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Direct Request (CEACR) - adopted 2012, published 102nd ILC session (2013)

Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) - Uruguay (Ratification: 2010)

Other comments on C102

Direct Request
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The Committee takes note of the Government’s first report received in August 2012 on the application of the accepted Parts II, IV, VII and VIII of the Convention.
Part II (Medical care). Article 9 in conjunction with Article 10(1) of the Convention. Referring to its direct request under Convention No. 130, the Committee noted the adoption of Law No. 18.211 of 13 December 2007 establishing an integrated medical care system for all residents which will progressively incorporate the dependent spouses of insured employees by 31 December 2013. Please indicate to what extent the wives of insured persons are covered particularly with respect to maternity medical benefits.
Article 10(2). The report indicates that Decree 465/2008 of 3 October 2008 includes the catalogue of all medical services provided to protected persons and lists those which, as an exception to article 19 of Law No. 18.211, are not subject to cost-sharing. Please supply a copy of this Decree and indicate any other regulatory provisions regarding cost-sharing, including in the case of maternity, which ensure that such participation does not involve hardship.
Part IV (Unemployment benefits). Article 21. Scope of coverage. According to the report, unemployment benefits are awarded to all employees, whatever their branch of activity, but are provided differently depending on whether employees receive monthly remuneration or are paid per day or by the hour. Employees paid monthly receive unemployment benefit for a maximum period of six months, while employees paid daily or hourly receive unemployment benefit for a total of up to 72 days. Please indicate the total number of employees protected under each scheme.
Part IV (Family benefits). Article 40 in conjunction with Article 1(1)(e). The Committee notes that family benefits under Law No. 15.084 and Law No 18.227 are provided to children until the age of 14. Pursuant to Article 1(1)(e) of the Convention, a child means a child under school-leaving age or under 15 years of age. The Committee would therefore ask the Government to indicate whether family benefits in Uruguay are provided until the 15th birthday of the child.
Part XI (Standards to be complied with by periodical payments). For the purpose of calculating the replacement level of benefits, the Government is asked to indicate whether it wishes to have recourse to Article 65 or 66 of the Convention and specify the reference wage of a standard beneficiary and the rate of the benefit received in respect of the contingency in question. With respect to family benefits, please also provide the statistical data and calculations of the total value of family benefits according to Article 44 of the Convention.
Part XII (Equality of treatment) and Part XIII (Common provisions). The Committee notes that the report does not include information required by the report form regarding the application of Articles 68, 69, 70, 71 and 72 of the Convention and asks the Government to provide such information and supply the corresponding legal provisions in its next report.
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