with the Convention. The appointment of employer representatives to tripartite forums by the President was contrary to the Convention, as emphasized by the Committee on Freedom of Association. However, it was clear that the Government did not wish to collaborate with the supervisory bodies. Employers were being driven out of all tripartite forums and were being replaced by individuals close to the President. This undermined democratic values. The Employer members requested the Government to take steps to: guarantee the full autonomy of workers’ and employers’ organizations in tripartite and joint bodies; immediately convene and appoint members to the Higher Labour Council, which should be consulted on the legal reforms needed to guarantee the autonomy of these bodies; revise, under the auspices of the Higher Labour Council, Presidential Decree No. 86 establishing the Presidential Commission on Labour Issues; accept a direct contacts mission to visit the country before the next session of the Committee of Experts to ensure, together with the social partners, that the above actions were taken; accept technical assistance from the ILO to align its law and practice with the Convention; and inform the Committee of Experts at its next session in November 2015 of the progress made on the issue.

The Worker members observed that, while they concurred with the observation of the Employer members regarding equality between workers’ and employers’ organizations, the terminology used since 1948 had never given rise to any ambiguity that might suggest the contrary and had never stood in the way of the examination of that right in the context of the ILO’s work. Apart from the terminology used, which could vary from one country to another, it was a question here of the right to organize collectively and its corollary, the right to collective action, which for the workers meant the right to strike. Returning to the case under discussion, it should be observed that the situation in the country had worsened and the current circumstances called for urgent measures from the Government, in particular regarding the irregularities in the legislation, for which technical assistance would be necessary. It should be noted that the Government had requested such assistance. The latter would relate in particular to the procedure for the registration of trade unions and the requirement imposed on trade unions to certify the status of their members. Those two elements called for precise, effective and prompt legislative amendments. Regarding the nationality requirement to become a trade union representative and the possibility of joining more than one union, the Government should follow through on the many pledges that it had made and take remedial action as soon as possible. Furthermore, with regard to the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega, the justice system needed to do its work, otherwise there would be an unacceptable situation of impunity in a democratic State which would aggravate the climate of violence and insecurity and have an adverse effect on the exercise of trade union activities. The Government should therefore take all the necessary measures without delay and report on the matters raised before the next meeting of the Committee of Experts.


The Committee noted the oral information provided by the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare and the discussion that followed.

The Committee observed that the issues raised by the Committee of Experts related to: the murder of a trade union leader; observations by the ITUC and IOE; lack of autonomy of workers’ and employers’ organizations to select their representatives on joint and tripartite bodies; legislative restrictions on the right to establish trade union organizations for certain categories of public employees; requirement for the employer to certify that the founding members of a trade union are employees; requirement to be a national of El Salvador by birth in order to hold trade union office; and, in the event of refusal of trade union registration, the existence of an excessive waiting period before submission of a new application.

The Committee noted that the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare indicated that the Government condemned the killing of trade union leader Mr Victoriano Abel Vega, that it was still being actively investigated at present by the Prosecutor’s Office, which was stepping up inquiries to elucidate the facts with the express intention of preventing the crime from going unpunished. The Government was maintaining a constant social dialogue with all social sectors including private enterprise but, contrary to hegemonic practices in the past, with all employers’ organizations – small, medium and large – and also with all trade union organizations, including those which had been excluded in the past. Tripartite social dialogue existed in 19 autonomous public institutions and, further to the major reform undertaken and in the light of regulatory aspects, there was a further opening up for the participation of all organizations. With regard to the problems of constituting the Higher Labour Council, the Government representative referred to numerous initiatives and meetings instigated by the Ministry up to June 2015 to resolve the impasse on the basis of democratic, inclusive and representative practices and the regulations in force. She indicated that the existing problem was due to disagreement on the part of the trade union representation, which was divided into two blocks supporting two lists of elected representatives and that the impasse had not been caused by the Government. The Presidential Commission for Labour Affairs which focused mainly on the public sector was a response to the request from the Workers to have a mechanism for direct communication in relation to the Government’s Five-Year Plan; and that this labour forum would not replace the mechanisms for tripartite participation. The Government had achieved changes in the legislation in order to guarantee the trade union rights of public employees and in the past five years the number of active trade unions had risen to 464, with 99 unions in the public sector and 35 in autonomous institutions. According to the practice followed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, trade union organizations whose registration had been refused could submit a new application the following day. The Government had noted the importance of the provisions and issues referred to by the Committee of Experts and had pledged to ensure compliance with the latter’s observations in conformity with the legislation in force. Action was being taken with regard to an automated record of participation of all unionized workers in relation to the various reforms requested by the Committee of Experts.

The Committee recalled the emphasis placed during the discussion on the fact that a climate of violence and insecurity was extremely damaging to the exercise of trade union activities. Moreover, it recalled that the Convention concerned the right of all workers and employers to establish and join the organizations of their own choosing and for their organizations to carry out their activities without government interference.

Taking into account the discussion in this case, the Committee requested the Government to:

  • take all necessary measures without delay to identify those responsible for the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega and to punish those guilty of this crime;
  • ensure the full autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations in the joint and tripartite decision-making bodies, which necessitated the convocation and immediate setting up of the Higher Labour Council where the legal reforms necessary to guarantee this autonomy should be consulted. In order to achieve this, the Government should abstain from requesting consensus from the trade union confederations and federations for the nomination of their representatives to the Higher Labour Council;
  • revise on a tripartite basis in the Higher Labour Council Presidential Decree No. 86, which created the Presidential Commission for Labour Affairs;
  • accept ILO technical assistance with a view to bringing its legislation and practice into conformity with the provisions of the Convention; and
  • submit a report to the Committee of Experts on the progress made in achieving the full application of the Convention for consideration at its next meeting in November 2015.

The Government representative indicated that the Government had noted the conclusions and would continue to work with a view to achieve compliance with the Convention and progress in relation to labour rights. The Government was committed, through democratic practices and openness for dialogue, to solve the disagreements, in conformity with the national legislation, and reiterated the Government’s interest to avail itself of ILO technical assistance.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2023, published 112nd ILC session (2024)

The Committee notes the observations of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), received on 10 November 2022, which refer to matters examined in the present comment.
The Committee recalls that in its previous comment it expressed concern at the serious allegations made in 2020 by the National Business Association (ANEP), with the support of the IOE, in relation to acts of defamation and intimidation of the President of the ANEP, and of the organization itself. The Committee notes that, in this respect, in communications sent during the course of 2022, the Government indicates that in April 2022 the members of the ANEP freely and independently elected a new President for the period 2021-23. The Government claims that it has respected the independence of the ANEP as an association representing employers and indicates that there has not been any conduct involving harassment, interference or aggression towards the organization. The Committee notes that these matters were examined by the Committee on Freedom of Association in Case No. 3380 and the Committee on the Application of Standards (hereinafter the Conference Committee) in 2022 and 2023 in relation to the application of the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144). The Committee notes the IOE’s indication in its observations that, despite the fact that in 2022 the Conference Committee urged the Government to refrain from any aggression and from interfering in the establishment and the activities of employers’ and workers’ organizations, in particular the ANEP, the Government has continued to show aggression towards employers’ organizations and to interfere in their activities. The Committee notes that in 2023 the Conference Committee urged the Government to immediately cease all acts of violence, threats, persecution, stigmatization, intimidation or any other form of aggression against individuals or organizations in connection with both the exercise of legitimate trade union activities and the activities of employers’ organizations, and to adopt measures to ensure that such acts are not repeated, in particular for the ANEP and its members. The Committee refers to its comments in relation to Convention No. 144 and urges the Government, in consultation with the social partners, to adopt as soon as possible each and every measure that it has been urged to take by the Conference Committee. The Committee requests the Government to provide information in this regard, with an indication of the measures adopted to guarantee that no other acts of hostility and interference occur against the ANEP or its members and leaders in respect of the freedom of employers to establish organizations of their own choosing, organize their administration and activities and formulate their programmes without interference by the public authorities.
Trade union rights and civil liberties. Murder of a trade unionist. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic is continuing to investigate the case of the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega, which occurred in 2010. The Committee notes that, in its most recent examination of Case No. 2923, the Committee on Freedom of Association deplored the absence of tangible progress towards the resolution of the case more than 13 years since the murder and firmly urged the Government and all the competent authorities to make, in a coordinated manner and as a matter of urgency and priority, all the necessary efforts to expedite and conclude the investigations under way in order to identify and punish as soon as possible both the instigators and the perpetrators of the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega. The Committee refers to the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association in that case (403rd Report, June 2023).
The Committee also notes that, when examining Case No. 3395 in relation to the murder of the trade union leader Weder Arturo Meléndez Ramírez, the Committee on Freedom of Association noted that a proposal for the reform of the Criminal Code, drafted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare with the aim of improving the protection of freedom of association for trade union leaders and members was under examination by the Ministry for subsequent submission to the Legislative Assembly (404th Report, October 2023). The Committee invites the Government to provide information on any progress in this regard.
Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention. Pending legislative reforms. For many years, the Committee has been requesting the Government to take the necessary measures to amend the following legislative and constitutional provisions:
  • articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution of the Republic and section 73 of the Civil Service Act, which exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to organize (members of the judiciary, public servants who exercise decision-making authority or are in managerial positions, employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials, diplomatic representatives, assistants of Public Prosecutors, auxiliary agents, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates);
  • section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one trade union, so that workers who have more than one job in different occupations or sectors are able to join different trade unions;
  • sections 211 and 212 of the Labour Code (and the corresponding provision of the Civil Service Act in respect of unions of public service employees), which establish, respectively, the requirement of a minimum of 35 members to establish a workers’ union and a minimum of seven employers to establish an employers’ organization, so that these requirements do not hinder the establishment of workers’ and employers’ organizations in full freedom;
  • section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in the process of registering the union, the employer shall certify that the founding members are employees, so as to ensure that the list of the applicant union’s members is not communicated to the employer;
  • section 248 of the Labour Code, by eliminating the waiting period of six months required for a new attempt to establish a trade union when its registration has been denied;
  • article 47(4) of the Constitution of the Republic, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act, which establish the requirement to have attained the age of majority and to be a national of El Salvador by birth in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union, which are excessive restrictions on the right of workers to freely elect their representatives;
  • article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic so as to limit the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service to officials exercising authority in the name of the State and those who perform their duties in essential services in the strict sense of the term (while recalling that it is also possible to restrict the exercise of the right to strike through the establishment of minimum services in public services of fundamental importance);
  • section 529 of the Labour Code so that, when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and also that the principle is recognized of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment, even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers; and
  • section 553(f) of the Labour Code, which provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment”, which is inconsistent with section 529(3) of the Labour Code and which restricts excessively the right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes.
Furthermore, recalling that prison staff must enjoy the right to organize, the Committee on Freedom of Association and the Committee of Experts requested the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure full respect of the right of prison staff to organize (Case No. 3321, Report No. 392, October 2020).
The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the constitutional and legislative reforms referred to above, including the reform of the Labour Code, are under examination by the Legislative Assembly. The Government emphasizes that in August 2022 the Trade Union Office was established, within the National Department of Social Organizations, and indicates that as of March 2023 credentials were issued through that Office for a total of 122 trade union organizations. The Government indicates that an average of 18 organizations a month were accredited between August 2022 and March 2023, which shows that since the establishment of the Office credentials have been issued within an average of ten days, and that the process may take a maximum of 15 days. The Government emphasizes the firm commitment to undertake more labour reforms over the coming years and expresses its good will to continue convening the social partners to engage in working days jointly with the Higher Labour Council and the National Minimum Wage Council. The Government adds that workers in prisons have established unions within the institution for which they work, which is the Ministry of Justice, and that, although three unions have been registered, they have been without leadership for several years.
The Committee takes due note of this information and of the Government’s commitment to undertake labour reforms and continue to convene the social partners to the Higher Labour Council and the National Minimum Wage Council. In this regard, the Committee recalls that, at its session in June 2023, the Conference Committee urged the Government to reactivate, without delay, the full operation of the Higher Labour Council and other tripartite bodies and to ensure the development and adoption, in consultation with the social partners, of clear, objective, predictable and legally binding rules to ensure their effective and independent functioning, without any external interference. Moreover, while welcoming the Government’s indications concerning the establishment and operation of the Trade Union Office which, as it emphasizes, has facilitated the processes of issuing credentials for trade unions, the Committee observes that the Conference Committee urged the Government to put a stop to the delays in issuing the credentials of workers’ and employers’ organizations, including the ANEP, in line with their right to representation. The Committee also notes that the Committee on Freedom of Association made specific recommendations in relation to the excessive requirements for the registration and for issuance of credentials for the executive committees of unions (such as the submission of copies of individual identity documents and pay slips in order to verify whether members of executive committees are nationals of El Salvador by birth or to verify the worker’s type of contract) and it requested the Government, in consultation with the most representative trade union organizations, to take the necessary measures to review the rules applicable to the registration of executive committees in order to guarantee the right of organizations to elect their representatives in full freedom and to ensure swift process (Case No. 3258, 393rd Report, March 2021). The Committee further notes the Government’s indications in relation to unions in the prison sector and observes that one of the three unions referred to by the Government was the union that made the complaint to the Committee on Freedom of Association, in relation to which the latter requested the Government to take measures to ensure full respect for the right to organize of prison staff.
The Committee firmly expects to be able to note progress in the near future on all the legislative matters referred to above that have been pending for many years. The Committee reminds the Government that ILO technical assistance is available to it and urges it, following tripartite consultation, to take the necessary measures to ensure the conformity of the provisions referred to above with the Convention. The Committee also urges the Government as soon as possible, in consultation with the social partners, to take the measures that it was urged to adopt by the Conference Committee and that have been requested by the Committee on Freedom of Association. The Committee hopes that the Trade Union Office will play an important role in ensuring the expeditious nature of the processes of registration and issuing credentials for the executive committees of unions and requests the Government to provide statistical data on procedures for the registration of the executive committees of employers’ and workers’ organizations. Moreover, observing that the case examined by the Committee on Freedom of Association in the prison sector, as referred to above, was filed by a union in the sector, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure the full recognition of the right to organize of workers in that sector.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2020, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes the observations of the National Business Association (ANEP), supported by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), received on 13 October 2020 (which also refer to the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) and which the Committee is addressing here with regard to the present Convention), which report that the President of the Republic and other higher Governmental bodies have failed to recognize, slandered and intimidated the new President of ANEP, who was elected on 29 April 2020, preventing dialogue between public servants and ANEP or its President, thereby publicly denigrating the most representative employers’ organization and fuelling rejection of its President by the public, in violation of the Convention and the most fundamental civil liberties. The Committee expresses its concern at these serious allegations and requests the Government to provide its comments on the matter.
The Committee also notes that the Committee on Freedom of Association referred the legislative aspects of Case No. 3321 to this Committee, trusting that the Government would take the measures necessary to ensure full respect of the right to organize of prison staff (see 392nd Report, October 2020). Recalling its request that the necessary measures be taken in order to recognize the right to organize of State employees, with the sole possible exception of the armed forces and the police (see the legislative reforms pending below), the Committee requests the Government to keep it informed of any developments in this respect.
As regards the other pending issues, the Committee reiterates the content of its comments adopted in 2019, reproduced as follows.
The Committee notes the Government’s replies to the previous observations of ANEP and the IOE, as well as of the National Confederation of Salvadoran Workers (CNTS).
Trade union rights and civil liberties. Murder of a trade unionist. With regard to the murder of Mr Victoriano Abel Vega in 2010, the Committee notes that the Government emphasizes the need to accelerate the investigation and punish the perpetrators, and it details the steps it is taking periodically to request updated reports from the Attorney-General of the Republic, with the most solid line of investigation being that the murder was committed mistakenly by a group of gang members. The Committee notes that the details provided by the Government on the investigation process have already been examined by the Committee on Freedom of Association and that recent updates show that the case is still under investigation. The Committee therefore refers once again to the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association in Case No. 2923 (see 388th Report, March 2019).
Article 3. Freedom and autonomy of workers’ and employers’ organizations to appoint their representatives. Reactivation of the Higher Labour Council. The Committee notes with interest that, according to the Government, the Higher Labour Council, after having been inactive since 2013, was set up as of 16 September 2019. In this connection, the Committee refers to its comments on the application of the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144).
Articles 2 and 3. Legislative reforms pending. For several years, the Committee has been requesting the Government to take the necessary measures to amend the following legislative and constitutional provisions:
  • -articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution of the Republic and section 73 of the Civil Service Act (LSC), which exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to organize (members of the judiciary, public servants who exercise decision-making authority or are in managerial positions, employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials, diplomatic representatives, assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or auxiliary agents, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates);
  • -section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one trade union, so that workers who have more than one job in different occupations or sectors are able to join trade unions;
  • -sections 211 and 212 of the Labour Code (and the corresponding provision of the LSC on unions of public service employees), which establish, respectively, the requirement of a minimum of 35 members to establish a workers’ union and a minimum of seven employers to establish an employers’ organization, so that these requirements do not hinder the establishment of workers’ and employers’ organizations in full freedom;
  • -section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in the process of registering the union, the employer shall certify that the founding members are employees, so as to ensure that the list of the applicant union’s members is not communicated to the employer;
  • -section 248 of the Labour Code, by eliminating the waiting period of six months required for a new attempt to establish a trade union when its registration has been denied;
  • -article 47(4) of the Constitution of the Republic, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the LSC, which establish the requirement to have attained the age of majority and to be a national of El Salvador by birth in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union, which are excessive restrictions of the right of the workers freely to elect their representatives;
  • -article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic so as to limit the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service to officials exercising authority in the name of the State and those who perform their duties in essential services in the strict sense of the term (while recalling that it is also possible to restrict the exercise of the right to strike through the establishment of minimum services in public services of fundamental importance);
  • -section 529 of the Labour Code so that when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and also that the principle is recognized of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment, even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers; and
  • -section 553(f) of the Labour Code, which provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment,” which is inconsistent with section 529(3) of the Labour Code and which restricts excessively the right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes.
In this respect, the Committee notes that the Government duly notes the above-mentioned recommendations, indicates that consideration could not be given to proposals for reform owing to the inactivity of the Higher Labour Council over six years, and states that, with the reactivation of the latter, these, and other proposals for labour legislation reform, will be submitted to it. The Committee duly notes that, as specified by the Government, ILO technical assistance has been requested in this regard. Hoping to be able to note progress in the near future on these long pending legislative reform matters, the Committee urges the Government, following tripartite consultation, to take the necessary measures to ensure conformity of the above provisions with the Convention.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2019, published 109th ILC session (2021)

