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Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) - Jordan (RATIFICATION: 1966)

Other comments on C122

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The Committee notes the Government's report containing a partial reply to its previous request. It also notes the report on the ILO multi-disciplinary mission to Jordan on employment and labour market policies of March 1992. It would be grateful if the Government would provide additional detailed information on the following points in its next report:

1. The Committee notes the information on the administrative procedure for collecting labour market data. It notes that the ILO mission published in its report a set of detailed recommendations on measures that could be taken to strengthen the Ministry of Labour's capacity to follow labour market trends. Please indicate whether measures have been taken as a result of these recommendations to improve the system for collecting and analyzing statistical data on employment, underemployment and unemployment. Please provide all available statistics on employment.

2. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would indicate the manner in which an active policy to promote full, productive and freely chosen employment has been formulated within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy, in conformity with Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Please specify in particular the employment objectives of the new 5-year development plan. Please indicate also how, in the implementation of structural adjustment measures, account is taken of their incidence on employment. More specifically, the Government is asked to state its objectives in the areas of demographic policy and workers' migration, if applicable on the basis of the suggestions set out in Parts II and X of the Employment Policy Recommendation (No. 169).

3. In its report the Government refers to measures to contain growing unemployment by programmes to retrain job seekers. The Committee notes that, according to a survey conducted in 1992 by the National Aid Fund, approximately 75 per cent of the unemployed are graduates. With regard to the loss which such a situation represents for the individuals, please provide information on the measures taken or envisaged to provide employment for this category of unemployed persons, and more generally, on measures to coordinate education and training policies with employment prospects. Please indicate in particular whether any machinery is planned for cooperation between employment services and vocational training establishments. The Government again refers to the ILO mission report, and asks the Government to indicate whether its recommendations have been considered or followed up with regard to the organization of vocational training and of employment services.

4. The Committee notes Act No. 33 of 1992 respecting the Development and Employment Fund. It notes that the purpose of the Fund is to promote the creation of small enterprises by low-interest loans and financial facilities, for which the unemployed are given priority. Please provide information on the number of enterprises and jobs created by means of financial assistance from the Fund.

5. The Committee notes that the Government states, without giving details, that it cooperates with the social partners, and recalls that Article 3 of the Convention requires consultation on employment policy with representatives of persons affected, and particularly the representatives of employers and workers. Please give further particulars of how effect is given to this important provision of the Convention.

6. The Committee notes that an ILO technical cooperation project on employment promotion is in the process of being implemented. Please indicate any action taken as a result of ILO technical cooperation projects in the area of employment and any factors which may have prevented or delayed such action (Part V of the report form).

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