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Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - North Macedonia (RATIFICATION: 1991)

Other comments on C122

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Implementation of an active employment policy. Consultation with the social partners. The Committee notes the Government’s report received in August 2012 which includes replies to the 2011 direct request and results of a programme aimed at formalizing businesses, realized through the Operational Programme for active employment programmes and measures in 2008. The Government indicates that one component of the Twinning project to support national employment policies, funded by the European Union, is to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation capacities in order to create conditions for further evaluation of employment policies. The Government indicates that one of its main challenges is to reduce the unemployment rate. It reports on the adoption, every year since 2007, of an Operational Programme for active employment programmes and measures intended for target groups such as women, young and older unemployed persons, the Roma population, persons with disabilities and the long-term unemployed. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report the results of the measures implemented in the framework of the National Action Plan for Employment and other programmes related to employment. It also invites the Government to include detailed information on the employment policies and related measures adopted in line with Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. It also invites the Government to provide details on the consultations held with employers’ and workers’ organizations concerning the formulation and implementation of employment policies and programmes (Article 3 of the Convention).
Coordination of economic and social policy for poverty reduction. The Committee notes that a new poverty reduction strategy was adopted, the National Strategy on Alleviation of Poverty and Social Exclusion 2010–20, and one of the main goals of the Strategy is to foster employment creation and reduce unemployment, enhance the standard of living and strengthen social cohesion. The Government indicates that the employment goals will be attained by reduction of long-term unemployment, increasing access to employment, increasing gender equality at the workplace, and creating equal employment opportunities for older workers and persons with disabilities. The Committee invites the Government to provide in its next report information on the impact of the labour market measures adopted in line with its poverty reduction strategy and the involvement of the social partners in this process.
Regional development. The Government indicates that it takes regional representation in consideration during the implementation of active employment measures in order to create possibilities for improving the employability and increasing the job opportunities for unemployed persons in the less developed regions. It further indicates that training, self-employment and subsidized employment programmes are accessible in all regions of the country. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on the specific measures taken to address regional imbalances and promote higher employment levels in the less developed regions.
Informal economy. The Government indicates that during the 2009–10 a programme was completed aimed at formalizing businesses with the objective of reducing the informal economy. The programme resulted in the formalization of 250 businesses in 2009 and 250 in 2010. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the measures taken to facilitate the transition of the informal economy towards the formal labour market.
Women. The Government reports that the Operational Programme for active employment programmes and measures for 2009 included women as a special target group. In some of the programmes, female participation was dominant. It also reports that there is a high percentage of women in training programmes. The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the impact of the measures taken to increase the employment participation rate of women.
Young persons. The Government indicates that it has made efforts to overcome the problem of youth unemployment in the country through the implementation of various active employment programmes and measures. In this regard, the Committee notes that the Internship Programme aims to provide young unemployed persons up to 27 years of age with an opportunity to acquire practical skills and knowledge in order to be better prepared to enter the labour market. In 2009, 120 young persons benefited from the programme (60 women), and 142 in 2010 (83 women). The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on the measures implemented and their impact to promote employment opportunities for young persons.
Older workers. The Government indicates that older unemployed adults (55–64 years of age) were covered as a special target group in employment programmes and measures in 2009 and 2010, such as subsidized employment. The Committee notes that in 2009 the Government adopted a new measure intended to ease the consequences of the crisis by employing 5,000 unemployed persons, among which older persons were the target group, in different municipalities to perform public works for a period of six months. The Committee invites the Government to continue providing information on the measures implemented and their impact to increase the participation of older workers in the labour market.
The Roma minority. The Government indicates that a programme to support the employment of Roma people was implemented in 2010. The Committee previously noted in its comments adopted in 2011 on the application of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), that few tangible measures had been taken to implement the National Action Plan for Roma Employment, the General Employment Plan, which includes, since 2009, a special programme for Roma, as well as the Self-Employment Programme, due to a lack of resources. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the measures taken to encourage and support labour market participation of the Roma population and other vulnerable groups.
Education and training. The Government indicates that the Operational Programme for active employment programmes and measures includes programmes for the preparation for employment which covered 3,468 unemployed persons in 2009 and 3,194 in 2010. The Government previously indicated that the range of training programmes offered does not meet the new demand for modern teaching methods and certification of vocational and professional qualification. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report information on the impact of the measures taken to better coordinate education and training policies with prospective employment opportunities.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Government reiterates that the Operational Programme for 2009 included programmes aimed at supporting formal self-businesses through credit assistance and training. The Committee recalls that the ILO has on several occasions reaffirmed the importance of SMEs as an engine of economic growth and development and has emphasized the need to establish a legal framework that is adapted to their needs (General Survey concerning employment instruments, 2010, paragraph 385). The Committee invites the Government to continue to provide information on the measures taken to support the establishment of small and medium-sized enterprises and their impact on generating employment.
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