The Committee notes the Government’s replies to the previous observations of the National Business Association (ANEP) and International Organisation of Employers (IOE), as well as of the National Confederation of Salvadoran Workers (CNTS).
Trade union rights and civil liberties. Murder of a trade unionist. With regard to the murder of Mr Victoriano Abel Vega in 2010, the Committee notes that the Government emphasizes the need to accelerate the investigation and punish the perpetrators, and it details the steps it is taking periodically to request updated reports from the Attorney-General of the Republic, with the most solid line of investigation being that the murder was committed mistakenly by a group of gang members. The Committee notes that the details provided by the Government on the investigation process have already been examined by the Committee on Freedom of Association and that recent updates show that the case is still under investigation. The Committee therefore refers once again to the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association in Case No. 2923 (388th Report, March 2019).
Article 3. Freedom and autonomy of workers’ and employers’ organizations to appoint their representatives. Reactivation of the Higher Labour Council. The Committee notes with interest that, according to the Government, the Higher Labour Council, after having been inactive since 2013, was set up as of 16 September 2019. In this connection, the Committee refers to its comments on the application of the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144).
Articles 2 and 3. Legislative reforms pending. For several years, the Committee has been requesting the Government to take the necessary measures to amend the following legislative and constitutional provisions:
  • -articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution of the Republic and section 73 of the Civil Service Act (LSC), which exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to organize (members of the judiciary, public servants who exercise decision-making authority or are in managerial positions, employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials, diplomatic representatives, assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or auxiliary agents, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates);
  • -section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one trade union, so that workers who have more than one job in different occupations or sectors are able to join trade unions;
  • -sections 211 and 212 of the Labour Code (and the corresponding provision of the LSC on unions of public service employees), which establish, respectively, the requirement of a minimum of 35 members to establish a workers’ union and a minimum of seven employers to establish an employers’ organization, so that these requirements do not hinder the establishment of workers’ and employers’ organizations in full freedom;
  • -section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in the process of registering the union, the employer shall certify that the founding members are employees, so as to ensure that the list of the applicant union’s members is not communicated to the employer;
  • -section 248 of the Labour Code, by eliminating the waiting period of six months required for a new attempt to establish a trade union when its registration has been denied;
  • -article 47(4) of the Constitution of the Republic, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the LSC, which establish the requirement to have attained the age of majority and to be a national of El Salvador by birth in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union, which are excessive restrictions of the right of the workers freely to elect their representatives;
  • -article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic so as to limit the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service to officials exercising authority in the name of the State and those who perform their duties in essential services in the strict sense of the term (while recalling that it is also possible to restrict the exercise of the right to strike through the establishment of minimum services in public services of fundamental importance);
  • -section 529 of the Labour Code so that when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and also that the principle is recognized of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment, even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers; and
  • -section 553(f) of the Labour Code, which provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment,” which is inconsistent with section 529(3) of the Labour Code and which restricts excessively the right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes.
In this respect, the Committee notes that the Government duly notes the above-mentioned recommendations, indicates that consideration could not be given to proposals for reform owing to the inactivity of the Higher Labour Council over six years, and states that, with the reactivation of the latter, these, and other proposals for labour legislation reform, will be submitted to it. The Committee duly notes that, as specified by the Government, ILO technical assistance has been requested in this regard. Hoping to be able to note progress in the near future on these long pending legislative reform matters, the Committee urges the Government, following tripartite consultation, to take the necessary measures to ensure conformity of the above provisions with the Convention.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2018, published 108th ILC session (2019)

Article 3 of the Convention. Right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to amend article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic so as to limit the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service to officials exercising authority in the name of the State and those who perform their duties in essential services in the strict sense of the term, while recalling that it is also possible to restrict the exercise of the right to strike through the establishment of minimum services in public services of fundamental importance. The Committee notes the Government’s reiteration, once again, that up to now it has not been possible to give effect to the requested proposal to amend article 221 of the Constitution, but that the Committee will be kept informed of any developments in this regard. The Committee once again requests the Government to keep it informed of the initiatives taken to amend article 221 of the Constitution as indicated.
In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 529 of the Labour Code to provide that, when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and to recognize the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment, even in cases where the decision to call the strike has been made by an absolute majority of the workers. In this respect, the Committee welcomed the submission of a draft reform of the Labour Code to the National Assembly in 2015, envisaging the amendment of section 529 so that: (i) only 30 per cent of the votes cast by the workers in the enterprise or establishment are required to be able to call a strike; (ii) the right to work of non-strikers is ensured; and (iii) the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment is guaranteed. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that the draft amendment of section 529 of the Labour Code, presented in 2015, is still being examined by the Legislative Assembly and there is an interest in ILO technical assistance. Hoping that it will be able to observe progress in the near future and reiterating the availability of ILO technical assistance upon request in this regard, the Committee requests the Government to report any developments relating to the amendment of section 529 of the Labour Code.
Declaring strikes unlawful. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the amendment of section 553(f) of the Labour Code, which provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel in the enterprise or establishment”. The Committee considered this provision to be inconsistent with section 529(3), under which a strike may be called, respecting the right to work of non-striking workers, with the support of 30 per cent of the workers in the enterprise or establishment – as well as the proposed amendment of section 553(e) of the Labour Code contained in the legislative initiative of 2015 (reducing the majority required to call a strike from 50 to 30 per cent of the workers in the enterprise). Moreover, the Committee considered that the provision excessively restricted the exercise of the right to strike. The Committee observes the Government’s indication that it has taken due note of the Committee’s comments, especially with regard to the existence of a contradiction in the framework of the revision of the Labour Code, but says that, to date, no draft amendment to section 553(f) has been submitted. Once again observing that section 553(f) of the Labour Code amounts to an excessive restriction on the right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend this provision as indicated.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2018, published 108th ILC session (2019)

