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Observation (CEACR) - adopted 2000, published 89th ILC session (2001)

Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88) - Argentina (Ratification: 1956)

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The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It must therefore repeat its previous observation which reads as follows:

1.  The Committee notes that the National Employment Service has been transformed into a public employment agency (APC), resulting in the establishment of labour intermediation units. In December 1996, the Programme Management Coordination Unit was established with the function of coordinating the operation of labour and employment training programmes of the Secretariat of Employment and Vocational Training. The Committee trusts that the Government will continue to discharge the essential duty of the employment service, with a view to the best possible organization of the employment market, and will review it to meet the new requirements of the economy and the active population (Articles 1 and 3 of the Convention). In this respect the Committee hopes that in its next report the Government will be able to provide statistical information available in published annual or periodical reports concerning the number of public employment offices established, the number of applications for employment received, the number of vacancies notified and the number of persons placed in employment by such offices, as requested in Part IV of the report form.

2.  Articles 4 and 5.  In reply to the comments which it has been making for many years, the Government states that measures have not currently been adopted for the establishment or functioning of advisory committees. The Committee trusts that the Government will be able to indicate in its next report that the committees required by the Convention are operational so as to give full effect to the above provisions of the Convention, which provide for the cooperation of representatives of employers and workers through advisory committees in the organization and operation of the employment service and in the development of employment service policy.

The Committee hopes that the Government will make every effort to take the necessary action in the very near future.

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