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In earlier comments, the Committee has referred to the provisions of sections 8(g) and 33(g) of Act No. 22140 of 1980 concerning the basic terms and conditions of employment in the public service, under which entry into the national public administration can be refused and public servants can be dismissed for belonging, or having belonged, to groups advocating the denial of the principles of the Constitution or for adhering personally to a doctrine of this kind. The Committee notes the Government's statement that so far there has been no change and that the situation regarding Act No. 22140 of 1980 concerning the basic terms and conditions of employment in the public service is the same.

The Committee recalls that in its last report, the Government stated that the above sections of the Act were to be considered as having been tacitly repealed by virtue of the adoption of Act No. 32592 of 3 August 1988 concerning discrimination, and that the Public Administration Secretariat was in the process of conducting an analytical study of Act No. 22140 with a view to preparing a new law on the public service.

The Committee again expresses the hope that, to avoid all uncertainty, sections 8(g) and 33(g) of Act No. 22140 will be explicitly repealed and trusts that the Government will do its utmost to ensure that the adoption of the necessary measures is delayed no further.

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