The Committee notes the joint observations of the National Business Association (ANEP) and International Organisation of Employers (IOE), received on 11 September 2018, which refer to issues covered by this observation and also allege the existence of a campaign to intimidate ANEP. The Committee requests the Government to send its comments in this regard.
The Committee also notes the observations of the National Confederation of Salvadoran Workers (CNTS), received on 8 June 2018, indicating that the preliminary draft law on the public service will undermine the right to organize and freedom of association in the public sector, which are guaranteed by the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to send its comments in this regard.
The Committee further notes the report of the direct contacts mission, which visited the country from 3 to 7 July 2017, following a request by the Committee on the Application of Labour Standards of the International Labour Conference (hereafter “the Conference Committee”) in June 2016.
Trade union rights and civil liberties. Murder of a trade unionist. With regard to the murder of Mr Victoriano Abel Vega in 2010, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that in March 2018, it requested an updated report from the Attorney General of the Republic, who stated that: (i) the investigation, conducted by the Prosecution Unit Specializing in Organized Crime (UFEDCO), is active and that the Anti-Organized Crime Elite Division of the National Civil Police (DECO) has been working on the case; (ii) at present, there is no concrete material evidence relating to the perpetrator or participation in the events; and (iii) once such evidence has been obtained, the relevant criminal proceedings will be initiated. In the light of this information, the Government indicates that it has sent requests for additional information to UFEDCO and DECO. Observing that the Committee on Freedom of Association has been examining this matter in the context of Case No. 2923 (March 2017, 381st Report), the Committee refers to its recommendations in this regard. While noting the information provided by the Government, the Committee firmly hopes that the Government and the competent authorities will give full effect to the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association so as to determine criminal liability and punish the perpetrators of this crime in the near future.
Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and to join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorization. Exclusion of some categories of public employees from the guarantees of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to amend articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution of the Republic and section 73 of the Civil Service Act (LSC), which exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to organize (members of the judiciary, public servants who exercise decision-making authority or are in managerial positions, employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials, diplomatic representatives, assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or auxiliary agents, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates). The Committee, having noted that the revision of the Constitution requires agreement by two consecutive, ordinary legislative assemblies, requested the Government to report the measures taken for the necessary amendments. The Committee observes that the Government once again: (i) reiterates that the amendment of section 73 of the LSC presupposes the amendment of articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution; (ii) emphasizes that, among other requirements, the revision of the Constitution requires, first of all, the presentation of a proposal by at least ten representatives; and (iii) indicates that, at present, there is no group of ten or more representatives who wish to propose the amendment of articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution. Hoping to be able to observe progress in the near future with respect to the exclusion of categories of public servants from the guarantees of the Convention, the Committee once again requests the Government to take the necessary measures for the amendment of articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution and section 73 of the LSC as indicated.
Articles 2 and 3. Other legislative reforms requested. For several years, the Committee has been requesting the Government to take the necessary measures to amend the following legislative and constitutional provisions:
  • -section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one trade union, so that workers who have more than one job in different occupations or sectors are able to join trade unions;
  • -sections 211 and 212 of the Labour Code (and the corresponding provision of the LSC on unions of public service employees), which establish, respectively, the requirement of a minimum of 35 members to establish a workers’ union and a minimum of seven employers to establish an employers’ organization, so that these requirements do not hinder the establishment of workers’ and employers’ organizations in full freedom;
  • -section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in the process of registering the union, the employer shall certify that the founding members are employees, so as to ensure that the list of the applicant union’s members is not communicated to the employer;
  • -section 248 of the Labour Code, by eliminating the waiting period of six months required for a new attempt to establish a trade union when its registration has been denied; and
  • -article 47(4) of the Constitution of the Republic, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the LSC, which establish the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union. The Committee also observes that the Committee on Freedom of Association drew the legislative aspects of Case No. 3117 to this Committee (see 382nd Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association, June 2017, paragraph 314), including the requirement that members of an executive committee must have attained the age of majority, as this imposition constitutes an excessive restriction of the right of the workers freely to elect their representatives.
In this respect, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that: (i) the initiatives to reform the Labour Code presented in 2015 are still under examination in the Legislative Assembly, and (ii) with regard to the amendment of the provision setting out the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union, this provision is not being examined by the Legislative Assembly. Moreover, the Committee observes that the direct contacts mission expressed an interest in ILO technical assistance by members of the Legislative Assembly, including in relation to the Labour Code reform. Recalling that the competent authorities may avail themselves of ILO technical assistance, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to bring the above-mentioned provisions into conformity with the Convention and hopes to be able to observe progress in the near future.
Article 3. Freedom and autonomy of workers’ and employers’ organizations to appoint their representatives. Reactivation of the Higher Labour Council and election of representatives in autonomous official institutions. With regard to the reactivation of the Higher Labour Council (hereafter “the Council”), the Committee recalls that the failure to appoint workers’ representatives has paralysed the Council since 2013. The Committee observes the Government’s indication that: (i) on 1 May 2017, the legally registered trade union federations and confederations were asked to present their proposed representatives for the labour sector of the Council; (ii) three proposals were received: one appointing eight representatives and their substitutes, backed by eight federations and one confederation (representing 39 trade unions, 19,107 members and five collective agreements), a second that also appointed eight representatives and their substitutes, presented by 18 federations and two confederations (representing 197 trade unions, 108,779 members and 74 collective agreements) and a third appointing only one person and his substitute (representing 15 trade unions, 4,130 people and three collective agreements); (iii) in view of the conclusions of the Conference Committee, as well as the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice on this matter, the authorities took into account the criteria of membership, collective agreements and the number of trade unions represented by each proposal (as the most universal representativeness criteria) and proceeded to request appointments proportional to the statistics on these criteria: the organizations that presented the first proposal were invited to appoint five representatives and their substitutes; those that presented the second proposal were invited to appoint two representatives and their substitutes; and those that presented the third proposal were invited to appoint one representative and a substitute; (iv) the federations and confederations that presented the first and third proposal put forward their representatives – however, the federations and confederations that presented the second proposal (including the CNTS and those that had presented a complaint on this matter to the Committee on Freedom of Association in 2013 under Case No. 3054) did not put forward a proposed appointment; (v) the employers’ representatives and the Government made their respective appointments; (vi) on 28 June, the employers’ and workers’ representatives were invited to the Office of the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare (President of the Council under its regulations), but only the workers’ representatives came; (vii) in the framework of the direct contacts mission, the members of the three sectors were invited to the inaugural meeting of the Council on 6 July 2018 – however, the employers’ sector did not attend, arguing that it did not agree with the appointment mechanism of the workers’ sector; (viii) although the Government has taken all the initiatives required to reactive the Council, these initiatives have not produced the expected positive results; (ix) in December 2017, the Government asked the ILO for assistance in this regard; (x) as a result of the technical assistance of the Office, various workshops were held in June and July 2018 with the three sectors in order to analyse possible ways to revise the rules of the Council; and (xi) the Government hopes that, as a result of the cooperation under way, consensus on the revision of the rules can be identified in order to address the causes of the inactivity in this tripartite entity. Moreover, the Committee observes that although the direct contacts mission noted the measures indicated by the Government, it also observed that certain social partners questioned the legality of the procedure for the appointment of members and for convening the Council, alleging in particular irregularities in procedure and undue interference by the Government in the determination of the criteria and the final composition of the representatives of the workers’ sector. In this connection, the Committee notes the recommendation of the direct contacts mission, recalling the importance of effective consultation with the confederations and federations concerned for the determination of stable election procedures with precise, objective, and pre-established representativeness criteria, while also recognizing the Government’s responsibility to take measures within its remit to ensure the functioning of the Council. Furthermore, the Committee takes due note of the conclusions of the Conference Committee of June 2018 on the application of the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144), relating to the reactivation of the Council. The Committee firmly hopes that the Government, in consultation with the most representative organizations and with the technical assistance of the Office, will take all the additional measures required for the adoption of precise, objective, and pre-established representativeness criteria for the appointment of the workers’ sector of the Council, with a view to ensuring the full reactivation of this tripartite body as soon as possible. The Committee requests the Government to report any developments in this respect.
With regard to the direct appointment by the President of the Republic of the employers’ representatives to the joint or tripartite bodies of 19 autonomous institutions, following the adoption on 22 August 2012 of 19 legislative decrees, the Committee observes the Government’s indication that: (i) the 19 laws in question were declared unconstitutional on procedural grounds (the urgency of their adoption had not been justified); (ii) as a result, there has been a return to the previous legislative situation and, since there is no new legislative initiative envisaged in this regard, there have been no tripartite consultations on this matter; and (iii) the ruling of unconstitutionality has not affected the existing appointments to the executive committees of the autonomous official institutions concerned, meaning that the previous legislative regime will be applied only when the members of the relevant executive committees are next appointed. Moreover, the Committee observes that, according to the report of the direct contacts mission: (i) on the one hand, representatives of ANEP have continued to report persistent interference by the Government in the appointment proceedings for its representatives and for its members in public institutions, even after the laws in question were declared unconstitutional; and (ii) on the other, the Legal Secretariat of the Cabinet reported that, when modernizing state institutions, due consideration would be given to the explanations provided by the direct contacts mission in relation to ILO standards on respect for the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations in the free election of their representatives, and it invited any organization concerned to come forward with any pending allegations of interference so that the matter may be resolved. The Committee invites the Government, in consultation with the employers’ and workers’ organizations concerned to take all the measures required to ensure, both in law and in practice, full respect for the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations in the appointment of their representatives, including in the public bodies in which they participate, and reminds the Government that it may avail itself of the technical assistance of the Office in this regard.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

Article 3 of the Convention. Right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to amend article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic so as to limit the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service to officials exercising authority in the name of the State and those who perform their duties in essential services in the strict sense of the term, while recalling that it is also possible to restrict the exercise of the right to strike through the establishment of minimum services in public services of fundamental importance. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that up to now it has not been possible to give effect to the requested proposal to amend article 221 of the Constitution, but that efforts will be made to examine the Committee’s request with the relevant parties. The Committee therefore requests the Government to report the initiatives taken to amend article 221 of the Constitution as indicated.
In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 529 of the Labour Code to provide that, when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and to recognize the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment, even in cases where the decision to call the strike has been made by an absolute majority of the workers. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the draft reform of the Labour Code (file no. 370-11-2015-1), submitted to the National Assembly in November 2015, envisages amending section 529 so that: (i) only 30 per cent of the votes cast by the workers in the enterprise or establishment are required to be able to call a strike; (ii) the right to work of non-strikers is ensured; and (iii) the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment is guaranteed. The Committee welcomes the submission of this draft legislative reform and, recalling that it may have recourse to ILO technical assistance during the discussion of this text, requests the Government to report any progress made in this regard.
Declaring strikes unlawful. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the amendment of section 553(f) of the Labour Code, which provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel in the enterprise or establishment”. The Committee considered this provision to be inconsistent with section 529(3), under which a strike may be called, respecting the right to work of non-striking workers, with the support of 30 per cent of the workers in the enterprise or establishment, and that it excessively restricts the exercise of the right to strike. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the draft reform of the Labour Code, submitted to the National Assembly in November 2015, envisages the amendment of section 553(e) of the Labour Code to reduce the majority required to call a strike from 50 to 30 per cent of the workers in the enterprise, but does not envisage the amendment of section 553(f). Considering that section 553(f) of the Labour Code appears to be in contradiction with both the wording of the present section 529(2) of the Labour Code, as well as the proposed amendment of section 553(e), and once again observing that this provision amounts to an excessive restriction on the right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes, the Committee requests the Government to amend this provision as indicated.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2016, published 106th ILC session (2017)

The Committee notes the observations of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), received on 31 August 2016, referring to issues examined in this observation. In addition, the Committee notes the joint observations of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the National Business Association (ANEP), received on 4 September 2016, which also refer to issues examined in the present observation. The Committee further notes the observations of the IOE, received on 1 September 2016, which are of a general nature.

Follow-up to the conclusions in the Committee on the Application of Standards (International Labour Conference, 105th Session, May–June 2016)

