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Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) - Uruguay (RATIFICATION: 1989)

Other comments on C100

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1. The wage gap. With reference to paragraphs 1 and 2 of its previous direct request, the Committee notes the information provided by the Government and asks it to continue supplying information on the plans and programmes adopted to give effect to the principle set out in the Convention, as well as an evaluation of their impact. Also noting the study on wage discrimination in Uruguay provided by the Government, it observes that the conclusions of the study indicate that during the 1990s the wage gap was reduced, which can be explained by changes in human resources and the labour participation rate. Nevertheless, according to the study, discrimination remains the principal factor explaining the remaining wage gap. In particular, the Committee requests information on the measures that are taken in practice to give effect to the action recommended under objective No. 8 "Reduce the wage gap between men and women" of the Tripartite Commission’s "Plan for Equality of Treatment and Opportunities in Employment".

2. Recalling that the national legislation does not contain a definition of the terms "remuneration" and "work of equal value", the Committee once again asks the Government to continue providing information on the measures adopted or envisaged to amend the national legislation, thereby giving legislative expression to the principle set out in the Convention.

3. The Committee notes with interest the many activities carried out by the Tripartite Commission on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment in Employment and would be grateful if the Government would continue providing information on the work of the Commission.

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