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Employment Service Convention, 1948 (No. 88) - Djibouti (RATIFICATION: 1978)

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The Committee notes the information supplied in the Government’s report, as well as the appended detailed information. It notes that Law No. 21/AN/83 has been replaced with Law No. 75/AN/00 which, according to the Government, mandates the establishment of placement services, including the monitoring of training and studying the labour market, in consultation with the social partners. The Government has identified several important problems with the National Employment Service, including: inadequate labour market information; lack of occupational classifications; limited tools to register vacancies and jobseekers; and lack of an automated system. The Committee also notes that the data provided on placements indicates a substantial improvement in placements, from 148 for January 1998 to 289 for January 1999. In all, 751 people were placed in 1999, out of a total of 2,615 jobseekers (a 29 per cent placement rate).

The Committee requests a copy of the legislation and would also appreciate being kept informed of the progress made concerning implementation of the objectives of the statute, particularly in light of its previous comments concerning Article 3 of the Convention (insufficient number of offices), Articles 4 and 5 (failure of the tripartite advisory committees to operate), and Articles 7, 8 and 9 (lack of qualified staff and specialized training for managers).

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