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Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) - Lithuania (RATIFICATION: 1999)

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Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention. Employment, unemployment and underemployment statistics. Statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee welcomes the detailed information contained in the Government’s report, notably the updated statistics and methodological information provided. The Committee further notes the Government’s detailed reference to the legislative framework in place to ensure the application of the Convention, including: the Law on Official Statistics of the Republic of Lithuania; the Orders of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of Part I of the Program for Official Statistics; the Law on Management of State Information Resources of the Republic of Lithuania; and Resolution No. 166 amending Resolution No. 528 of 6 June 2018 on the Approval of Regulations of Statistics Lithuania and Granting Powers, adopted on 17 March 2021. The Government also provides internet links to the statistical information published, including on the Lithuanian labour market and the Statistical Yearbook of Lithuania. The Committee notes that statistical information published is available in both Lithuanian and English. The Committee notes that the Government continues to regularly provide statistics on the economically active population, employment and unemployment to the ILO Department of Statistics (ILOSTAT) for dissemination through its website. The latest Labour Force Survey (LFS) figures refer to 2021. The Committee nevertheless notes that the Government does not respond to the Committee’s previous request that it provide information on plans for conducting the next census. The Committee nevertheless notes that, according to information published on the Official Statistics Portal of Lithuania, Statistics Lithuania carried out a population and housing census in 2021, using administrative data from the main State registers and information system. The population and housing censuses were conducted across the European Union in 2021, pursuant to the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses and Regulation (EC) No. 763/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 on population and housing censuses. The Committee notes that the latest data derived from the population census available to ILOSTAT refers to 2001. The Committee requests the Government continue to supply updated data and information concerning the methodology used in the application of Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention. It further requests the Government to communicate relevant data and methodological information concerning the 2021 population and housing census relevant to the application of Article 8 of the Convention. In addition, the Committee requests the Government to continue to provide detailed updated information on any further developments towards the implementation of Resolution I adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) relating to Statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization, as well as Resolution I of the 20th ICLS concerning Statistics on work relationships.
Article 9. Current statistics of average earnings and hours of work. Statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government, which responds to its previous comment.
Article 11. Statistics of labour cost. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government, which responds to its previous comment.
Articles 14 and 15. Occupational injuries and industrial disputes. With respect to statistics of occupational injuries and occupational diseases (Article 14), the Committee notes that statistics on occupational injuries are regularly submitted to ILOSTAT via the annual questionnaire of labour statistics, for dissemination on the ILOSTAT website. The statistics submitted are derived from labour inspectorate records, with the latest available data referring to 2021. The Government indicates that Statistics Lithuania prepares statistical information on accidents at work, cases of loss of working capacity and deaths, the number of working days lost due to accidents at work, and new instances of occupational diseases according to disease groups and gender. It adds that the State Labour Inspectorate collects the data relating to accidents, while the State Register of Occupational Diseases held at the Institute of Hygiene compiles the statistical information on occupational diseases, disaggregated by disease groups, gender, age and profession of the affected persons, and type of economic activity. In relation to Article 15, the Committee notes the detailed information provided by the Government. It notes with interest that the Government has regularly submitted data to ILOSTAT relevant to the application of Article 15 since 2012, through its responses to the ILOSTAT annual questionnaire of labour statistics. The latest available data refers to 2019. In addition, data on number of strikes and lockouts, the number of days not worked due to strikes and lockouts and the number of workers involved in strikes and lockouts by economic activity is only supplied for 2019. The Committee requests that the Government continue to supply detailed, updated statistical and methodological information in relation to the application of these provisions of the Convention. In this respect, the Committee invites the Government to take into account the decision taken by the International Labour Conference at its 110th Session in June 2022, in which it included “a safe and healthy working environment” as a fundamental principle and right at work under paragraph 2 of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. In addition, with respect to the application of Article 15 of the Convention, the Committee invites the Government to continue to submit detailed updated information and methodology, as well as to communicate information on the number of strikes and lockouts, number of days not worked due to strikes and lockouts and the number of workers involved in strikes and lockouts by economic activity prior to 2019.