The Committee notes the discussion held in the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards (hereafter the Conference Committee) in June 2016 on the application of the Convention by El Salvador. It notes that the Conference Committee expressed its concern at the lack of progress both in law and in practice with respect to the issue of the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to nominate their representatives to joint or tripartite decision-making bodies and again urged the Government, in consultation with the social partners, to take all measures necessary, without delay, to amend the 19 legislative decrees adopted on 22 August 2012, so as to bring them into line with the guarantees set out in the Convention. It also urged the Government to: (i) take all measures necessary, without delay, to identify those responsible for the murder of Mr Victoriano Abel Vega and punish the perpetrators of the crime; (ii) reactivate, without delay, the Higher Labour Council, the work of which has been suspended since 2013 and which was the main forum for social dialogue in the country and for tripartite consultation, recalling that the Government must abstain from requiring consensus among trade union federations and confederations in designating their representatives to the CST; (iii) ensure full autonomy for employers’ and workers’ organizations; (iv) ensure adequate protection for the premises of the ANEP, the country’s most representative organization of employers; and (v) report on all progress with regard to the issues discussed in a detailed report to the Committee of Experts, to be considered at its next meeting. The Committee also notes that the Conference Committee requested that a direct contacts mission be sent to El Salvador.
With regard to the murder of Mr Victoriano Abel Vega in 2010, the Committee refers to the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association in the context of Case No. 2923 (March 2016, 378th Report). While noting the information provided by the Government, the Committee firmly hopes that the Government and the competent authorities will give full effect to these recommendations so as to determine criminal liability and punish the perpetrators of this crime in the near future.
With regard to the direct appointment by the President of the Republic of the employers’ representatives to the joint or tripartite bodies of 19 autonomous institutions, following the adoption on 22 August 2012 of 19 legislative decrees, the Committee recalls that the full autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to choose their representatives, envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, also applies to the designation of their representatives to joint and tripartite bodies. In this respect, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that: (i) it met on 22 August 2016 with the representatives of the 19 institutions concerned to address the issue brought before the ILO supervisory bodies by the ANEP; (ii) as a result of a questionnaire sent by the Government after this meeting, 12 of the 19 institutions agree that the reform on the participation of employers in their executive councils does not represent any type of control or interference by the Government, and that it has not impeded the independent participation of the employers; (iii) in many of the institutions concerned, employers’ organizations linked to the ANEP are represented; and (iv) the 19 institutions are functioning normally, and there are no grounds to reform the mechanisms for designating their executive boards. The Committee however notes that the IOE and the ANEP express the utmost concern at the lack of will by the Government to comply with the recommendations of the various ILO supervisory bodies in relation to the appointment of employers’ representatives on the executive boards of 19 autonomous institutions. The Committee notes with concern that, despite its repeated comments, the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association in the context of Case No. 2980 and the discussions held on the application of this aspect of the Convention in the Conference Committee in 2015 and 2016, this issue has not been resolved. Finally, the Committee observes that the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in a ruling of 14 November 2016, declared unconstitutional the 19 legislative decrees referred to for lack of compliance with the constitutional provisions concerning the legislative deliberation and approval process. Observing that the legislative decrees adopted on 22 August 2012 have been declared unconstitutional on formal grounds, the Committee urges the Government, in consultation with the social partners concerned, including the ANEP, to take without delay any necessary steps to ensure that the designation of employer representatives to the 19 institutions is in compliance with the guarantees laid down in the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to report any progress made in this regard.
With regard to the failure to appoint workers’ representatives to the Higher Labour Council (hereafter “the Council”), which has paralysed the Council since 2013, the Committee recalled in its previous comments the principles which, by virtue of the Convention, should guide the process for designating members of the Council and, highlighting the importance of the reactivation of this body, requested the Government to report on the results of the mediation process which was being prepared. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that: (i) it has requested the technical assistance of the Office in the form of the identification of an independent person to conduct the mediation; (ii) the Office identified such a person, who conducted with all the interested parties a mediation mission from 1 to 3 February 2016; (iii) having noted the polarized positions of the various trade union blocks, the mediator suggested that the Ministry of Labour should hold working meetings as soon as possible with each of the trade union blocks first, and then a joint meeting; (iv) these meetings took place during the first week of April 2016 with the participation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and an ILO official, but an agreement was not reached; (v) in light of the absence of a mechanism for determining the trade union representativity, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare requested the trade unions to establish a transitional committee to draft a proposal for revising the part of the Council’s regulations on the designation of its worker members; (vi) this proposal was rejected by one of the trade union blocks, which argued that only the Council could revise its own regulations; and (vii) in May 2016, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare informed the employers’ associations represented on the Council of the developments in the situation and gathered their views on possible ways to resolve the situation. The Government also indicates that on 14 March 2016, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice ruled on the amparo appeals brought by various complainant organizations, which argued that the urging by the Ministry that the various trade unions put forward a single list of workers’ representative on the Council, undermined the principle of freedom of association enshrined in the Constitution. The Government indicates that the Supreme Court of Justice set aside the amparo appeal, finding that the Ministry’s request to the trade union movement to put forward a single list was not unconstitutional; rather it was based on the Ministry’s lack of authority to designate the members of the Council. The Government indicates that, in light of the above, now that the period has elapsed for which the 2013 designation process had been organized, it has the authority to call for a new election to the Higher Labour Court.
The Committee duly notes these measures, as well as the joint observations of the IOE and the ANEP, indicating that the Government’s action regarding the designation of workers’ representatives was based on the political motivation of preventing the reactivation of such an important representative body. The Committee expresses its growing concern at the prolonged paralysis of the Council, which is a fundamental forum for the development of social dialogue in the country. The Committee observes that as the Council’s statutes indicate that the workers’ representatives shall be designated by the trade union federations and confederations registered with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, but do not provide for specific mechanisms governing such designation, the organization of a new election of the members of the Council could lead to a situation similar to that of 2013. The Committee also notes that, in its ruling of 14 March 2016, the Supreme Court of Justice indicated that the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare must provide trade unions with “the necessary resources so that they can implement and agree on clear and permanent procedures for the election of their representatives in order to guarantee the designation and participation of workers in this consultative body”. In this connection, the Committee once again recalls that: under Article 3 of the Convention, the designation of workers’ and employers’ representatives to joint and tripartite bodies must respect the independence of the representative workers’ and employers’ organizations; where the designation of the representatives is based on the “most representative” status of the organizations, the determination of the most representative organization should be based on objective, precise and pre-established criteria; and any dispute as to the designation of workers’ or employers’ representatives should be resolved by an independent body that has the confidence of the parties. The Committee urges the Government to take the necessary measures to reactivate the Council as soon as possible to give full effect to the principles mentioned above. The Committee requests the Government to report any progress made in this regard.
Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorization. Exclusion of some categories of public employees from the guarantees of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to amend articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution of the Republic and section 73 of the Civil Service Act (LSC), which exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to organize (members of the judiciary, public servants who exercise decision-making authority or are in managerial positions, employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials, diplomatic representatives, assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or auxiliary agents, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates). The Committee notes the Government’s indication that: (i) the amendment of section 73 of the LSC presupposes the amendment of articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution; (ii) the revision of the Constitution requires agreement by two consecutive, ordinary legislative assemblies; and (iii) as the legislative body is renewed every three years, it is not possible to make substantial progress in respect of the reform requested by the Committee. While noting this information, the Committee requests the Government to report the measures taken thus far for the amendment of articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution and section 73 of the LSC as indicated. The Committee requests the Government to report any progress made in this regard.
Articles 2 and 3. Other legislative reforms requested. For several years, the Committee has been requesting the Government to take the necessary measures to amend the following legislative and constitutional provisions:
  • -section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one trade union, so that workers who have more than one job in different occupations or sectors are able to join trade unions;
  • -sections 211 and 212 of the Labour Code (and the corresponding provision of the LSC on unions of public service employees), which establish, respectively, the requirement of a minimum of 35 members to establish a workers’ union and a minimum of seven employers to establish an employers’ organization, so that these requirements do not hinder the establishment of workers’ and employers’ organizations in full freedom;
  • -section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in the process of registering the union, the employer shall certify that the founding members are employees, so as to ensure that the list of the applicant union’s members is not communicated to the employer;
  • -section 248 of the Labour Code, by eliminating the waiting period of six months required for a new attempt to establish a trade union when its registration has been denied; and
  • -article 47(4) of the Constitution of the Republic, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the LSC, which establish the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union.
In this respect, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that: (i) a parliamentary group submitted to the Legislative Assembly a Bill to reform the Labour Code (No. 370-11-2015-1) of November 2015, which contains the amendments requested by the Committee in relation to sections 204, 211, 212, 219 and 248 of the Labour Code; (ii) on 25 July 2016, the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare sent a communication to the President of the Labour and Social Welfare Commission of the Legislative Assembly, highlighting the importance of the Bill in ensuring the conformity of the national legislation with the Convention; (iii) the Bill is currently being examined by the legislative commission mentioned above; and (iv) although up to now there have been no proposals for reforms aimed to amend the constitutional and legislative provisions setting out the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union, efforts will be made to re-examine the possibility of such a reform.
The Committee welcomes the submission of the Bill to reform the Labour Code, the content of which reflects most of the Committee’s legislative comments relating to the Convention, and further welcomes the Bill’s endorsement by the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare. Noting the presence in the country of an ILO project funded by the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission, aimed at supporting the effective implementation of international labour standards, the Committee highlights that the process of examining this Bill could benefit from this cooperation project. The Committee requests the Government to report any progress in the examination of the Bill to reform the Labour Code (No. 370-11-2015-1). The Committee also requests the Government to take the necessary measures for the amendment of the national provisions which require the members of the executive committee of a union to be “nationals of El Salvador by birth”.
While recognizing that the Government has provided a report as requested by the Conference Committee, the Committee regrets that the Government still has not responded to the request by the Conference Committee for a direct contacts mission and expresses the firm hope that this mission will contribute to resolving the difficulties in the application of the Convention identified in this observation.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.
[The Government is asked to reply in full to the present comments in 2018.]

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2015, published 105th ILC session (2016)

Article 3 of the Convention. Right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and formulate their programmes. In its previous comments the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to amend article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic so as to limit the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service to officials who exercise authority in the name of the State and those who perform their duties in essential services in the strict sense of the term, pointing out that it is acceptable to restrict the right to strike through the establishment of minimum services in public services of high importance. The Committee notes that, according to the Government: (i) the present legislation seeks to place the public interest of the population above individual interests; and (ii) the comments of the Committee will be examined by the inter-institutional team responsible for analysing the feasibility of the legislative amendments requested. The Committee accordingly requests once again the Government to consider revising article 221 of the Constitution as indicated and to report on any developments in this regard.
In its previous comments the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to revise section 529 of the Labour Code (CT) so that when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and so that the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment are also recognized, even where the strike has been decided on by an absolute majority of the workers. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that the Committee’s comments will be examined by the inter institutional team responsible for analysing the feasibility of the amendments requested. The Committee accordingly requests once again the Government to revise section 529 of the CT as indicated and to report on all developments in this regard.
Declaring strikes unlawful. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 553(f) of the CT provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment”. The Committee expressed the view that this provision is inconsistent with section 529, second paragraph, which establishes the right to strike of unions representing at least 30 per cent of the workers in the enterprise or establishment and also restricts excessively the exercise of the right to strike. Noting that the Government indicates that section 553(f) of the CT is to be amended, the Committee requests the Government to report all progress in this matter.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2015, published 105th ILC session (2016)

The Committee notes the observations of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), received on 1 September 2015, alleging violations of the Convention in specific enterprises and public institutions, and the observations of the Salvadorean Trade Union Coordination (CSS), received on 9 September 2015. In addition, the Committee notes the joint observations of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the National Business Association (ANEP), received on 1 September 2015. The Committee requests the Government to provide its comments on all the abovementioned observations.
The Committee also notes the observations of the IOE received on 1 September 2015, which are of a general nature.

Follow-up to the conclusions in the Committee on the Application of Standards (International Labour Conference, 104th Session, June 2015)

