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Sickness Insurance (Industry) Convention, 1927 (No. 24) - Hungary (RATIFICATION: 1928)

Other comments on C024

  1. 2010
  2. 2009
  3. 2008

DISPLAYINEnglish - French - SpanishAlle anzeigen

With reference to its previous observation, the Committee notes with interest that Act I of 2008 on health insurance offices based on Bill T/4221, which aimed at privatizing health insurance funds and moving the social partners away from participation in the management of these funds, has been repealed by Act No. XXIV of 2008. The Government reports that the reason for repeal was that the health model specified in this Act has led to discord in the political, social and professional opinions.

According to the Government, given the current economic and political situation, the reform of health insurance management is no longer a topical issue in Hungary. The Committee invites the Government, in its next detailed report on the Convention due in 2012, to explain its plans or proposals for the future model of health insurance management in Hungary. The Committee further invites the Government to explain its plan to administrate sickness insurance in line with Article 6 of the Convention.

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