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Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2011, published 101st ILC session (2012)

Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 97) - France (Ratification: 1954)

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The Committee notes the communication from the General Confederation of Labour (CGT), received 30 August 2011, which was sent to the Government for its comments thereon. In its communication, the CGT expresses surprise at the Government’s failure to reply in 2010 to the issues raised in the Committee’s previous observation, and raises concerns about the increasing rigidity of the legislative and normative framework covering migration and the general situation of migrant workers in France, including Roma migrants originating from certain European Union member States. CGT considers that the application of Article 3 (steps against misleading propaganda), Article 6 (equality of treatment) and 7(2) (free services provided by public employment agencies) of the Convention is unsatisfactory, and calls on the Government to comply with all the provisions of the Convention.
The Committee notes that the Government’s report, received on 5 December 2011, arrived too late to be examined by the Committee at this session. The Committee will therefore examine the Government’s report, including its response to the issues raised in the 2010 observation and direct request, as well as any comments the Government may have on the observations submitted by the CGT, at its next session.
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