The Committee takes note of the discussion held in the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards in June 2015 on the application of the Convention by El Salvador. It notes that the Conference Committee requested the Government to: (i) take all necessary measures without delay to identify those responsible for the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega and punish those guilty of this crime; (ii) ensure the full autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organization in the joint and tripartite decision-making bodies, which necessitates the convocation and immediate setting up of the Higher Labour Council where the legal reforms necessary to guarantee this autonomy should be the subject of consultations. In order to achieve this, the Government should abstain from requesting consensus from the trade union confederations and federations for the nomination of their representatives to the Higher Labour Council; (iii) revise on a tripartite basis in the Higher Labour Council, Presidential Decree No. 86, which created the Presidential Commission for Labour Affairs; and (iv) accept ILO technical assistance with a view to bringing its legislation and practice into conformity with the provisions of the Convention.
With regard to the murder of the trade union leader Mr Victoriano Abel Vega in January 2010, which is the subject of Case No. 2923 before the Committee on Freedom of Association, the Committee notes that, according to the Government, in July 2015 the Ministry of Labour met with the General Prosecutor of the Republic and that the latter undertook to speed up the investigation process. The Committee recalls that the absence of judgments against those guilty of crimes against trade union leaders and members creates, in practice, a situation of impunity, reinforcing the climate of violence and insecurity and thereby seriously damaging the exercise of trade union rights. Observing that more than five years have elapsed since the murder of Mr Victoriano Abel Vega, the Committee once again strongly urges the Government to take all necessary measures to determine criminal liability and to punish the perpetrators of this crime in the near future.
With regard to the observance of the autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to appoint their representatives in joint and tripartite decision-making bodies, the Committee notes that, according to the Government: (i) except for the Higher Labour Council (CST), all the joint and tripartite bodies in the country, including the Higher Council on Wages, are functioning properly; (ii) since the entry into force of the reform of the procedures for election to the executive bodies of various joint and tripartite institutions, such institutions, especially the Salvadorean Social Security Institute, the Salvadorean Vocational Training Institute and the Social Fund for Housing, have been functioning normally; (iii) the representatives both of employers’ organizations and of workers’ organizations have full autonomy in the activities they carry out in these joint and tripartite bodies; and (iv) the abovementioned reforms allow equitable participation by all organizations of workers and employers, the latter representing small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large enterprises. The Committee also notes that, in their observations, the IOE and the ANEP assert that: (i) the President of the Republic continues to appoint at his discretion the private sector representatives to the joint and tripartite bodies; and (ii) the situation has worsened since this matter was discussed in the Committee on the Application of Standards, as evidenced by the appointment of a person who is not representative of the private sector to the governing board of the Development Bank of El Salvador. The Committee observes that the 19 decrees adopted on 22 August 2012 (Decrees Nos 81 to 99) provide that the employer representatives who are to sit on the executive councils of the abovementioned institutions shall be chosen and appointed by the President of the Republic from an open list of candidates from employers’ organizations, which have duly approved legal status, and which shall select their candidates in accordance with their internal regulations.
While recalling that this matter gave rise to recommendations by the Committee on Freedom of Association in June 2013 in the context of Case No. 2980, the Committee emphasizes that the full autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to determine their representatives, envisaged in Article 3 of the Convention, also applies to the appointment of their representatives to joint and tripartite bodies. It follows that mechanisms that grant discretion to the executive to select such representatives are contrary to the Convention. The Committee regrets the absence of any progress in law and practice in this matter, and again urges the Government to take the necessary steps, in consultation with the social partners, to amend the 19 decrees adopted on 22 August 2012 so that they reflect the guarantees laid down in the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to report on all progress made in this matter.
As regards the failure to appoint workers’ representatives to the Higher Labour Council (hereinafter “the Council”), the Committee takes note of the Government’s report and of the observations of the IOE and the ANEP which both refer to the Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144). The Committee also notes the conclusions and recommendations of June 2015 made by the Committee on Freedom of Association in Case No. 3054. The Committee notes that: (i) the Council’s regulations stipulate that the worker members are to be appointed by trade union federations and confederations registered with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare but provide for no specific mechanisms to regulate such appointments; (ii) in 2013, two groups of federations and confederations submitted two different lists of representatives; (iii) the Government indicates that since then it has been trying to get all the federations and confederations to reach a consensus on the appointment of worker representatives; and (iv) the existence of divergences between various blocks of trade union organizations has prevented the conclusion of such an agreement. Lastly, the Committee notes that on 17 November 2015, the Government expressed the intention of engaging a mediation process to facilitate the reactivation of the Council and requested assistance from the Office in identifying a mediator. The Committee wishes to recall in this connection that: (i) according to Article 3 of the Convention, in appointing workers’ and employers’ representatives to joint and tripartite bodies, the autonomy of their representative organizations must be observed; (ii) where the appointment of representatives is based on “most representative” status, the determination of the most representative organization should always be based on objective, precise and pre-established criteria so as to avoid any partiality or abuse in decision-making; and (iii) any dispute as to the appointment of workers’ or employers’ representatives should be settled by an independent body that has the confidence of the parties. Observing the central role played by the Higher Labour Council in developing social dialogue in the country, the Committee underscores the need to reconstitute the Council as a matter of urgency, since it has not functioned since 2013. The Committee trusts that the mediation process announced by the Government will allow the workers’ representatives to the Council to be appointed in the near future and in accordance with the guarantees laid down in the Convention. The Committee requests the Government to report on all progress in this regard.
Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without distinction and without previous authorization. Exclusion of some categories of public workers from the guarantees of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary measures to revise the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic and the Civil Service Act (LSC), which exclude certain categories of public servants from the right to organize (members of the judiciary, public servants who have authority to make decisions or hold managerial posts, employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials, diplomatic representatives, assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or auxiliary agents, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates). The Committee notes that the Government indicates that: (i) the draft reform of the LSC proposed by the Civil Service Tribunal in 2011 is still before the Labour and Social Welfare Committee of the Legislative Assembly; (ii) the reform of section 73 of the LSC implies amending articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution, which is a long and complex process; and (iii) the restrictions in the current legislation have not precluded the existence of 101 trade union organizations in the public sector. While noting the information supplied by the Government, the Committee recalls first that according to Articles 2 and 9 of the Convention, all workers, with the sole exception of members of the armed forces and the police, shall enjoy the guarantees set in the Convention. It further recalls that laws and regulations providing that high-level officials must form separate organizations from those of other public servants are compatible with the Convention, provided that they limit this category to persons exercising senior managerial or policy-making responsibilities. The Committee accordingly requests the Government once again to take the necessary measures to revise articles 219 and 236 of the Constitution and section 73 of the LSC as indicated above, and to report on all progress in this regard.
Membership of more than one trade union. For several years, the Committee has been asking the Government to take the necessary steps to revise section 204 of the Labour Code (CT), which prohibits membership of more than one trade union, so as to enable workers who have more than one job in various occupations or sectors to join the corresponding unions, and also to give them the possibility, should they so wish, to join branch and enterprise unions simultaneously. Noting that, according to the Government, an inter-institutional team was set up in 2015 to examine the feasibility of the legislative amendments requested, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on any progress made in this regard.
Minimum membership to establish an organization. For several years, the Committee has been asking the Government to take the necessary steps to revise section 211 of the CT and section 76 of the LSC, which lay down a requirement of a minimum of 35 members to establish a workers’ union, and section 212 of the CT, which sets a requirement of a minimum of seven employers to establish an employers’ organization. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that a draft amendment of section 211 of the CT, which would reduce the minimum required to 20 workers has been under discussion in the Labour and Social Welfare Committee of the Legislative Assembly since 2007. Noting also the establishment of the abovementioned inter-institutional team, the Committee requests the Government to provide information on any progress made in revising the abovementioned provisions.
Requirements for the acquisition of legal personality. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take steps to amend section 219 of the CT, which provides that, in the process to register the union, the employer shall certify that the founding members are employees. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that, in order to verify that the founding members of the union are not employers’ representatives, the list the employer uses to certify that the workers are employees is not enough, and that payslips or work certificates showing the job held are also necessary. Observing that the information supplied by the Government appears to show that, in practice, employers are still asked to certify that the founding members are employees, the Committee again recalls that the communication to the employer of the names of members may give rise to acts of discrimination against workers who are forming a trade union. On the basis of the foregoing, the Committee again requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 219 of the CT in order to ensure that the list of members of a union in the process of being formed is not communicated to the employer.
Waiting period for the establishment of a new union following the refusal of its registration. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take measures to revise section 248 of the CT by eliminating the waiting period of six months required to submit a new application where a former application to register a union had been denied. The Committee notes that the Government: (i) reiterates that in practice, the Ministry of Labour accepts a new application for registration the day after the refusal; and (ii) reports that a proposal to amend section 248 of the CT as requested by the Committee is before the Legislative Assembly. The Committee requests the Government to report on all progress made in revising the abovementioned provision.
Article 3. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to elect their representatives in full freedom. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take measures to revise article 47(4) of the Constitution of the Republic, section 225 of the CT and section 90 of the LSC, which lay down a requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive board of a union. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that: (i) in practice, most of the foreigners employed in the country hold managerial posts, which under the legislation of El Salvador precludes their holding trade union office; and (ii) the abovementioned inter-institutional team will examine the possibility of revising the provisions in question. Recalling that foreign workers should be allowed access to trade union office at least after a reasonable period of residence in the host country, the Committee again requests the Government to take the necessary steps to amend these provisions as indicated above.
With regard to the invitation extended by the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards to the Government to accept technical assistance from the Office in order to bring its law and practice into line with the provisions of the Convention, the Committee welcomes the request for assistance made by the Government in September 2015 and hopes that the assistance will materialize in the near future.
Lastly, the Committee welcomes the ILO’s project, funded by the Directorate-General for Trade of the European Commission, to support countries benefiting from the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP+) in applying international labour standards effectively, El Salvador being one of the four countries covered by the project. The Committee trusts that the activities conducted under the project will strengthen the Government’s capacity to adopt the measures requested in this observation.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

Article 3 of the Convention. Right of workers’ organizations to organize their activities and to formulate their programmes. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take the necessary steps to amend article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic to limit the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service to public servants exercising authority in the name of the State. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the need to maintain public services does not allow the introduction of this amendment. The Committee recalls that, in addition to the possibility of excluding from the right to strike public servants exercising authority in the name of the State, it also considers it acceptable to restrict the right to strike through the establishment of minimum services in essential public services (such as the transport of persons and goods, postal services, etc.), as well as the restriction or prohibition of the right to strike in essential services in the strict sense of the term (those services the interruption of which would endanger the life, personal safety or health of the whole or part of the population). The Committee therefore once again requests the Government to consider the amendment of article 221 of the Constitution as indicated above, and to report any developments in this regard.
In its previous comments, the Committee also requested the Government to take the necessary steps to amend section 529 of the Labour Code so that when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and so that the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment are also recognized, even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers. Noting that there have been no changes in this respect, the Committee once again requests the Government to amend section 529 of the Labour Code as indicated above and to report any developments in this regard.
Declaring strikes unlawful. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that section 553(f) of the Labour Code provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment” and the Committee considered that this position is inconsistent with section 529, second paragraph, which establishes the right to strike of unions representing at least 30 per cent of the workers in the enterprise or establishment, and also places too great a restriction on the right to strike. Noting that there have been no changes on this matter, the Committee once again requests the Government to amend section 553(f) of the Labour Code as indicated above, and to report any developments in this respect.
Finally, the Committee notes that, in Case No. 2957, the Committee on Freedom of Association drew the attention of the Committee of Experts to the allegation that there are no provisions in law granting public servants in the customs service the right to strike (see 370th Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association, October 2013, paragraph 412). In this regard, the Committee considers that certain customs officials exercise authority in the name of the State and that restrictions on the right to strike for that category of public servants are therefore acceptable. Nevertheless, the Committee recalls that in the case of the limitation or prohibition of the right to strike, the workers affected have to enjoy appropriate guarantees to safeguard their interests, which may, for example, take the form of appropriate, impartial and rapid conciliation and arbitration procedures.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2014, published 104th ILC session (2015)

The Committee notes the observations of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), received on 1 September 2014. The Committee also notes the observations of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), received on 1 September 2014, on matters under examination by the Committee.
The Committee notes the Government’s reply to the observations of the ITUC of 2011 concerning the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega, Secretary-General of the Union of Municipal Workers and Employees of the Municipality of Santa Ana. The Government indicates that the case has been assigned to the Central Intelligence Division of the General Prosecution Office of the Republic and that it is currently under active investigation. The Committee deeply deplores and firmly condemns the murder of Victoriano Abel Vega, which is the subject of Case No. 2923 of the Committee on Freedom of Association. Recalling that the absence of judgments against those guilty of crimes against trade union leaders and members creates a situation of impunity in practice which reinforces the climate of violence and insecurity, which is extremely damaging to the exercise of trade union activities, the Committee strongly urges the Government to take all the necessary measures without delay to identify those responsible and punish those guilty of this crime.
The Committee notes the Government’s reply to the 2013 observations of the National Business Association (ANEP) concerning the Bills which empower the President of the Republic to select the members representing employers on joint or tripartite executive boards, which is the subject of Case No. 2980 of the Committee on Freedom of Association. In this regard, the Committee notes the joint observations of the IOE and the ANEP received on 2 September 2014, denouncing the failure to give effect to the recommendations made by the Committee on Freedom of Association in that case. Recalling the importance, under the terms of Article 3 of the Convention, of guaranteeing the full autonomy of employers’ and workers’ organizations to select their representatives on joint and tripartite bodies, and for them to be consulted in depth on draft legislation covering this matter, the Committee urges the Government to take all the necessary measures to give full effect to this provision of the Convention.
Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without prior authorization. Exclusion of various categories of workers from the guarantees of the Convention. In its previous comment, the Committee requested the Government to: (i) indicate whether the public employees and officials referred to in sections 4 and 73, second paragraph, of the Civil Service Act (LSC) enjoy the guarantees laid down in the Convention; and (ii) take the necessary measures to ensure that officials who are denied the right of association under articles 47, 219 and 236 of the Constitution enjoy the guarantees laid down in the Convention. The Committee notes the Government’s indication in its report that: (i) most categories of public employees referred to in section 4 of the LSC (and particularly officials responsible for collecting, paying and maintaining accounts, financial managers, storekeepers, caterers, auditors, contract personnel without decision-making authority and who are not in managerial or confidential positions) enjoy the guarantees laid down in the Convention; (ii) a preliminary draft amendment of the LSC was submitted on 24 May 2011, which was agreed to by the trade unions and includes the amendment of section 4 and the reduction in the categories of public servants excluded from the civil service; (iii) employees who do not enjoy collective labour rights are mainly those envisaged in section 73 of the LSC, read together with articles 47, 219 and 236 of the Constitution; and (iv) these provisions have not prevented the registration of two unions of employees in the judiciary.
While taking due note of the Government’s statement on the recognition of the right to organize for most categories of the workers referred to in section 4 of the LSC, the Committee recalls that, with the sole exception of the armed forces and the police, all workers without distinction whatsoever, under the terms of Article 2 of the Convention, shall have the right to establish and join organizations. The Committee therefore once again requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend articles 47, 219 and 236 of the Constitution, as well as sections 4 and 73 of the LSC, as indicated above, and to report any developments in this respect.
Membership of more than one union. In its previous comments, the Committee referred to the need to amend section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one union. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the prohibition of membership of more than one union is a protection measure for occupational associations. In this respect, the Committee recalls the importance, in light of Article 2 of the Convention, that workers who have more than one job in various occupations or sectors are able to join the corresponding unions and, also, that workers have the possibility, if they so wish, to join simultaneously unions at the branch and enterprise levels. The Committee therefore requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 204 of the Labour Code as indicated above, and to report any developments in this regard.
Minimum membership to establish an organization. In its previous comments, the Committee referred to the need to amend section 211 of the Labour Code and section 76 of the LSC, which set out the requirement of a minimum of 35 members to establish a workers’ union, and section 212 of the Labour Code which sets out the requirement of a minimum of seven employers to establish an employers’ organization. In this respect, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that the provisions respecting the minimum number of workers to establish a union are intended to ensure that the unions have sufficient strength and representativeness. The Committee recalls that the minimum membership requirement should be set within reasonable limits and should not constitute an obstacle to the establishment of organizations. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend the provisions referred to above and to report any developments in this respect.
Requirements for the acquisition of legal personality. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to take measures to amend section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in the process of the registration of the union, the employer shall certify that the founding members are employees. While noting the Government’s indication that it will seek alternative procedures in practice to verify that the members of a union are employees, the Committee once again requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 219 of the Labour Code, for example by providing explicitly that the Ministry of Labour will carry out the certification by checking the list of employees of the enterprise or establishment provided by the employer, and to report any developments in this respect.
Waiting period for the establishment of a new union following a refusal of its registration. In its previous comments, the Committee requested the Government to amend section 248 of the Labour Code to eliminate the waiting period of six months required to try once again to establish a union. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that in practice internal procedures have been established which allow a social organization to file a further application on the day following the refusal of its registration. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to set out in law the practice that it describes, and therefore to amend section 248 of the Labour Code. The Committee requests the Government to report any developments in this regard.
Article 3. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to elect their representatives in full freedom. While noting that there have been no changes in this respect since its previous comments, the Committee once again requests the Government to take measures to amend article 47(4) of the Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the LSC, which establish the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union, and to report any developments in this regard.
The Committee hopes that the Government will adopt the necessary measures, in consultation with the most representative workers’ and employers’ organizations, to amend the provisions referred to above. The Committee requests the Government to report on any developments in this respect and reminds it that it may have recourse to the technical assistance of the Office.
The Committee is raising other matters in a request addressed directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2013, published 103rd ILC session (2014)