Articles 7 and 8 of the Convention. Employment, unemployment and underemployment statistics. Statistics of the structure and distribution of the economically active population. The Committee notes the detailed information provided in the Government’s report, including information on the major definitions of indicators. In addition, it notes that the Government continues to supply data to the ILO Department of Statistics for dissemination through its website (ILOSTAT). The Committee also notes that the latest Labour Force Survey (LFS) figures relate to 2014. The Government has also regularly supplied census data for publication on ILOSTAT. The latest census was the 2011 Population and Housing Census. The Committee requests that the Government continue to supply data and information on the methodology used in the application of these provisions, as well as on any plans for conducting the next round of the population census. It also invites the Government to provide information on any plans for conducting the next census. Please also include information on any developments in relation to the implementation of the Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization (Resolution I), adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (October 2013).
Article 9. Current statistics of average earnings and hours of work. Statistics of time rates of wages and normal hours of work. The Government indicates in its report that the Annual Earnings Statistics Survey changed its method of calculation in 2004, when it ceased collecting annual data from enterprises. Since 2004, annual earnings indicators are calculated using data from the Quarterly Statistical Survey on Earnings and from the State Social Insurance Fund Board of the Ministry of Social Security and Labour. The Quarterly Statistical Survey on Earnings collects data on the number of employees, the sum of remuneration, working hours and labour cost elements. The Committee notes that statistics on average hours actually worked and monthly earnings, by economic activity, industry group and sex, derived from the Annual Earnings Statistics are regularly sent to the ILO for dissemination on ILOSTAT. The latest data refer to 2014 for all series. The Committee welcomes the information provided on average monthly earnings and hours of work (Article 9(1)) and requests that the Government provide updated information regarding the application of Article 9(2).
Articles 11, 14 and 15. Statistics of labour cost, occupational injuries and industrial disputes. The Government indicates that a Labour Cost Survey, which provides data on the level, structure and distribution of labour costs, had been carried out every four years since 1996. The survey was discontinued in 2012 and labour cost indicators are now estimated using data from administrative sources and from other available statistics. The Committee notes in this regard the information provided on both component details and computation methods. With respect to statistics of occupational injuries and occupational diseases (Article 14), the former are derived from Labour Inspectorate records, whereas the latter are collected by the Institute of Hygiene and maintained in the State Register of Occupational Diseases. The Committee further notes that the Government regularly communicates statistics on occupational injuries to the ILO via its annual questionnaire on labour statistics for dissemination on ILOSTAT. In relation to Article 15, the Government provides information on the Statistical Survey on Strikes, a survey of enterprises conducted by Statistics Lithuania on an ongoing basis via a questionnaire sent to enterprises where strikes take place. The Government indicates that the survey methodology is prepared in accordance with recommendations regarding the Resolution concerning statistics of strikes, lockouts and other action due to labour disputes, adopted by the 15th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, 1993). Statistics on strikes from this source were submitted to the ILO Department of Statistics via its annual questionnaire on labour statistics on a regular basis through 2008. The Committee notes, however, that the latest statistics received refer to 2012. The Committee requests that the Government continue to supply up-to-date statistics in relation to these provisions of the Convention.


The Committee notes the Government’s report and the information provided in response to its previous request, which, among other things, reports on the progress made concerning the application of Articles 9 and 10 of the Convention. It brings the Government’s attention to the following points.

Communication to the International Labour OfficeArticles 5 and 6. The Committee notes the Government’s assurances concerning the communication to the International Labour Office of publications containing the statistics required by Articles 9, 10 and 11 of the Convention. It asks the Government to ensure that the statistics compiled and published in pursuance of the Convention, as well as the descriptions of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used, are communicated regularly to the International Labour Office, including the statistics of occupational diseases required under Article 14, paragraph 2, of the Convention.

Industrial disputesArticle 15. Please provide information on the standards and guidelines taken into consideration with regard to the collection and compilation of statistics on industrial disputes (Article 2) as well as a description of the methodology used (Article 6).


The Committee notes the Government’s first report and the text of the Law of 23 December 1999 amending the Law on Statistics. It would be grateful if the Government could provide information on the following points.

Article 9, paragraph 2, of the Convention. According to this provision, where appropriate, statistics of time-rates of wages and normal hours of work must be compiled covering important occupations or groups of occupations in important branches of economic activity, in such a way as to be representative of the country as a whole. The Government is asked to explain why such statistics are not compiled, in accordance with the report form on the Convention.

Article 10. The Committee notes that, except for an interruption in 2000, annual statistics on the distribution of workers by level of wages and salaries have been compiled regularly since October 1994 in the context of the survey on earnings distribution published in October (DA-05). It also notes that statistics on monthly gross earnings, hours recommended and the number of workers by sex and occupation are compiled in the survey on wages and salaries by occupation, published every five years in October (DA-06). The Government is asked to indicate the measures envisaged for the compiling and publication, where appropriate, of statistics on the composition of remuneration and hours of work, in accordance with the guidelines given in Paragraph 5 of Recommendation No. 170, which supplements the Convention.

Article 11. The Committee notes that effect is given to this provision by the labour cost survey, which provides data on the level, structure and distribution of labour costs and is produced every four years. It would be grateful if the Government would ensure that all publications relating to the subjects dealt with in Articles 9, 10 and 11 are sent to the ILO regularly, in accordance with Article 5.

Article 12. Noting the information supplied by the Government on the measures taken to give effect to this provision, the Committee recalls that consumer price indices, including those relating to food, must be sent to the ILO on a regular basis.

Article 14. The Committee notes the information on the manner in which effect is given to this Article in part. It would be grateful if the Government could indicate whether self-employed workers are to be covered by the statistics of occupational injuries (paragraph 1) and to ensure that these statistics are sent to the ILO (paragraph 2).

Article 15. The Committee notes that the statistics of industrial disputes (strikes) compiled in 2000 comply in part with the requirements of the Convention. It would be grateful if the Government could provide information on: specific standards and guidelines taken into consideration in compiling these statistics (Article 2); the methods used in compiling the statistics, and the title of the publication, if any, containing the description of these methods (Article 6), including the types of strike covered; the type of data collected; the evaluation methods and classifications used; and the period of reference, the frequency and methods of data compilation.

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