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Other comments on C159

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Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention. Adoption and periodic review of a national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. In its previous comments, the Committee invited the Government to provide information on the implementation of the national policy for persons with disabilities. The Government indicates in its report that the national policy document was drawn up and approved in the context of social dialogue and the approved document was sent to the ministries concerned for a second reading before being consolidated. The Government adds that the plan of action related to the national policy was finalized and approved according to the same procedure as that implemented for the policy. The strategic guidelines of the policy for persons with disabilities were then included in the National Development Plan 2016–20. As regards the integration of persons with disabilities into the job market, the Government indicates that since 1997 the State has placed about 1,000 persons with disabilities in the public service, of which 300 (210 men and 90 women) were recruited in 2015. The Government adds that the renewal of infrastructure to cater for persons with disabilities is a priority backed by the National Development Plan 2016–20 and the National Social Protection Strategy, which was revised in 2016. The Government adds that section 12.2 of the Labour Code of 2015 introduced the obligation on employers to reserve a quota of jobs for persons with disabilities possessing the required qualifications. The Committee requests the Government to send a copy of the national policy and the related plan of action, and also information on their implementation. It requests the Government to send further details on the content of section 12.2 of the Labour Code of 2015, including possible sanctions as well as details on the number of persons with disabilities who have obtained jobs through the quota system. The Committee also requests the Government to continue providing information on the application of the Convention in practice, including, for example, statistics disaggregated by sex, extracts from reports, studies and inquiries concerning the matters covered by the Convention.
Article 4. Equality of opportunity and treatment. The Government indicates that section 4 of the Labour Code of 2015 prohibits discrimination at work on the basis of disability “in particular with regard to recruitment, methods and distribution of work, vocational training, advancement, promotion, remuneration, social benefits, discipline or contract termination”. The Committee recalls once again that the primary goal of “special positive measures”, as defined by Article 4 of the Convention, is to enable persons with disabilities to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services in the broad sense, including during the performance of their work. The Committee also notes that Côte d’Ivoire ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol in January 2014. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the application in practice of section 4 of the Labour Code and on any special positive measures implemented or contemplated to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment between persons with disabilities and other workers.
Article 5. Consultation of the social partners. The Government indicates that the most representative organizations of employers and workers – namely, the General Confederation of Enterprises of Côte d’Ivoire (CGECI) and the Federation of Workers with Disabilities of Côte d’Ivoire (FOTRAHCI) – have participated in activities aimed at implementing the national policy for persons with disabilities and its related plan of action. The Committee notes that the preliminary draft decree governing the establishment, structure and operation of the Technical Committee for Vocational Guidance and Reclassification (COTOREP) has been submitted to the competent authorities for adoption. The Committee requests the Government to send a copy of the text of the aforementioned decree, once it has been adopted. It also requests the Government to send further details of the consultations held with the social partners and with the organizations representing or composed of persons with disabilities concerning the implementation of the national policy for persons with disabilities and its plan of action.
Article 8. Services in rural areas. The Government indicates that the Community Rehabilitation Programme has been drawn up and approved but has been unable to start operating for lack of funding. The Committee therefore requests the Government to provide information on any developments relating to the launch of the activities of the Community Rehabilitation Programme. The Committee requests the Government once again to specify the measures taken or contemplated to promote the establishment and development of vocational rehabilitation and employment services for persons with disabilities in rural areas and remote communities.
Article 9. Training of suitably qualified staff. The Committee requests the Government once again to supply information on the implementation of the national policy for persons with disabilities, particularly as regards measures taken to ensure that suitably qualified vocational rehabilitation staff are made available to persons with disabilities.
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