The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request.
The Committee notes the comments submitted by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) in 2013 and requests the Government to provide its observations thereon as well as on prior ITUC comments dealing with the refusal to register the executive committee of a trade union in the construction industry and with the murder of the general secretary of the Union of Municipal Workers and Employees of Santa Ana (SITRAMSA) on 15 January 2011. The Committee notes that the comments of the National Business Association of Private Enterprises (ANEP) of 2012 are being examined under ILO Convention No. 98.
Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without prior authorization. Exclusion of various categories of workers from the guarantees of the Convention. In its previous comments, the Committee referred to sections 4 and 73, second paragraph, of the Civil Service Act, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 78 of August 2006, under which certain public officials and employees and public sector workers are excluded from the guarantees of the Convention. The Committee understood that the previous provisions of the Civil Service Act had been cancelled further to the revision of the Constitution and therefore no longer applied. The Committee notes the Government’s statement in its report that the provisions of the Civil Service Act have not been cancelled; on the contrary, both standard-setting bodies agree to regulate accordingly the rights of public servants with regard to the right of association. The Committee therefore requests the Government to provide information in its next report on whether the public employees and officials mentioned in sections 4 and 73, second paragraph, of the Civil Service Act enjoy the guarantees laid down in the Convention.
In its previous comments, the Committee also noted that article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic was amended by Decree No. 33 of 2009. The Committee observed that article 47 provides that the following shall not have the right of association: members of the judiciary, public servants who have authority to make decisions or hold managerial positions, or are employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials (article 219 of the Constitution), diplomatic representatives (article 236 of the Constitution), assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or persons serving as assistant employees, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates. The Committee recalled that the officials in question should enjoy the right to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without prior authorization. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to ensure that the officials in question enjoy the guarantees laid down in the Convention and to provide information in its next report on any measures taken in this respect.
In its previous comments, the Committee referred to the need to amend section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one union. The Committee expresses the strong hope that the Government will take the necessary steps without delay to have section 204 of the Labour Code amended as indicated and requests it to provide information on this matter in its next report.
Minimum membership. In its previous comments, the Committee referred to the need to amend section 211 of the Labour Code and section 76 of the Civil Service Act, which set the requirement of at least 35 members in order to establish a workers’ organization, and section 212 of the Labour Code, which establishes a requirement of a minimum of seven employers in order to form an employers’ organization. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that a draft decree has been drawn up with a view to amending section 211 of the Labour Code, which has been submitted to the Higher Labour Council (CST) for consultation. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any developments in this respect and trusts that sections 212 of the Labour Code and 76 of the Civil Service Act will also be amended in such a way as to reduce the minimum number of workers needed to establish a workers’ union or an employers’ union.
Requirements for the acquisition of legal personality. In its previous comments, the Committee asked the Government to take steps to amend section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in order for trade unions to be legally constituted, within five days of the documentation being submitted to it, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance shall request the employer to certify that the founder members are employees. The Committee hopes that the Government will take the necessary steps to amend section 219 of the Labour Code, for example by providing that the Ministry of Labour will carry out the certification by checking the list of employees of the enterprise or establishment provided by the employer.
Waiting period for the establishment of a new union. In its previous comments, the Committee asked the Government to take steps to amend section 248 of the Labour Code, which provides that “further steps may not be taken to establish another union until six months have elapsed since the previous application”. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that a draft decree has been drawn up with a view to amending the abovementioned section, and this has been submitted to the CST for consultation. The Committee hopes that section 248 of the Labour Code will be amended in the near future so as to eliminate the waiting period required for a further application to establish a union. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any further developments in this respect.
Article 3. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to elect their representatives in full freedom. In its previous comments, the Committee asked the Government to take steps to amend article 47(4) of the National Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act, which establish the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union. The Committee therefore trusts that the Government will take the necessary steps to have article 47(4) of the Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act amended accordingly.
Right of organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that section 529 of the Labour Code provides that decisions regarding strikes require an absolute majority of the workers in the enterprise or establishment affected by the dispute and that, if the requirement is met, the decision should be binding for all the staff. Otherwise, if the decision obtains less than an absolute majority, the unions and the workers who are active in the dispute shall be required to respect the freedom to work of those not participating in the strike. The Committee asked the Government to take the necessary steps to have section 529 amended so that when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and so that the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment are recognized even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps, taking account of the abovementioned principles, to amend section 529 of the Labour Code and to send information on this matter in its next report.
Declaring strikes unlawful. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that section 553(f) of the Labour Code establishes that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment” and considered that this provision is not only inconsistent with section 529, second paragraph, which establishes the right to strike of unions representing at least 30 per cent of the workers in the establishment or enterprise, but also places too great a restriction on the right to strike. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to amend or abolish section 553(f) of the Labour Code and to provide information on this matter in its next report.
Public servants. In its previous comments, the Committee recalled that prohibition of the right to strike in the public service should be limited to public servants exercising authority in the name of the State and asked the Government to take the necessary steps to have article 221 amended accordingly. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that it will provide information in due course on any progress made on this matter. The Committee requests the Government to provide information in its next report on any developments in this respect.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

The Committee notes the Government’s reply to the comments from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) of 2009. The Committee also notes the recent comments from the ITUC, dated 4 August 2011, referring to matters already raised by the Committee, and also to the refusal to register the executive committee of a trade union in the construction industry and to the murder of the general secretary of the Union of Municipal Workers and Employees of Santa Ana (SITRAMSA) on 15 January 2011. The Committee recalls that workers’ and employers’ organizations can only exercise their trade union rights in a climate that is free of violence or threats of any kind and when murders or attacks on the physical integrity of union leaders and members occur, an independent judicial inquiry must be conducted immediately, since this is the most suitable method for fully clarifying the facts, determining where responsibilities lie, punishing the guilty parties and preventing the repetition of similar events. The Committee requests the Government to send its observations in this respect.
Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without prior authorization. Exclusion of various categories of workers from the guarantees of the Convention. In its previous comments the Committee referred to sections 4 and 73, second paragraph, of the Civil Service Act, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 78 of August 2006, under which certain public officials and employees and public sector workers are excluded from the guarantees of the Convention. The Committee understood that the previous provisions of the Civil Service Act had been cancelled further to the revision of the Constitution and therefore no longer applied. The Committee notes the Government’s statement in its report that the provisions of the Civil Service Act have not been cancelled; on the contrary, both standard-setting bodies agree to regulate accordingly the rights of public servants with regard to the right of association. The Committee therefore requests the Government to provide information in its next report on whether the public employees and officials mentioned in sections 4 and 73, second paragraph, of the Civil Service Act enjoy the guarantees laid down in the Convention.
In its previous comments the Committee also noted that article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic was amended by Decree No. 33 of 2009. The Committee observed that article 47 provides that the following shall not have the right of association: members of the judiciary, public servants who have authority to make decisions or hold managerial positions, or are employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials (article 219 of the Constitution), diplomatic representatives (article 236 of the Constitution), assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or persons serving as assistant employees, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates. The Committee recalled that the officials in question should enjoy the right to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without prior authorization. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that the provisions in question are in conformity with the provisions of the Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978 (No. 151), (Article 1(2)). The Committee recalls that, under the provisions of Article 2, “workers and employers, without distinction whatsoever, shall have the right to establish and, subject only to the rules of the organization concerned, to join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorization”, and that the right to organize should therefore be considered as a general principle, the only exception to which is that stipulated in Article 9, which permits States to determine the extent to which the guarantees provided for in the Convention apply to the armed forces and the police (see 1994 General Survey on freedom of association and collective bargaining, paragraph 45). The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to ensure that the officials in question enjoy the guarantees laid down in the Convention and to provide information in its next report on any measures taken in this respect.
The Committee also asked the Government in its previous comments to take the necessary steps to ensure that workers in private security firms enjoy the right to establish or join trade union organizations. The Committee notes with interest the Government’s statement that all requests to grant legal personality to trade unions originating from workers in the private security sector have received a positive response and that three trade unions and six branch unions have been registered.
In its previous comments the Committee referred to the need to amend section 204 of the Labour Code, which prohibits membership of more than one union. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that it will provide information in due course on any progress made on this matter. The Committee recalls that workers who are engaged, whether in the public or private sector, in different activities in more than one job should be able to join the corresponding unions and that, in any case, workers should be able, if they so wish, to join unions at the branch and enterprise levels at the same time. The Committee expresses the strong hope that the Government will take the necessary steps without delay to have section 204 of the Labour Code amended as indicated and requests it to provide information on this matter in its next report.
Minimum membership. In its previous comments the Committee referred to the need to amend section 211 of the Labour Code and section 76 of the Civil Service Act, which set the requirement of at least 35 members in order to establish a workers’ organization, and section 212 of the Labour Code, which establishes a requirement of a minimum of seven employers in order to form an employers’ organization. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that a draft decree has been drawn up with a view to amending section 211 of the Labour Code, which has been submitted to the Higher Labour Council (CST) for consultation. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any developments in this respect and trusts that sections 212 of the Labour Code and 76 of the Civil Service Act will also be amended in such a way as to reduce the minimum number of workers needed to establish a workers’ union or an employers’ union.
Requirements for the acquisition of legal personality. In its previous comments the Committee asked the Government to take steps to amend section 219 of the Labour Code, which provides that, in order for trade unions to be legally constituted, within five days of the documentation being submitted to it, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance shall request the employer to certify that the founder members are employees. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that the planned audit – backed by the ILO aimed at revising and streamlining administrative procedures with a view to making them more effective – has not yet taken place. The Committee hopes that the audit referred to by the Government will take place in the near future and that the Government will take the necessary steps to amend section 219 of the Labour Code, for example by providing that the Ministry of Labour will carry out the certification by checking the list of employees of the enterprise or establishment provided by the employer.
Waiting period for the establishment of a new union. In its previous comments the Committee asked the Government to take steps to amend section 248 of the Labour Code, which provides that “further steps may not be taken to establish another union until six months have elapsed since the previous application”. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that a draft decree has been drawn up with a view to amending the abovementioned section, and this has been submitted to the CST for consultation. The Committee hopes that section 248 of the Labour Code will be amended in the near future so as to eliminate the waiting period required for a further application to establish a union. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on any further developments in this respect.
Article 3. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to elect their representatives in full freedom. In its previous comments the Committee asked the Government to take steps to amend article 47(4) of the National Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act, which establish the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive committee of a union. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that it will provide information in due course on the progress made towards this end. The Committee recalls that foreign workers should be allowed access to trade union office, at least after a reasonable period of residence in the host country (see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 118). The Committee therefore trusts that the Government will take the necessary steps to have article 47(4) of the Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act amended accordingly.
Right of organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 529 of the Labour Code provides that decisions regarding strikes require an absolute majority of the workers in the enterprise or establishment affected by the dispute, and that if the requirement is met, the decision should be binding for all the staff. Otherwise, if the decision obtains less than an absolute majority, the unions and the workers who are active in the dispute shall be required to respect the freedom to work of those not participating in the strike. The Committee asked the Government to take the necessary steps to have section 529 amended so that when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and so that the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment are recognized even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that it will provide information in due course regarding any progress made on this matter. The Committee recalls that if a member State deems it appropriate to establish in its legislation provisions which require a vote by workers before a strike can be held, it should ensure that account is taken only of the votes cast and that the required quorum and majority are fixed at a reasonable level (see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 170). The Committee further recalls that the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment must be recognized even in cases where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps, taking account of the abovementioned principles, to amend section 529 of the Labour Code and to send information on this matter in its next report.
Declaring strikes unlawful. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 553(f) of the Labour Code establishes that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment” and considered that this provision is not only inconsistent with section 529, second paragraph, which establishes the right to strike of unions representing at least 30 per cent of the workers in the establishment or enterprise, but also places too great a restriction on the right to strike. While noting the Government’s statement that it will report on any progress made in this area, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to amend or abolish section 553(f) of the Labour Code and to provide information on this matter in its next report.
Essential services. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 553(a) of the Labour Code provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful when they are called in essential services and that section 515 (concerning compulsory arbitration) provides that essential services are deemed to be services the interruption of which would endanger or threaten to endanger the life, personal safety or health or the normal conditions of existence of the whole or part of the population. Bearing in mind that the Labour Code does not specify which services are deemed to be essential and that, according to the Government, the Director-General of Labour is the person who determines whether a service is essential, being the authority competent to settle the dispute, the Committee asked the Government to provide information on the services that the Director-General of Labour has so far deemed to be essential. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that to date no cases have arisen involving the definition of essential services on the part of the Director-General of Labour.
Public servants. In its previous comments the Committee referred to article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic, which prohibits strikes by public and municipal workers. The Committee recalled that prohibition of the right to strike in the public service should be limited to public servants exercising authority in the name of the State and asked the Government to take the necessary steps to have article 221 amended accordingly. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that it will provide information in due course on any progress made on this matter. The Committee hopes that the Government will take all the necessary steps, taking account of the abovementioned principle, to amend article 221 of the Constitution of the Republic and will provide information in its next report on any developments in this respect.
Article 6. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to establish federations and confederations. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 259 of the Labour Code provides for delegates of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance or of the public notary to participate in the constituent assembly of a federation or confederation in order to draw up the record of all the decisions taken. The Committee asked the Government to consider amending the legislation so as to make the presence of these representatives optional for the trade union organization and to provide information in its next report on any developments regarding the amendment of section 259 of the Labour Code. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that the purpose of the presence of the delegate or notary, as governed by the abovementioned provision, is not to issue an opinion on whether or not the federation or confederation should be constituted, but to attest to the facts, place, day and time relating to the act of constitution and also to the status of those attending the assembly, which is noted in the respective record.
Public sector. In its previous comments the Committee asked the Government to take the necessary steps to ensure that organizations of public employees may join federations, confederations and central organizations of their choosing including organizations whose membership includes private sector workers. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that recognition has been given in practice to the right of public sector trade unions to join federations and confederations in accordance with the case law issued by the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court of Justice, which has declared that when a given legal body does not indicate the procedures or stages to be followed for particular proceedings, the “principle of the unity of the legal system” must be applied, which implies incorporation of the system of standards (amparo ruling No. 698 99 of 27 September 2001). The Committee further notes the Government’s indication that three trade union federations of public servants have been established to date.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

