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Other comments on C148

  1. 2011
Direct Request
  1. 2018
  2. 2010
  3. 2006
  4. 1999
  5. 1997

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The Committee notes the information contained in the Government's report and in particular the adoption of new standards and texts of laws and regulations.

The Committee also notes that the Government's report does not contain replies to its previous comments and the requested texts of Decrees and other standards have not been supplied. It requests the Government to supply these replies and texts as well as others indicated below.

Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention. The Government is requested to supply all the texts of laws and regulations containing measures for the prevention and control of, and protection against, occupational hazards in the working environment due to air pollution, noise and vibration, and in particular the following texts previously requested in 1997:

-- Decree No. 25/1996 of the Ministry of Welfare (also requested 1999 under Convention No. 155);

-- Decree No. 26/1996 of the Ministry of Welfare (also requested in 1999 under Convention No. 155);

-- Decree No. 27/1996 of the Ministry of Welfare (also requested in 1999 under Convention No. 155);

-- Decree No. 4/1981 of the Ministry of Health;

-- Decree No. 6/1982 of the Ministry of Health.

Article 4, paragraph 2. The Government is requested to supply copies of all texts containing provisions concerning the practical implementation of the measures prescribed in national laws and regulations provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article, and in particular the following texts:

-- MSZ 18162:83, MSZ-ISO 1999:94, MSZ-ISO 5349:91, MSZ 21461-1:88, MSZ 21461-2:92 (previously requested in 1997);

-- MSZ EN 28041:1998: Reaction of the human body to vibration (ISO 8041:1993), MSZ EN 12001:1998: Noise emission of machinery and equipment (ISO 12001:1996);

-- the joint methodological document of OFOGI and OmüI on damages to hearing (previously requested in 1997);

-- the methodological letter of OmüI (1977) with respect to exposure to vibration (previously requested in 1997).

Article 5, paragraph 2. Please describe the procedure followed for associating representatives of employers and workers in the elaboration of provisions concerning the practical implementation of the measures prescribed in pursuance of the Convention.

Article 8, paragraphs 1 and 2. The Committee notes the information provided in reply to its previous comments. Please indicate how the opinion of technically competent persons designated by the most representative organizations of employers and workers concerned was taken into account in the elaboration of the criteria and the determination of the exposure limits specified for all the hazards. The Government is requested to continue to supply information and relevant texts, and in particular the following texts:

-- Decree No. 58/1997 (XII.21) of the Ministry of Welfare;

-- the draft or the adopted text of the chemical safety Act, currently under preparation and referred to in the Government's latest report;

-- MSZ 21461/1:1998; MSZ 21461/2:1998;

-- MSZ EN 481.

Article 9. The Committee recalls that it had noted from the Government's previous report that in the course of planning of new facilities -- plant or processes -- a chapter on acoustics is to be prepared. The Government is requested to provide particulars of technical or organizational measures prescribed for new plant or processes in design or installation in respect of air pollution or vibration.

Article 11, paragraph 3. The Committee notes the information provided in reply to its previous comments. It notes the information that further measures and regulations are being formulated. Please continue to provide information on developments in this regard as well as supply the texts of measures and regulations adopted. Please provide the texts of Government Decree No. 89/1995, Decree No. 27/1995 (VII.14), Decree No. 44/1995 (XII.7), Act LXXXIII of 1997, Decree No. 217/1997 (XII.1) and its Appendix 1.

Article 12. Please supply the texts of Government Decree No. 233/1996 (XII.26) and Decree No. 4/1997 (II.21) of the Ministry of Welfare (both also requested in 1999 under Convention No. 155), as well as Government Decree No. 134/1997 (IX.3) and Decree No. 31/1997 (X.17) of the Ministry of Welfare.

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