National Legislation on Labour and Social Rights
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The Committee notes the Government’s detailed report received in November 2008. The Government has provided a general overview of the training programmes including paid educational leave (Article 4 of the Convention). The Committee invites the Government to provide statistics with its next report on the number of workers who have been granted paid educational leave (Part V of the report form), as well as a summary of the arrangements for the granting of paid educational leave in relation to: (a) the conditions to be fulfilled by workers in order to be granted such leave; (b) the length of the leave; and (c) the level of financial entitlements (see the questions included in the report form under Article 3 of the Convention).
1. The Committee notes the report received in January 2005 listing legal texts intended to apply the Convention. In reply to the Committee’s 2002 direct request, the Government also indicates that the texts listed are those that implement and maintain a standing policy on paid educational leave. The Committee requests the Government to indicate in its next report the level of the amounts paid to the beneficiaries of paid leave (Articles 3 and 10 of the Convention) and to supply general indications on the manner in which the Convention is applied including statistics on funds specifically allocated for providing paid educational leave and the number of workers who have benefited from paid educational leave (Article 7 and Part V of the report form).
2. Article 4. The Committee reiterates its wish to receive information on the extent to which coordination has been ensured of the measures taken to encourage the granting of paid educational leave with the general vocational education and training policy. The Committee would also be grateful if the Government would indicate if steps have been taken to coordinate the national policy on paid educational leave with general policies on hours of work.
The Committee notes with regret that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its 2002 direct request which raised the following main points:
The Committee recalls that the Convention requires the formulation and application of "a policy designed to promote, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practice and by stages as necessary, the granting of paid educational leave". The Committee therefore trusts that in its next report the Government will include other information and will provide the texts (government statements, etc.) related to the formulation of such a policy (Article 2 of the Convention).
Articles 3 and 10. Please indicate the procedures for granting paid educational leave, and particularly on the level of the benefits paid to persons benefiting from such leave.
Article 4. Please indicate the extent to which paid educational leave has contributed to achieving the objective of training one million workers annually until 2005 and describe the coordination of paid educational leave with the general vocational education and training policy.
Please also indicate the steps which have been taken to coordinate the national policy on paid educational leave with general policies on hours of work. Please also describe the extent to which the implementation of the national policy on paid educational leave takes account of seasonal variations in the hours or volume of work.
Article 7. Please provide any available information on the amounts specifically allocated to paid educational leave during the period covered by the next report.
Article 9. Please describe any measures which have been taken to grant paid educational leave to workers in small enterprises, to rural or other workers residing in isolated areas, shift workers and to workers with family responsibilities.
The Committee notes that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that a report will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session and that it will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous direct request, which read as follows:
The Committee notes the Government’s first detailed report on the application of the Convention. In its report, the Government describes in particular various measures adopted under the Training and Employment Charter and by the Fund for the Modernization of Labour Relations for the provision of study leave. The Committee recalls that the Convention requires the formulation and application of "a policy designed to promote, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practice and by stages as necessary, the granting of paid educational leave". The Committee therefore trusts that in its next report the Government will include other information and will provide the texts (government statements, etc.) related to the formulation of such a policy (Article 2 of the Convention).
Article 4. The Committee refers to the comments made in 2001 concerning the application of Convention No. 122 and would be grateful if the Government would indicate the extent to which paid educational leave has contributed to achieving the objective of training one million workers annually until 2005. Please also describe the coordination of paid educational leave with the general vocational education and training policy.
The Committee also refers to the comments that it has been making for many years on the application of Conventions Nos. 1 and 30, and it trusts that the obligations undertaken in relation to those Conventions will be taken into account in the granting of paid educational leave. Please indicate the steps which have been taken to coordinate the national policy on paid educational leave with general policies on hours of work. Please also describe the extent to which the implementation of the national policy on paid educational leave takes account of seasonal variations in the hours or volume of work.
Article 9. Please describe any measures which have been taken to grant paid educational leave to workers in small enterprises, to rural or other workers residing in isolated areas, shiftworkers and to workers with family responsibilities.