The Committee notes the comments of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) referring to legislative matters. It requests the Government to send its observations thereon.

The Committee also notes a number of cases currently before the Committee on Freedom of Association.

Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorization. Exclusion of various categories of workers from the guarantees of the Convention. In its previous comments the Committee referred to sections 4 and 73, second paragraph, of the Civil Service Act, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 78 of August 2006, under which certain public officials and employees and public sector workers are excluded from the guarantees of the Convention. The Committee understands that the abovementioned provisions of the Civil Service Act have been cancelled following a revision of the Constitution and therefore no longer apply. The Committee requests the Government to send it observations on this matter.

The Committee notes that article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic has been amended by Decree No. 33 of 2009. It observes that article 47 provides that the following shall not have the right of association: members of the judiciary, public servants who have authority to make decisions or hold managerial positions, or are employees with duties of a highly confidential nature, private secretaries of high-ranking officials (article 219 of the Constitution), diplomatic representatives (article 236 of the Constitution), assistants of the Public Prosecutor, or persons serving as assistant employees, assistant prosecutors, labour prosecutors and delegates. The Committee recalls that these public employees should enjoy the right to establish and join organizations of their choosing without prior authorization, and requests the Government to take steps to ensure that full effect is given to the Convention in this respect.

The Committee also recalls that in its previous comments it asked the Government to take the necessary steps to ensure that workers in private security firms enjoy the right to establish or join trade union organizations. The Committee notes the information sent by the Government to the effect that the necessary steps will be taken to grant legal personality to the unions representing these workers. The Committee requests the Government to provide information in its next report on any specific measures taken in this regard.

In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 204 of the Labour Code prohibits membership of more than one union. It notes in this connection the Government’s statement that this provision does not apply to public employees as the Labour Code does not apply to this category of workers and the Civil Service Act lays down no such prohibition. The Committee recalls that workers who are engaged, whether in the public or the private sector, in different activities in more than one job should be able to join the corresponding unions and that in any event, workers should be able, if they so wish, to join unions at the branch level and at the enterprise level at the same time. In these circumstances, the Committee once again asks the Government to take the necessary steps to have section 204 of the Labour Code amended to align it with this principle.

Minimum membership. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 211 of the Labour Code and section 76 of the Civil Service Act set a requirement of at least 35 workers in order to establish a workers’ organization and section 212 of the Labour Code establishes a requirement of a minimum of seven employers in order to form an employers’ organization. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that it has made the commitment, reflected in a report entitled “The labour dimension in Central America and the Dominican Republic, building on progress: improving performance and building capacity” (known as the White Paper), to reform El Salvador’s labour legislation. The amendment of section 211 of the Labour Code is planned in this context. The Committee hopes that the Government’s commitment will be fulfilled shortly and that the reform will include amendment of section 211 of the Labour Code and section 76 of the Civil Service Act so as to reduce the minimum number of workers needed to establish a trade union organization to 25 members, for instance, given the large proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises in the country, and amendment of section 212 of the Labour Code so as to reduce the minimum number of employers required to form an employers’ organization. The Committee requests the Government to report on all developments in this regard.

Requirements for the acquisition of legal personality. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 219 of the Labour Code provides that in order for trade unions to be legally constituted, within five days of the documentation being submitted to it, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance shall request the employer to certify that the founder members are employees. In its previous comments, the Committee expressed the view that in so far as this involves communicating the names of the members to the employer, this provision may give rise to acts of discrimination against workers wishing to establish a union. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that an audit is to be carried out under ILO auspices with a view to revising the administrative procedures for establishing a trade union to make them smoother and more efficient. The Committee hopes that in following up on the audit, the Government will take the necessary steps to amend section 219 of the Labour Code, for example by establishing that the Ministry of Labour will carry out the certification by checking the list of employees of the enterprise or establishment provided by the employer.

Waiting period for the establishment of a new union. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 248 of the Labour Code provides that “further steps may not be taken to establish another union until six months have elapsed since the previous application”. The Committee notes in this connection that, according to the Government, the commitments made in the abovementioned White Paper include amendment of section 248. The Government states that all necessary efforts will be made to abolish the waiting period for making a further application to establish a union. The Committee hopes that section 248 of the Labour Code will be amended in the near future so as to eliminate the waiting period required for a further application to establish a union. It asks the Government to report on all developments in this regard.

Article 3. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to elect their representatives in full freedom. In its previous comments the Committee noted that article 47(4) of the National Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act lay down a requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” in order to hold office on the executive board of a union. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that it will provide information in due course on the progress made in amending the abovementioned provisions. The Committee recalls that foreign workers should be allowed access to trade union office at least after a reasonable period of residence in the host country (see General Survey of 1994 on freedom of association and collective bargaining, paragraph 118). In these circumstances, the Committee once again asks the Government to take the necessary steps to have article 47(4) of the Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act amended so as to allow foreign workers to be elected to trade union office as indicated above.

Right of organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes. In its previous comments, the Committee noted that under section 529 of the Labour Code, decisions regarding strikes require an absolute majority of the workers in the enterprise or establishment affected by the dispute, and that if the requirement is met, the decision shall be binding for all the personnel. Otherwise, if the decision obtains less than an absolute majority, the union and the workers who are active in the dispute shall be required to respect the freedom to work of those not participating in the strike. In its previous comments the Committee asked the Government to take the necessary steps to amend section 529 so that, when the decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account and the principles of the freedom to work of non‑strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment are recognized even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers. The Committee notes that the Government indicates that section 529, third paragraph, respects the right to work of non-strikers and emphasizes that the second paragraph provides that, if the strike is decided upon by a majority of the workers affected by the dispute, the decision shall be binding on all the staff. The Government explains that the purpose of this provision is to guarantee the effects of the strike as a collective work stoppage agreed on by a plurality of workers. The Committee observes that the Government does not refer to the majorities required for strikes. The Committee recalls that, if a member State deems it appropriate to establish in its legislation provisions which require a vote by workers before a strike can be held, it should ensure that account is taken only of the votes cast and that the required quorum and majority are fixed at a reasonable level [see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 170]. The Committee further recalls that the principle of the freedom to work of non‑strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment must be recognized even in cases where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to have section 529 of the Labour Code amended so that when a decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account, and so that the principle of the freedom to work of non‑strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment are recognized even where the strike has been decided upon by an absolute majority of the workers.

Declaring strikes unlawful. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 553(f) of the Labour Code establishes that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment”. It took the view that this provision is not only inconsistent with section 529, second paragraph, which establishes the right to strike of unions representing at least 30 per cent of the workers in the establishment or enterprise, but also places too great a restriction on the exercise of the right to strike. While noting the Government’s statement that it will report on any progress made in this area, the Committee hopes that in the near future the Government will take the necessary steps to amend or abolish section 553(f) of the Labour Code.

Purposes of the strike. In its previous comments, the Committee asked the Government to indicate whether workers and their organizations may have recourse to strike action as a means of protection against the Government’s economic and social policy, since section 528 of the Labour Code allows a strike to be declared only for the following purposes: the conclusion or revision of the collective labour agreement; the conclusion or revision of the collective labour agreement and the defence of the common occupational interests of the workers. The Committee notes in this connection the Government’s statement that, according to section 528, third paragraph, workers may resort to strike action for “the defence of the common occupational interests of the workers”, and that they may thus resort to strike action as a means of protection against the Government’s economic and social policy. Strike action for these purposes may be taken by occupational unions and by unions of independent workers which are directly affected by Government policies.

Essential services. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 553(a) of the Labour Code provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful when they are called in essential services and that section 515 (on compulsory arbitration) provides that essential services are deemed to be services the interruption of which would endanger or threaten to endanger the life, personal safety or health or the normal conditions of existence of the whole or part of the population. Bearing in mind that the Labour Code does not specify which services are deemed to be essential, the Committee asks the Government to specify the services which are considered essential, to indicate who determines them, and to indicate what are considered to be the “normal conditions of existence”. The Committee notes in this connection the Government’s statement that the Labour Code does not specify a number of essential services but merely sets the parameters for determining which services are essential, in accordance with section 515, particularly the third paragraph, which provides that to qualify a service as essential, the circumstances of each case must be taken into account. The Government adds that the Director-General of Labour determines whether a service is essential, being the authority competent to settle the dispute. In these circumstances, the Committee asks the Government to provide information on the services that the Director-General of Labour has so far qualified as essential.

Minimum services. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 532 of the Labour Code provides that within seven days of the commencement of a strike, the Director-General of Labour, at the request of one of the parties, “and after notification of the union that has called the strike”, shall determine the number, category and names of the workers who shall remain in the enterprise. The Committee asked the Government to indicate whether the notification of the union which called the strike is for the purpose of its participation in determining minimum services and whether the decision determining the minimum services is subject to judicial review enabling a prompt ruling to be obtained. The Committee notes in this connection the Government’s statement that the intent of the provision is to include the union that called the strike in the determination of minimum services. Such decisions may be challenged before a judicial body as established in the Procedural Labour Law, Book 4, which provides that rulings may be challenged by review, appeal and appeal for annulment.

Public servants. In its previous comments the Committee referred to article 221 of the Constitution which prohibits strikes by public and municipal workers. The Committee pointed out that prohibition of the right to strike in the public service should be limited to public servants exercising authority in the name of the State, and asked the Government to take the necessary steps to have article 221 so amended. It notes the Government’s statement that it has taken note of the Committee’s observation and will provide information in due course on all progress made in this matter. The Committee requests the Government in its next report to provide information on any developments regarding the amendment of article 221 of the Constitution.

Article 6. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to establish federations and confederations. In its previous comments the Committee noted that section 259 of the Labour Code provides for delegates of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance or of the public notary to participate in the constituent assembly of a federation or confederation to draw up the report indicating all the decisions taken. The Committee asked the Government to consider amending the legislation so as to make the presence of these representatives optional for the trade union organization. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that it has taken note of the Committee’s observation and will report on all progress made in this area. The Committee requests the Government to provide information in its next report on all developments regarding the amendment of section 259 of the Labour Code.

Public sector. In its previous comments the Committee requested the Government to indicate whether unions of public employees may establish federations and confederations and, if so, whether they are able to affiliate with central organizations which also include private sector workers. The Committee notes in this connection the Government’s statement that although such a possibility is not laid down in the Civil Service Act, this does not mean that the workers governed by the Act will be denied the right to establish federations and confederations. There being no specific provisions on the establishment of federations and confederations in the Act, the Labour Code has been applied. The Committee also notes the Government’s statement that although statutes for trade unions in public institutions recognizing such a right have already been approved, no federations of public servants have as yet been established. The Committee notes the Government’s statement that private sector and public sector workers may not group together in central organizations because they belong to different categories. The Committee recalls in this connection that it is acceptable for first‑level organizations of public officials and employees to restrict membership to these workers, provided that the first-level organizations are free to join federations and confederations of their choosing including organizations made up of public sector workers and private sector workers. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary steps to ensure that organizations of public employees may join federations, confederations and central organizations of their choosing including organizations whose membership includes private sector workers.

Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2009, published 99th ILC session (2010)

Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers’ organizations, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing. The Committee recalls that under article 47 of the Constitution of the Republic, public officials and public employees did not enjoy the right to establish organizations. The Committee notes with satisfaction the amendment of article 47 of the Constitution by Decree No. 33 of June 2009, which establishes that employers and workers in the private sector, without distinction as to nationality, sex, race, creed or political persuasion, and whatever their activity or the nature of the work they perform, have the right freely to associate in order to defend their respective interests, forming occupational associations or unions; the same right is given to workers of autonomous official institutions, public officials and employees and municipal employees. The Committee has furthermore been informed that legal personality was recently granted to the Union of Men and Women Workers of the Judicial Body (SITTOJ), the Union of Judiciary Employees of El Salvador (SINEJUS), and to unions of workers in education, ministries and municipalities.

As regards other issues relating to article 47 of the Constitution and other legislative matters, including the exclusion of certain categories of public employees from the right to organize, the Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government.

Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2008, published 98th ILC session (2009)

The Committee notes the Government’s first report and its reply to the comments of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) of 28 August 2007 and the new comments of the ITUC of 29 August 2008 relating to legislative matters. The ITUC also refers to serious acts of violence against trade unionists, the detention of a trade union leader and the refusal to register a trade union. The Committee requests the Government to provide its observations in this respect.

The Committee also notes the various cases that are under examination by the Committee of Freedom of Association.

Article 2 of the Convention. Right of workers, without distinction whatsoever, to establish and join organizations of their own choosing without previous authorization. Exclusion of numerous public employees from the guarantees of the Convention. The Committee notes that under sections 4 and 73, second paragraph of the Civil Service Act, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 78 of August 2006, many workers in the public sector are excluded from the guarantees afforded by the Convention. Section 4 of the Act refers to public servants who are excluded from an administrative career and therefore from the right to organize, while section 73, second paragraph, refers to workers who do not enjoy the right to organize (public servants covered by articles 219(3) and 236 of the Constitution of the Republic, titularized employees of the Office of the Public Prosecutor and their deputies, those acting as auxiliary staff, labour prosecutors and their substitutes, those engaged in judicial careers and other public servants who are excluded from an administrative career). In this respect, the Committee considers that “given the very broad wording of Article 2 of Convention No. 87, all public servants and officials should have the right to establish occupational organizations, irrespective of whether they are engaged in the state administration at the central, regional or local level, are officials of bodies which provide important public services or are employed in state-owned economic undertakings”. In the case of public servants holding managerial and supervisory positions, the Committee had considered that “to bar these public servants from the right to join trade unions which represent other workers is not necessarily incompatible with freedom of association, but on two conditions, namely that they should be entitled to establish their own organizations, and that the legislation should limit this category to persons exercising senior managerial or policy-making responsibilities” (see General Survey of 1994 on freedom of association and collective bargaining, paragraphs 49 and 57). In this respect, since in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, all workers, without distinction whatsoever, with the sole possible exception of the armed forces and the police (Article 9 of the Convention) should be able to establish organizations of their own choosing, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend sections 4 and 72, second paragraph, of the Civil Service Act to allow all public servants to establish and join organizations of their own choosing, in accordance with the Convention.

Declaration of unconstitutionality. The Committee also notes that in a ruling of 31 October 2007 the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice found that the extension of the right of freedom of association to public employees who are not included among those enjoying this right under the Constitution of the Republic is unconstitutional (D.O. 2003 T. 377 of 31 October 2007). The Committee observes that the Government does not refer to this issue in its report. The Committee regrets this decision by the Constitutional Chamber handed down shortly after the ratification of Conventions Nos 87 and 98 and requests the Government to guarantee the application of the Convention to public employees including, if necessary, through the reform of the Constitution.

The Committee notes from the cases under examination by the Committee on Freedom of Association that workers in private security firms do not enjoy the right to establish or join trade union organizations. The Committee considers that, in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention, these workers must also enjoy the right to organize and requests the Government to take the necessary measures in this respect.

Right of workers and employers to establish and join organizations of their own choosing. The Committee notes that section 204 of the Labour Code prohibits membership of more than one trade union. In this respect, the Committee considers that workers who are engaged in different activities in more than one job should be able to join the corresponding unions, and that in any event workers should be able, if they so wish, to join trade unions at the branch level as well as the enterprise level at the same time. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures for this provision to be amended in accordance with this principle.

Right of workers and employers to establish organizations without previous authorization. Minimum membership. The Committee notes that section 211 of the Labour Code and section 76 of the Civil Service Act establish the requirement of 35 workers and section 212 of the Labour Code requires seven employers as a minimum to be able to establish an organization. The Committee notes that in its previous report the Government indicated that the Ministry was working on the establishment of a special commission entrusted with formulating a proposed amendment to the Labour Code in this respect. The Committee considers that the minimum membership should be fixed in a reasonable manner so that the establishment of organizations is not hindered (see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 81). In this respect, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 211 of the Labour Code and section 76 of the Civil Service Act to reduce the minimum number of workers necessary to establish a workers’ organization, for example to 25 members, taking into account the large proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises in the country. Moreover, the Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 212 of the Labour Code in order to reduce the necessary minimum number of members to establish an employers’ organization.

Requirements for the acquisition of legal personality. The Committee notes that under section 219, for trade unions to be legally constituted, within five days of the documentation being submitted to the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, the latter shall contact the employer with a view to ascertaining the status of the founder members as employees. The Committee considers that, as this involves the communication of the names of the members to the employer, this provision may give rise to acts of discrimination against workers who wish to establish a union. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend this provision, for example, by establishing that the verification shall be carried out by the Ministry of Labour by checking the list of employees of the enterprise or establishment provided by the employer.

Waiting period for the establishment of a new union. The Committee notes that section 248 provides that “further steps may not be taken to establish another union until six months have elapsed since the previous application”. In this respect, the Committee notes the Government’s indication that the special commission which will formulate proposed amendments to the Labour Code will also be entrusted with the amendment of this section. The Committee considers that once the legal requirements have been fulfilled, unions should be registered and recognized without delay. The Committee hopes that the envisaged reform will abolish the above waiting period.

Article 3. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to elect their representatives in full freedom.The Committee notes that article 47(4) of the National Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act establish the requirement to be “a national of El Salvador by birth” to hold office on the executive board of a union. In this respect, the Committee considers that provisions on nationality which are too strict could deprive some workers of the right to elect their representatives in full freedom. In this respect, foreign workers should be allowed to take up trade union office at least after a reasonable period of residence in the host country (see General Survey, op. cit, paragraph 118). The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend article 47(4) of the Constitution, section 225 of the Labour Code and section 90 of the Civil Service Act so as to allow the election of foreign workers to trade union office in accordance with the principle indicated above.

Right of organizations to organize their activities in full freedom and to formulate their programmes. The Committee notes that under the terms of section 529 of the Labour Code, strikes shall be decided upon by the absolute majority of the workers in the enterprise or establishment affected by the dispute, in which case the decision shall be binding for all the personnel. In contrast, if it is decided upon by less than the absolute majority, the union and the workers who are active in the dispute shall be under the obligation to respect the freedom to work of those not participating in the strike. In this respect, the Committee considers that if a member State deems it appropriate to establish in its legislation provisions which require a vote by workers before a strike can be held, it should ensure that account is taken only of the votes cast, and that the required quorum and majority are fixed at a reasonable level (see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 170). Furthermore, even in cases where the strike has been called by the absolute majority of the workers, the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment has to be recognized. The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend section 529 so that, when the decision is taken to call a strike, only the votes cast are taken into account and the principle of the freedom to work of non-strikers and the right of employers and managerial staff to enter the premises of the enterprise or establishment are recognized even in cases in which the strike has been decided upon by the absolute majority of workers.

Declaring strikes unlawful. The Committee notes that section 553(f) of the Labour Code provides that strikes shall be declared unlawful “where inspection shows that the striking workers do not constitute at least 51 per cent of the personnel of the enterprise or establishment”. The Committee observes that, on the one hand, this provision is in contradiction with section 529, second paragraph, which establishes the right to strike of unions representing at least 30 per cent of the workers in the enterprise or establishment and, on the other, places too great a restriction on the exercise of the right to strike. The Committee considers that section 553(f) should be amended or repealed.

Purposes of the strike. The Committee notes that, under section 528 of the Labour Code, strikes may only be called for the following purposes: the conclusion or revision of the collective labour agreement; the conclusion or revision of the collective labour agreement and the defence of the common occupational interests of workers. In this respect, the Committee considers that organizations responsible for defending workers’ socio-economic and occupational interests should, in principle, be able to use strike action to support their position in the search for solutions to problems posed by major social and economic policy trends which have a direct impact on their members and on workers on general, in particular as regards employment, social protection and the standard of living (see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 165). The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether workers and their organizations may have recourse to strike action as a means of protection against the Government’s economic and social policy.

Essential services. The Committee notes that section 553(a) of the Labour Code provides that strikes shall be declared illegal when they are called in an essential service and that section 515 (respecting compulsory arbitration) indicates that essential services are considered to be those the interruption of which would endanger or threaten to endanger the life, personal safety or health or the normal conditions of existence of the whole or part of the population. The Committee, however, observes that there is no reference in the Labour Code indicating which specific services are considered essential. The Committee requests the Government to indicate the services that are considered essential, who determines such services and what are considered to be “normal conditions of existence”.

Minimum service. The Committee notes that section 532 of the Labour Code provides that within seven days of the commencement of a strike, the Director-General of Labour, at the request of one of the parties, “and after notification of the union that has called the strike”, shall determine the number, category and names of the workers who shall remain in the enterprise for the performance of work the suspension of which may seriously prejudice or render impossible the normal recommencement of work or affect the security or conservation of the enterprises or establishments. In this respect, the Committee considers that, since minimum services restrict one of the essential means of pressure available to workers to defend their economic and social interests, their organizations should be able, if they so wish, to participate in defining such a service, along with employers and the public authorities (see General Survey, op. cit, paragraph 161). In this respect, the Committee requests the Government to indicate: (1) whether the notification of the union which called the strike is for the purpose of its participation in the determination of minimum services; and (2) whether the administrative decision determining minimum services is subject to judicial appeal through which a rapid ruling can be obtained.

Public servants. The Committee notes that article 221 of the Constitution prohibits strikes by public and municipal employees. In this respect, the Committee considers that the prohibition of the right to strike in the public service should be limited to public servants exercising authority in the name of the State (see General Survey, op. cit., paragraph 151). The Committee requests the Government to take the necessary measures to amend article 221 of the Constitution so that strikes are possible in the public sector, with the sole possible exception of public servants exercising authority in the name of the State.

Article 6. Right of workers’ and employers’ organizations to establish federations and confederations. The Committee notes that section 259 of the Labour Code provides for the participation, of delegates of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance or of the public notary, in the constituent assembly of a federation or confederation to draw up the report indicating all the decisions taken. The Committee notes that, according to the Government, this provision refers to a specific procedure for federations and confederations, which differs from that for unions. In this respect, the Committee requests the Government to consider the amendment of the legislation for the purpose of making the presence of the public notary or the delegate of the ministry optional for the trade union organization.

Public sector. The Committee notes that the Civil Service Act does not contain provisions respecting the establishment of federations or confederations in this sector. In this regard, the Committee requests the Government to indicate whether unions of public employees may establish federations and confederations and, if so, whether they are able to group together in central organizations which also cover private sector workers.

The Committee requests the Government to provide information on all the measures adopted in relation to each of the matters raised above.

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